Interview with Psychic Medium Courtney Dawson

Psychic Courtney Dawson

Join Courtney Dawson, a seasoned psychic medium, on her long journey of spiritual discovery and mediumship. From concealing her gifts to embracing them fully, Courtney highlights the role of mentorship in one’s spiritual path. Through profound experiences connecting with spirits and guiding grieving families, she emphasizes the significance of guidance in mediumship. Offering mediumship readings, psychic sessions, and spiritual education through The Connected Spirit School, Courtney is committed to supporting others on their spiritual journeys. As an ordained Spiritualist minister, she extends her support to Spiritualist communities worldwide, embodying her dedication to spiritual enlightenment and healing. Discover Courtney Dawson’s compelling journey in her exclusive interview on

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Medium Courtney Dawson

About Courtney Dawson

I’m Courtney Dawson, an international psychic medium, mediumship teacher and ordained Spiritualist minister.

I have been working professionally as a medium for almost 10 years.

How has your spiritual journey changed since you first realized your abilities and started working as a medium and teacher?

I have been aware of spirit since I was 3 years old. I grew up in a Christian home and hid my spiritual gifts for most of my life. It wasn’t until I was in my early 30’s and got divorced, that I had a spiritual awakening that led me on a journey of personal discovery.  I wanted to learn about the experiences that had with people no one else was seeing. I really wanted someone to help me understand what was happening, most importantly why.

After a series of synchronistic events, that I could not even make up, my mediumship development journey started after a profound experience at a local Spiritualist church. I attended a local message night, and unbeknownst to me, I’d end up giving a message to one of the attendees that would ultimately change the course of my life forever.

A spirit person began communicating with me, desperate for me to share a message with his daughter and granddaughter. Reluctant, because I had never done anything like this, I told him no. His persistence coupled with some synchronistic moments; I knew that I had to give his loved ones this message. After the event, with their permission I did. I simply shared what he was telling me and, they understood the message and were able to validate the evidence.

Having never done this before, I was in shock. I didn’t know how “it” worked, but it did. Seeing the incredible healing that short message gave to these two ladies, shifted something within me. It was like everything in my life finally made sense. I knew that I was meant to use these abilities to help connect people with their departed loved ones.

I began sitting in a development circle, trained with local and international mentors and began working with the public professionally. In those early days of my development, the spirit world told me that I was going to be sharing messages to people across the globe and showing them how they could connect to spirit too.

In those early days I didn’t focus too much on that. But, over the years, my work has grown and evolved, and what spirit told me all those years ago about what I’d be doing with my mediumship abilities was 100% accurate. I have been travelling and connecting with people across the globe sharing evidential heart-centered messages and showing people how they can unlock their natural mediumistic abilities so they can make a positive impact in the lives of others.

There’s truly nothing greater than seeing people make a connection with spirit because it transforms every single area of their life. They realize they’re eternal beings, and nothing can ever truly hurt them, which removes so many of the fears they experience in their day-to-day lives; they show up as the most authentic versions of themselves, heal limiting beliefs, take chances, align with people and experiences that enrich their life and find the magic in everyday living.

The Healing Power of Mediumship

In your experience, how does mediumship serve as a powerful tool for healing, especially in helping families cope with loss and find comfort and closure?

I had a client whose wife passed away in her early 30s from illness, leaving behind three young children all under the age of 11. I’d done a few readings for the father, and during one session, his wife brought through incredible evidence, mentioning a ring he had made for her. Turns out, he was a goldsmith and had crafted a ring for her while she was still here, which he happened to have in his pocket. Completely blown away by the validation, he scheduled an in-person reading for himself and his children.

It was my first time reading for young children, and during the session, I connected with their mother in spirit. She mentioned that the children had written her questions and had them in their pockets. When I shared this with them, each child pulled out their list and began sharing their questions. Before they could even start, their mom had already provided answers. It was a truly remarkable moment for everyone including myself.

It was one of the most beautiful and challenging experiences in my career. My heart ached for their loss, yet I had to remain composed and focused. This wasn’t about me. This is why I do what I do – bridging the gap between the two worlds, helping people connect, heal, and share love. It’s a humbling privilege to serve in this way, and I’m grateful for every opportunity.

The Role of Mentorship in Spiritual Growth

What advice would you give to individuals who are navigating their own spiritual awakening or journey?

I highly recommend people who are ready to unlock their gifts so they can make a positive impact in the lives of others, find themselves a reputable mentor.

A mentor is someone who will be a guiding light for you while you navigate your spiritual journey. While reading books and searching the internet can provide some useful information, it certainly does not replace the richness of wisdom that a devoted mentor provides.

When you begin your journey, you’ll have so many new experiences, and with that comes a lot of questions. The more answers you get, the more questions you have.

When you begin your mediumistic enfoldment, there are two things that will be taking place simultaneously 1) learning the mechanics of mediumship and 2) personal development.

The more you work on your formal training, you’ll notice that a lot of things come to the surface to be revealed then healed such as fears, limiting beliefs, mindsets, this is the personal development portion. The more you heal, the clearer a channel you’ll become. Having a supportive mentor to guide you through this is such a valuable resource for anyone embarking on his journey.

Here are my suggestions for finding a mentor:

Find someone who has been doing this for several years. Their wisdom will be worth its weight in gold.

See if they do discovery calls. It’s a chance to chat, see if you resonate with them, and if their approach aligns with you.

Ask if they have references from past mentees. It’s great to hear feedback from people they’ve worked with previously.

Watch them in action. See if they have an upcoming event, you can attend or perhaps, they have a video on YouTube.

When you are investing in mentorship, you are investing in yourself and your mediumship.

Mediumship development isn’t a race. Take your time, have patience with yourself and your development and most importantly, enjoy the journey.

Stick to your values, be ethical in everything you do and make sure you spend time developing a strong connection with your spirit helpers. You’ll start seeing doors opening, signs that you are on the right track, and that the work you do really does matter. Mediumship enriches every area of your life. You’ll be so glad you started!

Can you share how the teachings and guidance of your mentor have impacted your spiritual journey and professional practice?

My mentor, Eileen Davies, shared a powerful insight that changed my approach to mediumship. At the Arthur Findlay College in England, during one of her classes, she emphasized a shift that occurs when mediums embrace humility and openness.

Rather than making the reading about themselves, Eileen really encouraged us mediums to pose a simple question to the spirit: “How can I help you today?”

This small yet impactful question empowers the spirit communicator to lead the communication which results in clarity and specificity in the evidence they share.

By letting go of our personal desires and expectations, we create a space for the spirit to authentically share their story. This surrender not only elevates the quality of the communication, but the medium is able to move into and stay within the power and sustain the link with spirit longer.

Eileen’s teachings have not only shaped my personal journey but also enhanced my professional work with the spirit world. Eileen’s words have stuck with me and serve as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential found in humility and surrender within spiritual communication.

My Services

How I can support you on your journey:

I offer evidential mediumship readings and psychic sessions online via Zoom. In my mediumship readings, I connect clients with their departed loved ones, providing validation and loving messages from the other side. It’s all about bringing comfort and healing to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

In my psychic readings, I tune into your current energy to provide clarity, insights, and guidance on all the areas of life that matter most to you. Whether it’s family, health, career, finances, or your soul’s path, I’m here to empower you to make decisions with peace and confidence.

I’m also the founder of The Connected Spirit School. This online school is all about helping people unlock their spiritual gifts, earn abundantly, and grow a successful, ethical spiritual business. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to take your mediumship to the next level, we’ve got courses for everyone. Enrollment is ongoing, so head on over to my website to learn more!

Last but not least, as an ordained Spiritualist minister, I love supporting local and international Spiritualist churches and centers by leading Sunday Services. From prayers to inspired talks to mediumship demonstrations, I’m honoured to promote the religion and philosophy of Spiritualism.

Connect with Psychic Medium Courtney Dawson


Instagram: @mediumcourtneydawson

Facebook: @mediumcourtneydawson

Youtube: @mediumcourtneydawson

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