Reverend Charlene Hicks is an experienced Astrologer, Psychic Medium, and Hypnotist with over 47 years of practice. Known for her accuracy, she connects clients with spirit guides and loved ones, offering life-changing messages and spiritual guidance. Read all about her in this Psychics4U.net interview.
Table of Contents
- A Lifetime of Psychic Insight
- Psychic Readings and Spiritual Support
- My Work with the Spiritual Community
- The Path to Spiritual Growth and Awakening
- Psychic Readings as a Path to Hope and Healing
- Contact Reverend Charlene Hicks
A Lifetime of Psychic Insight
What makes your psychic readings and spiritual work unique?
I have been a certified professional Astrologer, Psychic Medium and Hypnotist for the past forty-seven years. I was ordained as a spiritualist minister by The Indiana Association of Spiritualists at Camp Chesterfield in 1997.
Since the early 80’s I have been on various radio stations doing live readings on air and had my own show called “Psychic Sez” with Candace Petersen from 1988-1989 on WDUN Am radio in Gainesville, Georgia two hour shows each week. From that time on I have been heard live on over 300 throughout the US and Canada. I was featured on the Mitch Albom Show on WJR in Detroit, Michigan a which is nationally syndicated in December 2006.
I have worked with the GBI on the Julie Love case in July of 1989 and described where her body would be found. She had been missing a year and was considered to have been a cold case. A week later her body was found where I had described. I have worked on many missing and murder cases. Just two weeks ago I was called to locate a girl who went missing on Christmas Eve with her family whose SUV hydroplaned on a bridge crossing Post Oak Creek in Oklahoma.
My work has taken me to many haunted houses and to perform exorcisms when called upon. What sets me apart from many others in the field is my level of accuracy and my ability to see into the past and future as well as describe places, events and people they have not met yet.
Psychic Readings and Spiritual Support
What services do you provide, and how do they help guide and support your clients?
I have personal consultations by phone, in person and on zoom. Astrological and mediumship for those who wish to connect with a loved one or spirit guides. I have online classes and monthly events at my home for mediumship circles and on Zoom. Over the years I have worked all over the US and Canda doing ‘Stand-up Clairvoyance” of audiences and Astrological lectures and classes.
My Work with the Spiritual Community
How are you involved in your spiritual community, both locally and online?
Through meetups since 2003 and when asked to present for charities and businesses. I have worked for United Metaphysical Chapel in Arlington and Roanoke, Virginia since 2006 when asked to present. As well as Camp Chesterfield in person and on Zoom for Saturday night on-line worship services and psychic fairs on Zoom.
Can you share any memorable or unusual experiences from your career as a psychic or spiritual worker?
There have been many some of the most fun events occurred working for Power 99 Radio station in Atlanta for the Fright Train for Halloween doing readings on the train for guests who won the three different contests to get on the train with celebrities like Will Smith, Salt and Pepper, The Beastie Boys and Belinda Carlise. The train was a great with the wildest costumes I have ever seen. Attending Seances at Camp Chesterfield and receiving spirit cards from my loved ones and guides. Working for seven years for The Counsel for Battered Women’s Grand Love Affair giving readings to help at the fundraising event.
While there I did a reading for a lady named Doris Lee. I told her she would have a magazine like Town and Country of the South, and I would like to write the horoscopes for it, and she responded that would never happen. She returned the following year where I was reading again, and I told her the same thing again and she said it will never happen. She continued by saying at least you are consistent and walked out.
Two more years past, and she called me and asked if I would like to write for her publication which her father and two men funded the money to launch Southern Flair magazine. I wrote for the magazine for the ten years. Not only did I write the horoscopes but interviewed the CEOs of Atlanta and became a travel writer. I was sent to incredible locations the most profound being South Africa to Cape town, Johannesburg and to the Mala Mala game reserve in the Krugerrand national park on Safari.
The Path to Spiritual Growth and Awakening
What advice would you offer to those beginning their spiritual journey or awakening?
Meditate every day for ten minutes when not tired. Join a group and take classes with a qualified teacher. Be of service because spirit is watching and as your care about others and help or volunteer your own spiritual gifts will grow. Everything you have ever wanted is within you right now it is a process of unfoldment for some it happens early in life others later. Remember it happens when it is supposed to. You will be tested many times, but spirit will always reward those who are open, kind and loving towards others. The gifts of spirit you cannot not buy you earn them, and the spirit world decides when your gifts will increase.
Are there any spiritual or energetic shifts coming up that we should be aware of?
Neptune is in Pisces at the end of the sign bringing lots of flooding worldwide. It will continue into 2026, and many areas may completely disappear. Neptune at 29 degrees of Pisces is the last degree of the Zodiac and it is a point of sacrifice. Neptune dissolves things and being in its own sign of Pisces which rules water and the oceans we see this happening all over the world. Pray for our planet and send the healing energies to those areas in need. Our global prayers are felt and heard.
What do you think happens to the soul after we die?
The soul, personality and spirit go to a higher plane of consciousness. If a person commits suicide when they are 32 and were supposed to live until they were 85 on the earth. Then they will be between the two dimensions until their earth time has passed. They go to a place for counseling before their spirit moves to the higher realms. Prayers really do help when a person is transitioning to the spirit world. We are spiritual beings in what appears to be physical. The spirit world, guides and teachers are with us from the moment we take our first breath to incarnate until we take our last breath and return.
Psychic Readings as a Path to Hope and Healing
What do you think is the purpose of psychic readings or spiritual guidance in people’s lives?
To give hope that all things are possible. Coming to see someone who does not know you and gives a message from a loved one with specific details that are not available on Facebook is life changing for many. It proves we do not die spiritually we continue in the hereafter. I teach them to be more objective about the bigger picture. God has a special plan for you just because you are not aware of it does not mean it is not happening.
Depending on what kind of session they want I relay messages from their guides in spirit or their loved ones who impart good news and answer their questions. The session gives them joy to know they are heard and can make this connection again. We receive love and guidance from the other side and sometimes we are not aware of the unseen help. My dad told me about my house before I was able to qualify for a loan to get one. Five years after his death I bought my first home on my own. The light is always around us. Remember in thought, word and deed what you focus on in your prayers, daily thoughts and speaking about you create more. Ask for your best and highest good every day.
Contact Reverend Charlene Hicks
revcharlene on Instagram
Reverend Charlene Hicks on google