Kelly Lynch Mackey, a Psychic Medium and Shamanic Practitioner from Ireland, has spent over 20 years helping people with her psychic and healing abilities. Her journey began through personal trauma that led her to a deep spiritual path. She provides Psychic Mediumship Readings and Shamanic Healing online, offering direct and empathetic guidance. Discover more about her approach and insights in this Psychics4U.net interview.
Table of Contents
- Finding My Calling in Psychic Mediumship
- How My Psychic Readings and Healings Work
- Guidance for New Spiritual Seekers
- Interpreting Spirit Messages and Handling Energies
- Guidance in Psychic and Shamanic Practices
- Contact Kelly Lynch Mackey
Finding My Calling in Psychic Mediumship
What inspired you to become a Psychic Medium and Shamanic Practitioner?
My name is Kelly Lynch Mackey and I am a Psychic Medium and Shamanic Practitioner living in Ireland. I am a professional in this area for the past 20 years.
How I got started into this I feel I was born into it. Through a lot of traumatic events throughout my life I was basically forced to heal myself which in turn I feel activated my Psychic and Healing abilities which led me on a deep spiritual path.
This whole experience has made me a wiser individual in all areas of my life.
I do not feel there is anything that sets me apart from other individuals on this journey as we are all unique in our own way. Whoever is meant to connect with me will be sent to me.
Years ago I was a pure skeptic turned believer. Too many experiences left me with a lot of unanswered questions. I always had a very strong curiosity about me. That’s when I delved into spirituality and my traumatic experiences started making more sense. Through my trauma, I activated my spiritual growth. Gabor Mate and Carl Jung have been great teachers for me as well as an African Shaman named Zanemvula. He taught me how to incorporate my gifts and how to use them wisely.
How did your early experiences with unexplained psychic phenomena affect you, and how did your mentors help?
In my earlier days, I would have experienced Psychic phenomena that is unexplainable. At that time, it did scare me, but I had great mentors that helped me explain the near-unexplainable. These mentors were very advanced, and I do believe anyone that is going through these challenges and experiences that the universe will send the right person to them. As the saying goes, when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Nowadays I have the wisdom to know what is happening.
How My Psychic Readings and Healings Work
What can people expect from your psychic readings and healings, and how do you connect with clients?
I offer Psychic Mediumship Readings and Shamanic Healing online. To date I have done Readings in over 37 countries worldwide and Healings in over 14 countries. I offer different methods for Readings as in Video, Phone, Email and MP3 Audio. All Shamanic Healings are done via Video.
Shamanic Healing is a soul healing and my Healings are very successful.
All sessions, whether they are Readings or Healing, will help heal an individual as well as offering insights into their future. In my readings, I can be quite blunt but I do not sugar coat anything as I don’t feel there is any point in doing that. But my bluntness in readings is careful also as to not upset the sitter. I have great empathy for individuals and their well-being is very important to me. My readings and Healings offer great comfort to individuals and they express to me ongoing how easily they can open up to me. Trust is very important and the needs of my clients, whether it’s a reading or healing session.
I do Psychic workshops 1 to 1 worldwide with my clients. I personally believe an individual will learn more on a 1 to 1 basis and it’s much more empowering for them rather than a large group. As the saying goes, one can get lost in a crowd.
Guidance for New Spiritual Seekers
What advice do you have for someone starting their spiritual journey, and how can they stay grounded and protected?
The best advice I can give anyone starting off in their spiritual awakening is to find a good mentor. Knowledge is power and so is a good understanding of what to expect. Everyone will experience it differently, of course. It’s very important to stay grounded and protected on a spiritual journey as the more one opens up to the spiritual realm, the more they can attract energy that is not theirs to own.
It’s vital to practice grounding and protection on a daily basis. A lot of people can experience a lot of fear when starting off, but you have to remember the ego mind fights like crazy as it does not like change. The structured mindset and conditioning from peers will be challenged and then fear presents itself. It’s a natural response to change but it’s not a healthy emotion on the spiritual path. Practice meditation also as it will help calm the mind to see past the fear and over time one will become more empowered rather than disempowered.
It’s very important to note that the human race is evolving at a very fast rate. We are all connected energetically and it’s very important to surround oneself with like-minded individuals. Toxic individuals will hinder one’s progress and it’s best to keep those individuals at a distance. Stay in your own lane and remember this is your journey.
I like to keep things simple and easy to do, so the only ritual I would recommend is to ground one’s energy morning and night. Call upon Archangel Michael to help. Meditation twice a week will help immensely also for spiritual growth and protection.
Interpreting Spirit Messages and Handling Energies
How do you use your senses in psychic readings, and what practices do you follow to stay balanced and protected?
I personally use all my senses to connect with my clients during Readings. Energy never lies and that is where I get my information from as well as help from my guides in the spirit world. I work on a four-way system during Readings and Healings which is not easy to explain. It’s all energetic.
I live by my own morals, standards, and inner truth. My ability to know information about individuals is a true reflection of my authenticity. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Balance between the two worlds is key.
I eat a healthy well-balanced diet and alcohol is a complete No No. I ground and protect myself daily and also meditate. It’s how I balance myself and stay protected.
How do you interpret spirit messages and deal with negative energies?
How I interpret symbols and messages is something I have mastered along the way. Spirit is inclined to talk in metaphors in my experience, which I understand at this time in my life. It took a few years to master this but it comes a lot more easily for me now. I decode their messages and pass them on to the individual in our Reading sessions.
I have on occasions encountered negative energies in my sessions, both Reading and Healing. This can be quite invasive but I am inclined to shine light where there is dark. No negative energy can survive light. It happens so quickly that at this stage in my life it’s automatic. Like brushing my teeth, I just deal with it. It comes naturally.
How do you handle difficult predictions, and what do you believe happens to souls after death?
I am careful about my predictions with individuals about the future. If there are dark circumstances coming, I approach this in a completely different manner than the positive ones. I have to be very careful not to upset the sitter. My approach is like planting a small little seed. Just enough to get the individual thinking. That way, the sitter can make better-informed decisions in the future.
I personally, in my opinion, believe that when the soul departs in this lifetime and has completed their life lessons, they will not return to Earth again. They will stay in heaven and help from the other side. On the flip side, if they have not completed their life lessons and depart this world, they will be reincarnated not long after they have departed from here and will come back to repeat the lessons again until learned. Again, that is only my opinion.
How do you manage the balance between fate and free will in your readings, and how do you cope with the emotional impact?
To talk about fate and free will is something unique to everyone. Not everything is in our control, but some things are. I always tell people I am only the messenger. It’s up to them how to use that information. Free will is always at play. As an example, if a person decides in a relationship to stay with an abusive person, that is free will. Even though they would be advised to leave, again I am just the messenger. As an example, I remember one client very well that came to me that was very withdrawn. She kept looking at the ground. I knew right away she was in an abusive relationship. I advised her as best I could to get out of it before something bad happened. Six months later, her husband took her own life, then himself. I can talk about that as both people are deceased. It went hard on me at the time, but I was prompted to remember that free will was at play here.
Guidance in Psychic and Shamanic Practices
What do you see as the main purpose of a Psychic Reading and Shamanic Healing, and how do you guide those who seek your help?
The purpose of a Psychic Reading can be for many reasons. Every individual is different and so is every reading. For the most part, it helps the individual make decisions and to offer a lot of insight and guidance. I am a shamanic healer and my purpose there is to help an individual move on in life and try and help them move past obstacles and challenges that are stopping them from living life. I would only advise people to come to me for shamanic healing when they are serious about healing. There are no magic wands. The individual is the magic wand. I only give them the tools to help them along. As well as healing from the spirit world.
How should someone handle a spiritual crisis, and when is it important to seek professional help?
A spiritual crisis is not to be taken lightly. It can cause severe upheaval in some individuals. Some can even become suicidal so it is best in these circumstances to seek out a qualified counsellor and go to their GP first. Some people have ended up in psychiatric hospitals as the inner upheaval is unbearable. In these situations, it’s best to get to a balanced point within then pursue the spiritual journey. For less severe cases, a spiritual mentor is advisable, in my opinion. Also, lots of reading on spiritual awareness. Again, knowledge is power.
What challenges might people face as their beliefs are questioned in the evolving spiritual landscape?
The future of spirituality and spiritual awakenings will be huge in the future due to mankind evolving at a serious rate. Some people will be forced to open up and structured belief systems will be challenged in order for them to fall away. As people are starting to question a lot of things in life, this will be extremely challenging for a lot of individuals who are unaware and will be emotionally draining. Again, awareness is the key. Find a good mentor to help one through this upheaval.
Contact Kelly Lynch Mackey