In this interview at Psychics4U.net, I would like to present you the spiritual journey of Linda Marie, a retired RN turned into professional medium from Southern Ocean County, NJ. Linda has been “Awakened” by a profound experience she had as a teenager, over 50 years ago. This distinctive involvement led her to an unusual path of spiritual discovery and mediumship.
Guided by Spiritualism and having the desire to be a significant healing catalyst, Linda has dedicated her life to being the “voice” for Spirit. With her unique practice and perspective, she offers 30 minute mediumship readings, both in-person and via Zoom, filled with evidential information to affirm the connections with loved ones who have passed.
The setting of the mediumship includes a loving intention before each reading, aiming to convey messages of love, healing, and hope. With a compassionate and confidential approach, she ensures each session not only brings solace but also a deeper understanding of the continuity of life’s energy and the enduring power of love.
Table of Contents
- About Linda Marie
- The Awakening
- Psychic Reading
- Mediumship Services
- Contact Linda Marie – Spiritual Medium
About Linda Marie
I began doing Professional Mediumship Readings over 20 years ago, while working as a Nurse in Homecare. I have always wanted to be a healing catalyst in peoples’ lives and now as a retired RN, this desire continues. This is my purpose. I have been influenced by Spiritualism and feel that this is a Holy and Honorable function to be a “voice” for Spirit. I live in Southern Ocean County, NJ and I am married to an amazing partner who is a strong source of support in my life and helps me to fulfill my purpose.
The Awakening
Can you tell us the story of your “awakening”?
My first memory of being touched by Spirit was as a teenager when I smelled flowers after my grandmother’s funeral and I knew that it was her saying thank you for bringing her flowers before she passed. I felt the love connection. Quite a few years later, I actually saw things and some were a little frightening at the time.
I saw a Spirit child floating down my hallway towards me. I was frozen with fear. I didn’t recognize the boy and didn’t understand what was happening to me. I began to reach out through AOL chat rooms (I am dating myself, lol) and went to a Psychic Fair to speak to a Psychic. She told me that I was “opening up” and suggested that I begin to meditate.
During one of my meditations, I was told by Spirit that I was going to be a Medium! Since I had no idea what that was, I researched and found Spiritualist Churches and decided I would visit them. I began attending Development Circles and eventually took classes with a Spiritual Medium who was visiting from Britain’s Arthur Findlay College. I am telling this story so that others know you can become a Professional Medium by learning and practicing. I believe that everyone has the potential to be a Medium.
Psychic Reading
What techniques do you use prior to a reading?
Before I do a scheduled reading, I meditate and speak with Spirit. I set my intention to be a “voice” for those in Spirit, receive messages clearly and to give messages of love, healing and hope. My intention is always to connect with Spirit that comes from the Highest Source and the Light of Love. I fully trust that my Guides are always with me.
What is a reading like?
I feel things, hear things, sense things and see things in my mind’s eye. I interpret these messages or symbols and verbalize them to the sitter. Spirit loved ones tell the sitter things and may express regret about certain things. They always express their love and that they are near. I allow sitters to ask their loved ones’ questions and verbalize what I sense back.
I also may speak of Guidance from Spirit that is to encourage a healing or enhance their lives in some way. I always come from a place of compassion, love and kindness. I understand how difficult it is to lose someone that you love. I believe that my compassion shines through the reading, and that may set me apart from other readers. Confidentiality is a priority and my messages never come from a place of fear.
Mediumship Services
I offer 30-minute Mediumship Readings that are filled with evidential information so the sitter knows that I am connecting with their loved one. I do in-person readings, Zoom readings, and occasional Psychic Fairs. I also do Group Demonstrations that are a powerful way to reach a larger group of people. Even if everyone in the group doesn’t receive a personal message, they leave with a greater understanding that our energy never dies but continues on and that the “Connection is Love”.
Contact Linda Marie – Spiritual Medium