Psychic Interview with MISS KELLY

miss kelly psychic presents: Exclusive interview with – MISS KELLY 
#1 Global Award Winning Woman Leader. 
Miss Kelly is an International Psychic Medium, Spiritual Healer, Soul Navigator, Mentor, Coach & Teacher.

Table of Contents

Early Psychic and Healing Experiences

When did you know you were psychic?

The magic began through my eyes ever since I was a little child. I was always drawn to TV shows like Casper the Friendly Ghost, Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, and anything mystical and magical. I remember as a small child, possibly the age of five or six years old, I made my own pendulum from a piece of cotton and a needle from my mother’s sewing kit.

I would ask other children questions in the playground at school and swing my pendulum to predict the answers to their questions. Psychics and divination were more something I loved and yet it was something I was.

When did you know you were a Healer?

It began as a young child. I had a very strong connection with the souls of animals, more so than humans. I became a bit of a rescue centre for animals, runaway pets, injured wildlife, plus I always had my family pets to love and take care of. I just absolutely adored animals. But when any of the animals would pass away, it would completely shatter my heart. I found myself sobbing in my room for days. I remember giving each animal a sobbing send-off to heaven, handwriting notes, and putting flowers in the cardboard coffins that I made. I would give each animal a little backyard funeral. My parents’ backyard literally became a pet cemetery.

I truly wanted to be a vet, but my strong empathy towards animals and the heartache in grief for me was just too much, so I opted that being a vet was not for me. So here I am as a psychic and a healer. LOL.

Did you have a spiritual mentor growing up?

No, unfortunately, I didn’t have any mentor or teacher growing up to guide me through this spiritual pathway. I have now become that person I needed the most. I have become a spiritual mentor and teacher for everyone else.

My spiritual guidance growing up came from the Rider Waite Tarot Cards. I have been reading them for over 30 years. They were my biggest teachings with my own life and psychic abilities. I am now a very passionate Psychic Development and Tarot Teacher. I have lived and breathed the Tarot most of my life. I do have training courses for anyone wanting to learn psychic development or the Tarot, from beginners to professional levels.

Professional Journey

When did you become a professional Psychic?

For me, doing psychic tarot readings was all just a hobby. I did readings for well over 20 years without any exchange of money. Possibly 10 years ago now, I decided to leave a job that I felt was crushing my soul. In that moment of leaving that job, I pursued my hobby as a career, and I haven’t looked back.

Previously, I had paid for many readings for myself and had been so disappointed by many psychics. I turned that disappointment into my driving force to be a reader as I knew I could do a better service than what I was paying for.

When did you become a professional Healer?

After becoming a professional psychic and doing readings, so many clients I knew needed spiritual healing. When clients would ask me who I recommend, I was left blank. I didn’t know where to send my clients, so I thought to myself I’ll learn this healing stuff for everyone else, so my clients have someone to go to. I had heard spirit whispers in my ear back when I was a teenager that I am a Healer.

Anyway, off I trot for a weekend away to learn the first healing modality, which was Reiki. When the weekend finished, I sobbed and sobbed. For the next month, I was processing old wounds to be healed. I had so much to heal from; this was just the start of my healing, let alone becoming the healer.

I have since gone on and studied most healing modalities that I could. I have fallen in love with the art of healing. I like to work with spirit and let spirit guide me with what clients need with their healing. Along with being a Psychic and a Healer, the client gets the best from their experience with me.

Influences and Inspirations

Who has been influential in your psychic journey? 

I would have to say my personal favourite would be Psychic Medium John Edward. John has led the way as a public working psychic who’s credible; he is next-level amazing. Some others I have worked with that I adore are Gordon Smith, Deb Webber, James Van Praagh, not to mention so many other great psychics over the years that I have sat in circles with, some from spiritual churches and ones I have worked alongside.

I have surrounded myself with amazing friends who are in the spiritual industry, and they are also great ambassadors for all psychics and mediums: Lindie Gunston, Jordie Janes, Kim Bleeze, and Tonia Reeves, the Australian Cowgirl medium. These ladies are outstanding. I am blessed to call all of these legends friends.

Maintaining Spiritual Well-being

How do you look after your spirit being with the work that you do?

Spiritual hygiene is a must if you want to do this work. I spend a lot of time alone (well, let’s be honest, we are never alone, are we lol). I do spend a lot of time in quietness and in solitude to connect with myself and spirit. I love going to the beach and spending some time in nature.

I shower sometimes a few times a day if the energy is heavy that I have had to work with. I also cleanse myself and my workspace often. I do my best to replenish my energies. I like to keep my vibration as high as possible, and I am fully aware when it dips low to take some time out.

I am still a work in progress with my boundaries as I do suffer from burnout now and then. I try and eat well, hydrate well, and I use the elements as my go-to place for me to recharge.

Have you ever experienced a psychic phenomenon that you couldn’t explain? 

All the time. I actually could write a book; I have experienced so much LOL. I have precognition, so I often predict future events well before things happen. I can sometimes see up to about 10 years in advance. I have had many spirit encounters and my clairvoyant skills are quite strong, so I can see things that others are not.

I have seen an angel as tall as an adult man in my living room. It was the most jaw-dropping thing. The latest thing just off the top of my head: when I was recently in Peru, I had a moment where I thought this is it for me and my number might be up. I was all alone and lost in the Andes mountains whilst hiking in a group that all got separated from each other.

It was cold, getting dark, I was dehydrated and in trouble. As the fog set in so thick that I couldn’t see two feet in front of me, my logical mind was freaking out, but I could hear a voice from spirit, and that voice directed me back to safety with no vision as I couldn’t see. While I was yelling out for help, I suddenly heard a voice in the distance, and finally, we found each other.

I couldn’t believe it, and the man’s name… are you ready? His name is Angel. This is something I will never forget, and that is just the short version. My life is full of unexplainable things. A lot I keep to myself as some of them are very far-fetched stories.

Services and Contact Information

Please tell us about your services and where we can find you. 

My offerings are:

– Psychic Readings 1:1 or online
– Psychic Parties
– Events & Workshops
– Healings
– Healing Parties
– Courses
– Retreats
– Gifts & Vouchers

You can follow me on socials or check out my website and subscribe to my newsletter.

Miss Kelly – Psychic Medium Healer & Teacher 

