Travis Sanders started his psychic journey as a teenager, evolving from card readings to focus on mediumship and psychic consultations. He now offers energy work, mediumistic sittings, and teaches psychic skills at a local metaphysical store. Sanders meets clients’ needs and provides insight, while valuing self-awareness and the roles of prayer and meditation. Discover more about Travis Sanders and his approach in this Psychics4U.net interview.
Table of Contents
- From Card Reading to Mediumship
- Services I Offer and My Passion for Teaching
- Helping Clients and Staying True
- Spiritual Practice and Symbolic Insight
- Perspectives on Psychic Practice
- Contact Travis Sanders
From Card Reading to Mediumship
What led you to start psychic work, and how did it evolve as you grew older?
As a teenager, I started reading cards intuitively at psychic fairs, which really stretched and exercised my natural psychic ability. As I moved into my early 20s, my mediumship began to blossom, and I stopped using cards to focus completely on working psychically and mediumistically for clients.
Who was your first mentor, and how did they influence your spiritual journey?
My first mentor, Gale St. John, introduced me to Modern Spiritualism and its philosophy and practices after meeting on a television series about psychic youth. She was less of a teacher with words and more of a “throw you in the deep end and figure out how to swim” type of teacher. I credit her for my groundedness.
My second teacher, a Lily Dale medium, Sharon Klingler, helped me through her teachings and courses to push myself and my ability to work outside the box. She has inspired my passion for teaching and educating.
What experience had a big impact on your career and shaped your journey?
While I am young, 35, I started working at 16 and feel as if I have lived many lifetimes, making it difficult to pick out a select few experiences. However, one that indeed shaped my life and pushed me into my professional work was the aforementioned television docuseries I took part in, which introduced me to the world of forensic work. Although that type of work ultimately wasn’t my path, it opened many doors and took me to many places, both spiritually and geographically.
Services I Offer and My Passion for Teaching
What services do you offer, and what do you enjoy most about your work?
My services include energy work, psychic and mediumistic sittings, and teaching classes, which is my passion. While private sittings will always have a special place in my work, empowering people to connect with their potential and spiritual gifts is my greatest joy.
What do you teach, and where do you offer your courses?
In addition to providing my services, I also teach a variety of courses on psychic and mediumistic skill development, as well as other metaphysical and esoteric subject matters, through the local metaphysical store where I am the manager.
Helping Clients and Staying True
How do you approach helping clients during your sessions?
My approach in my sessions is to provide the client with what they need, which isn’t always what they want. Sometimes that is psychic insight, and sometimes that is an evidential connection with loved ones in Spirit, but my allegiance is always to the need of the sitter, leaving them in a better place than when they first sat down. I never tell a client what to do, but I provide them with the insight and information for them to empower themselves and make their own decisions.
What do you believe is the most important factor in connecting deeply during a reading?
The only tool we need is the willingness to be of service and allow the soul to be moved. Through this intent or shift of consciousness, more valuable information or healing can be given than ever could through an external or material tool.
How do you ensure that your work aligns with your true self?
For me, this boils down to the age-old adage of “know thyself.” When you know yourself, you act in accordance with what you know to be true and try (as best we can – we are all human) to make sure that our behavior is not contradictory to the truth of who we know ourselves to be at our core.
How do you maintain balance and take care of yourself outside of work?
I try to work at a pace that is not overwhelming; that was a big lesson for me. Giving myself a day of self-care every week, where I tend to all the earthly responsibilities such as laundry, bills, and dusting, is important for staying grounded. Baths, music, and movies are great escapes and vacations for the brain, but mostly, making sure to spend time in nature has been vital to keeping me balanced.
Spiritual Practice and Symbolic Insight
What’s your advice for someone trying to understand their spiritual path?
Slowly is holy. Unfoldment and growth is an eternal progression. There is no finish line, so there is no rush to make sense of everything. Focus on one thing at a time, and allow yourself to be led. Sometimes answers aren’t apparent, and we don’t have to figure everything out right away. Sometimes things make sense with time, and we need to be okay with letting things be and allowing them to unfold in Divine timing.
How do you suggest people handle the constant changes in energy and consciousness?
Every second of every day, there is a shift of energy, a shift of consciousness, and a planetary happening. None of these things have control over you. YOU have a choice in how you respond or react to everything.
What role do prayer and meditation play in spiritual practice?
As cliché as it sounds, prayer and meditation are essential. A type of meditation, or attunement, that I practice is commonly known as “sitting in the power” to build a rapport with the Spirit World and strengthen our “spiritual battery.”
A lot of people meditate in some form or fashion, but prayer often gets pushed aside due to religious trauma or distaste. That, or it is used incorrectly. Prayer isn’t asking a higher power to grant favors or do for us what we are unwilling to do for ourselves. Prayer is an attunement with the Great Spirit, and in that communion, the insight, inspiration, and knowings come to us so that we might know how to be the answer to our own prayers or someone else’s.
How do you interpret and make sense of the symbols and images that come to you during a reading?
Often, symbols come with an immediate knowing of the meaning. Within the context of clairvoyant imagery, if we refine our senses, we understand that we rarely get a single impression, but that every impression has input from every sense or channel, giving immediate context. It is really in our ability to be aware on multiple “levels” at once. However, that is not always the case. If something can only be perceived visually, we should A) feel into it as it happens and/or B) let it evolve and follow the imagery and other impressions that follow immediately after.
Perspectives on Psychic Practice
Have you come across any negative or difficult energies during a reading, and how did you handle them?
Negative entities? No. Negative energies? Only from negative people. Acknowledging them in kind yet honest ways is the only way to move through them.
How do you handle predicting future events, and what challenges do you face in making accurate predictions?
We have to keep in mind that the future is not set in stone. Often, when a reader tries to gain insight into the future, they end up picking up what the client is hoping for through the auric field. This is the primary cause of failed predictions. We have to remember there is potential, probability, and possibility, which may indicate likelihoods of higher or lesser degrees. True prediction, to truly know, to correctly know on a consistent level, well, in my opinion, that has to come from Spirit.
What do you think happens to the soul after death?
More life.
Have you ever had a psychic experience that you couldn’t explain?
Many things, but those feel very personal and private.
Do you think certain events in life are predestined, or do we always have the freedom to change our paths?
I do believe certain things are somewhat of a contract or agreement, but I believe it’s more the essence or the lesson of the experience as opposed to the specific details. More thematic versus episodic. We always have free will to change things differently, see things differently, or react to things in new and different ways.
What do you see as the main purpose of psychic readings or spiritual guidance?
At the end of the day, the goal should be to put clients in touch with their own soul. To empower people. To give clarity and help them progress.
How do you handle situations where clients are experiencing what they describe as a spiritual crisis?
Spiritual crisis, in my opinion, is an oxymoron. To be honest, psychics and mediums aren’t firefighters, EMS, licensed therapists, or psychologists. We aren’t, or at least shouldn’t be, in the business of dealing with crises or “emergencies.”
If a crisis is a lack of helpful information, then providing that information can help someone make the decisions to get their life on track or tackle a stressful dilemma.
Often, however, I see people representing spiritual crisis when what is really happening is psychosis or mania of some sort. We need to be honest with ourselves and our clients when we are not in a qualified position to deal with certain circumstances. There is no shame in recommending someone seek psychological or therapeutic help.
What are your thoughts on the current trends in psychic work, and how do you aim to make a positive impact?
Sadly, the future seems to have gone the way of celebrity, TikTok drama, and many people stepping into practice long before they are ready or educated enough to handle the responsibility of people’s lives and emotions. Anyone with a deck of oracle cards and a social media account, or anyone who’s seen enough ghost shows, thinks they’re the next gift to the psychic world. Quality is diminishing, and misinformation is spreading faster than it can be rebutted.
As far as my contribution, I simply wish to educate people and bring out their fullest potential, away from sensationalism and reoriented on being of service, being practical, and being grounded in reality.
Contact Travis Sanders