Introducing Psychic Joan Carra, who grew up surrounded by metaphysics in a family immersed in prophetic dreams, card reading, and Rosicrucian studies. Joan believes playing cards offer unique insights in psychic readings and emphasizes sharing inner images. She has predicted significant events like Hurricane Sandy and the Japanese tsunami and shares how these visions impact her emotionally. Joan is dedicated to teaching psychic development, highlighting the importance of positivity. She also conducts tea leaf readings and group seances, helping clients connect with loved ones who have passed. Read more about her in this Psychics4U.net interview.
Table of Contents
- About Yourself
- National and Global Predictions
- Teaching Psychic Development
- Interesting Stories
- Open Discussion
- Contact Psychic Joan Carra
About Yourself
Growing up in a family with a background in metaphysics, how did this environment shape your understanding and practice of psychic phenomena?
Whenever my aunt came over, she read playing cards, from the nine to the Ace. She also looked at our coffee grinds. My mom had prophetic dreams of people who would pass. My father had an interest in metaphysics; he studied Rosicrucian and did meditations. I read many of his lessons when he was finished with them. We also had a subscription to Fate magazine which had articles on psychic experiences.
What unique insights or advantages do you believe playing cards offer compared to traditional tarot decks in the context of psychic readings?
Playing cards are less symbolic than Tarot cards. I tell young Tarot readers to look away from the Tarot and not just describe the pictures on the cards to the clients. Allow yourself to hear letters, names, and inner voices, see images in your mind, and feel body sensations.
National and Global Predictions
Your observations about the collective psyche of America and predictions about future events suggest a broader awareness beyond individual readings. How do you see your role as a psychic intersecting with larger societal issues and concerns?
About 20 years ago, I met a shaman from Greenland, Angaangaq, who was traveling all over the world to spiritual leaders such as the Pope and the Dalai Lama, that Greenland was melting. I told him about my vision of NYC flooding. He told me it is not if but when and I need to share my vision. A few months later I was interviewed by the N.Y. Post for predictions for the year, mainly about celebrity marriages and divorces, which I did not want to answer. I told them about a major flood coming to NYC, which happened a few months later with Hurricane Sandy.
You had premonitions about significant events such as Hurricane Sandy and the Japanese tsunami. How do you interpret and cope with these visions, especially when they depict distressing or catastrophic events? Also, what factors do you consider when sharing them publicly?
I am shaken for days, even weeks. When I had the dream that a plane dropped a bomb over lower Manhattan, I cried out, “Oh no, my beloved city.” It was the forewarning of the September 11th explosion. I saw the tsunami on the map of Japan. It was presented as a videotape with the date and time on the bottom left corner. I could not even tell my sister, whose husband is Japanese. I was upset for weeks.
Teaching Psychic Development
You’ve lectured at numerous metaphysical centers and expos. Could you highlight a key message or teaching that you frequently emphasize during these engagements?
Do the promotional work. Some blame the producer when they had an empty lecture room. There is a big responsibility to work for yourself. I do email blasts multiple times, place an ad in the monthly new age magazines, do social media, and I even have an assistant invite people at the expo to my lecture. I was fully booked with readings and had standing room for my lectures.
The key is to believe you can do it. In a psychic development class, we exchanged crystals – any object will do – and the student said, “I don’t have anything.” I said, “What is the first letter that comes to mind?” She said, “A.” I asked her for more letters, and she said, “A, B, C.” “Any numbers?” “1, 2, 3,” was her response. “Any colors?” “Red,” angrily she said, “I have nothing.” The woman whose crystal she was holding said, “Actually, you do. I just visited my sister in her new home. Her initials are A.B.C., the number on her house is 123, and she has a red door.” Your negativity is the block.
How do you conduct a tea leaf reading session? What specific steps do you take, and how do you interpret the patterns and symbols found in the leaves?
We become calm and meditative as we drink tea, and our cup becomes personalized with our subtle energies. Allow yourself to see pictures and say the first thing that comes to mind. Free associate with the picture. Once I saw a rooster and I told the client, “I see a rooster, you must wake up very early.” She said, “I do, I live on a farm, and I do have a rooster.” I had the challenge of seeing an empty cup with not one speck of a tea leaf in it, so I said, “Meditation – the absence of thought.” The client said, “I am taking a mindfulness class.” So, you see, just say what you see, even emptiness will make sense.
What inspired you to offer group seances as part of your services? How do you facilitate connections with loved ones who have passed on, and what kind of closure do clients typically seek from these experiences?
A client asked if I ever get names. I said no, and she asked me to try. I said S for Steve. Then she asked me for a message; I proceeded to talk about love. She said it was pertinent because her son just had a car accident and was in a coma, dying. I was upset; this was my first time experiencing a message from spirit. This freed me to give names and messages from spirit.
I have the people hold hands, and we breathe deeply three times, raising our arms with slow exhalations. On the third one, while our arms are up, I say, “Now shake your root chakra; we will be sitting for a while.” When I see in my mind’s eye a hand with yellow roses, I know I made contact.
People feel guilt that they didn’t do enough, that they weren’t there at the moment of the passing, they had an argument prior, and even about furniture that they are afraid to give away. The spirits do not feel this way at all. Don’t berate yourself over this.
Interesting Stories
Can you please share with us any interesting stories from your career as a psychic?
As soon as a young girl sat with me, I said, “Your mother is always crying”. She said no, she’s happy. After the time was up, she had a question, “I am adopted. Anything from my biological mother?” I said that is the mother who is always crying. She thinks of you and loves you, and very difficult circumstances are why she gave you up.
In a medium circle, I looked at a woman and said, “Who is the man who died in the motorcycle accident?” She didn’t know. When I was closing the circle, I said I can’t; the motorcyclist wants to be acknowledged; he is very insistent. The woman I first questioned then admitted that it was her brother. She came for her co-worker, who just lost her young child and wanted to comfort her with a message. I relayed his message to her, and I was able to end the group session.
Open Discussion
If you have any other topics you’d like to discuss, please feel free to bring them up.
Please be responsible with clients who have a mental health crisis. Direct them to seek help. I had schizophrenics contact me, and I think it’s dangerous for psychics to try to cure them with ongoing sessions. Tell them, “I see you going to a doctor,” and give them names and phone numbers.
Contact Psychic Joan Carra
203 531-6387