Jacqueline Haworth’s psychic journey began when she felt a deep longing for something more in life. Her path led her to explore meditation, healing, and tarot, where she discovered her abilities through workshops and readings. Now a Reiki Master and tarot teacher, Jacqueline is passionate about helping others awaken their psychic potential. Read all about her in this Psychics4U.net interview.
Table of Contents
- A New Beginning: My Psychic Journey
- The Awakening
- The Psychic Path: Exploring Tarot, Healing, and Spiritual Growth
- Developing My Psychic Potential
- The Spiritual Journey Continues
- Contact Jacqueline Haworth
A New Beginning: My Psychic Journey
Where will I start this story?
I’ll go back to when I was 40, when I said to the Universe, expecting no response, “There must be more to life than this.” I was married with two beautiful girls and worked as a Greeting Card Rep in the North Island of New Zealand. There was nothing wrong with my life, but there was an emptiness somewhere inside that left me feeling unfulfilled. I did not understand that I had not yet found my purpose.
The Awakening
How did your experience with meditation and healing change your beliefs and feelings about spirituality?
My father had been a member of Church of England clergy so I had a religious background, which diminished when my Dad passed away in my eleventh year. Strong beliefs were always with me, but I no longer went to church. So, when I made that declaration, I was surprised to start noticing ads in the local paper for meditation and healing groups. I was dabbling with aromatherapy but had no spiritual leanings at that time.
Something compelled me to attend a meditation group at a local community hall. During the first few attendances, I wished I could crawl under a chair and just observe, as I had no idea what was going on or what I was supposed to do or feel. An international healer attended from Canada, and there was chanting and healing. He spoke of a world I had never before experienced or felt. I felt it! I felt the energy around me and within me. My head soared to a different place, and I was, for the first time, fully present and comfortable with it. In fact, it was like a drug that I wanted more and more of.
The Psychic Path: Exploring Tarot, Healing, and Spiritual Growth
What was it about the tarot readings and spiritual workshops that drew you in and sparked your deep interest in developing your own abilities?
I became a regular in that group and in other groups, I went to local healing events and I found crystals and began healing with them. What a treasure trove of information and energy as I pored over ‘Love is in the Earth’ and many other books exploring the healing power of crystals. I joined an Auric Healing group that offered free sessions to the public once a month. Before I knew it I was learning how to heal in the auric field and offering healing sessions with them. I attended a two-day metaphysics workshop in the South Island and a whole new kaleidoscope of possibilities opened up to me.
A friend suggested having a reading with a lady who lived a few miles away. In the reading that lasted nearly two hours, she pulled Tarot Cards and talked non-stop about my healing abilities and my path of psychic development. I was hooked. For the next few Saturdays, I spent the afternoon with this amazing lady who would do a reading using the entire pack to familiarise me with the cards. Then, I started my studies in earnest.
Poring over Tarot Books, familiarising myself with the cards, and practising with friends. I met Cheryl, a well-known Psychic, through friends. She was well respected in the area for her readings and psychic abilities. Her readings were really accurate and covered so many aspects of spirituality. I began attending all her workshops. I learned Reiki and white Eagle Spiritual Healing, spiritual healing, and meditation techniques. It all fascinated me. I went to any event where she was presenting.
Developing My Psychic Potential
How did the New Age expo and Cheryl’s Psychic Group shape your psychic abilities?
I was brave enough to book as a reader at a local New Age expo. The energy was like nothing I had ever experienced, and my readings surprised me as so much of the information I gave was spot-on and unrelated to the specific cards. Psychic awareness was with me! I was buzzing with it. I have used the Rider Waite Tarot for the 25 years I have been reading.
I was invited to join a channelling group and on the first night I felt a Master Guide come right in, in a blaze of heat and I spoke words that were not my words. Unnerving, despite the group being so full of love and support.
When Cheryl advertised a Psychic Group, I jumped at the chance. It was weekly for 6 weeks and mid-winter in NZ. We had to arrive 15 minutes early and chant a mantra whilst in our car for 15 minutes without making eye contact with any other arrivals. We then had to walk to the house, enter by the back door, take off our shoes and pay with exact $$. If you were even a minute late, the door was locked, and you could not enter. Cheryl anointed each arrival’s feet, and then we went into the freezing, unheated lounge and sat to stare into a candle flame for an interminable time. We had specific tasks to run through, and we were not meant to blink. Finally, we closed our eyes to meditate until Cheryl brought us back to the room to recount our experience and continue with the class. There were mountains of homework and I loved it all as my consciousness expanded like never before.
The Spiritual Journey Continues
How did your spiritual journey evolve, and how do you help others develop their abilities?
I loved the discipline of this workshop and embraced the potential of this previously untapped gift. I had unseen helpers, and it felt like my readings gave me a direct line to Source. As I tuned in, even my voice changed slightly as I channelled the wisdom people were ready to hear. My readings improved exponentially with these new disciplines and soon, I was teaching Psychic Tarot to enthusiastic students.
I never really worked a ‘normal’ job after that and once I qualified as a Reiki Master, I began teaching Reiki, Tarot, Psychic Development, Spiritual Development, and Meditation.
Fast forward to the new millennium, and my family and I had moved to Queensland. After a settling-in period, I began readings and teaching again. Being a sponge for new learning, I have added Numerology to my readings. Even with the numbers, I sense messages for my clients that give a different meaning to their number configurations. Being a perpetual student, Yoga and TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) have also become part of my offerings, as well as SRI (a breath and movement process of 12 stages that creates profound shifts in consciousness.
We are moving into an age where intuition and psychic connection is available to everyone. Healthcare of the future will be intuitive and preventative wellness will be more accepted. We may need some help honing our gifts, and I am happy to assist you with this.
Psychic awareness is a cohesive part of everything I offer. I believe we all have this ability and I love to assist others to explore their abilities.
If you’d like a reading combo of Numerology and Tarot, we can record it and you receive a Numerology report and a photo of your Tarot Card Layout.
Stretch those Psychic muscles. I believe we all have them.
Blessings to you all
Contact Jacqueline Haworth
Healing from the Heart
Psychic Tarot and Numerology Readings and Training
Readings online or in person in Sunshine Coast, QLD