Meet Di Challenor, a spiritual guide whose journey began with clairvoyants and tarot readings in her 20s. Through personal challenges, Di found solace and strength in spiritual practices. Rediscovering tarot after years away, she now integrates readings with healing techniques like Reiki and ThetaHealing to help clients. Di’s mission extends beyond personal growth; she hosts global summits and describes a future where spiritual and psychic services go into mainstream. Explore her psychic path and offerings in this exclusive interview on Psychics4U.net.
Table of Contents
- Spiritual Journey Through Clairvoyants and Tarot
- Practical Guidance via Tarot and Healing Services
- What services do you offer, and how do they help empower and support your clients in their spiritual journey?
- Spiritual Pathways: Influences and Personal Experiences
- Forecasting Spiritual Changes
- Daily Routines for Spiritual Growth and Connection
- The Future of Spiritual and Psychic Services
- Contact Di Challenor
Spiritual Journey Through Clairvoyants and Tarot
How did your initial experiences with clairvoyants and tarot readings influence your spiritual journey, and how has it progressed over time?
I have loved going to see clairvoyants for readings… Since my 20’s I saw clairvoyants on a regular basis to help give me guidance to make decisions, big and small. I was also curious about what’s coming into my future. During those years, I felt these people got me and I got them! I felt alone due to the passing of both my parents during my mid-teens.
As a way of explaining to myself why both my parents passed, it was their time, they had manifested dis-ease in the body, my mother went first and my father died of a sudden heart attack. According to my beliefs, it was a broken heart and I guess he wanted to be with his one true love, my mum! By the way, he did remarry 2 years after my mum’s passing and we had our own version of the Brady Bunch family unit. That had its own stresses and dynamics.
My toxic short marriage, living with a narcissist forced me to dig deep, to look for something greater than me, that would enable me to find some inner strength, to find my intuition, trust it, follow it and it put me on my spiritual path… I dabbled in tarot for relationships and predicted my own marriage breakdown, the moon reversed, indicated things were not what they seem on the outside, there were hidden activities and a third person in the marriage. It was a waiting game to see how my life panned out after I did that reading… I always say the truth comes out in the wash, I was patient to wait. I also surrendered to the Universe to show me signs of what was going on and sure enough the Universe delivered and had my back!
Around this time, I found Doreen Virtue and connected with my angels, and ran meditation classes as a prompt for me to practice regular meditation. This practice on a daily basis enabled me to find strength, trust in my hunches and take guided actions.
Decades on, after pushing tarot cards away and not enjoying reading them for myself or others, I re-visited them in the last year, did a refresh course, healed my grief, and I now put my own spin on the messages from the cards. The cards serve my clients allowing me to add another level to the story and confirm the insights I channel.
The more I have healed my own emotional pains, trauma and ancestral patterns the stronger and clearer the connection I have with The Universe. I’m embracing the use of age-old tools to accelerate my spiritual growth in addition to emotional growth and moving forward with clarity and confidence.

Practical Guidance via Tarot and Healing Services
How does your integrated approach to tarot readings and healing techniques enhance clients’ clarity, confidence, and practical guidance in navigating their life paths?
I’m here to serve my clients, when I read the tarot cards, I give frank and fearless interpretations and insights, delivered with clarity and confidence. I share the information I receive with practical actions to apply to everyday living. I’m able to empower clients to have increased clarity and confidence to take the next steps on their journey. I connect in with my client to really confirm for them what they had been thinking or feeling themselves.
If guided, in a reading I may add other healing techniques to help clients shift emotional blocks or family patterns that are holding them back, I’ve been trained in Reiki to Master level, ThetaHealing and NLP and I intuitively use these tools. I am essentially, an energy worker and use tools from my Mary Poppins carpet bag to add extra value to the reading. For me the tarot cards give extra depth and visual detail to the reading that clients relate to.
What services do you offer, and how do they help empower and support your clients in their spiritual journey?
Tarot cards and channeled messages.
Angelic Reiki – distant healings, I find they are more powerful than traditional Reiki,
ThetaHealing to work with the Creator to witness the client’s transformation,
TimeLine Therapy, developed as part of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) combined with a breakthrough process to get to the core issue and clear it on multiple levels.
All my services are energy-based, drilling down to discover the core issue or belief. When working with NLP processes the client has to be living at cause with the issue to be able to shift it. I have gone back to University to get a psychology major for credibility in my spiritual work. It gave me an understanding of the counseling process and that my mission is to get to the heart of an issue, resolve/heal it and move on to the next core issue to heal, and/or move on to the next client.
I have added another tool to my kit in 2024, I’m using Sacred Geometry energy work to bring about transformation, heal physical ailments, provide clarity, I broadcast the energetic signature of herbs to support cleanses, in the colon, small intestine; I did it on myself in June 2024 and curbed my sugar and carb cravings! I worked with a client last week who had blurry vision from a cataract operation, at the end of the 1 hour session she said she could see me clearly! This blew me away!
How have your online summits and live events contributed to building and nurturing a community of like-minded individuals seeking spiritual guidance and connection?
For the past 6 years I’ve hosted free Global Online Summits, interviewing fabulous guest speakers in the space of connecting to your intuition, surrendering to manifest anything. More recently, in 2024 I’ve co-hosted free live events channeling insights with guest psychics to answer audience questions: Focusing on channeling, drawing Tarot cards and offering group healings.
To create a community of like-minded people to share information and opportunities I have established a Facebook group: Di Challenor’s Psychic and Tarot Readings: facebook.com/groups/294966853486664
Spiritual Pathways: Influences and Personal Experiences
How did Louise L. Hay, Doreen Virtue, and Vianna Stibel inspire your connection to spiritual concepts and practices?
Louise L Hay, You Can Heal Your Life – A game changer, I became an accredited Louise Hay teacher. One of the first self-help books I read, then got all her cassettes and CDs, I couldn’t get enough, totally resonated with her philosophy. The emotional dis-ease will manifest over time into the physical body as a dis-ease.
Doreen Virtue, Connecting to your Angels and all her works – Another game changer I became an intuitive Angel reader, have bought many of her books, card decks, guided meditations. Through her work, I learned to connect to angels and the Universe to find my inner strength.
Vianna Stibel, ThetaHealing, assisted me to develop my psychic abilities, connecting with the Creator, and witness the healing take place in front of my very eyes! I was drawn to her work at the time my sister was diagnosed with non-smokers lung cancer and I helped heal her emotional pain, trauma and transition.
Could you tell us about any intriguing experiences you’ve had in your career as a psychic or spiritual practitioner?
I was doing a reading for a client and kept getting loud and clear that they were going up north for a holiday, warm, sunny, weather, palm trees. The client kept saying no, I’m not going on a holiday to Queensland! I kept saying yes you are… Anyway, a few months later after the reading, the client reached out to tell me I was correct, her girlfriends had organized a surprise trip to Brisbane in Queensland to see an exhibition. I’m glad I stuck to my guns!
Many years ago, I was doing a live platform reading and asked the audience a question, no one responded, I asked the question again and the same, crickets… I got told by my guides to keep asking, then on the 3rd or 4th time, a lady in the front row, recalled it was her friend who had passed over and she was the one to receive the message from her late friend. The message was exactly what she was required to hear to give her peace and closure. Lesson learned: to keep asking the question, stick to your guidance received, and say the message as it is received, no filtering. The message will eventually, resonate for the right person in the audience.
How do you recommend individuals nurture their intuition and personal growth in spiritual and emotional healing practices?
Develop and/or follow your intuition and inner nudges, do what you are drawn to do such as read books, watch podcasts, attend live or online events, gain awareness, knowledge and skills. We all have the answers within and it’s a matter of exercising the intuition muscle, daily.
Also, take the time to find someone you resonate with, to work with you, like a coach, or healer. Someone who will have an objective, supportive approach to clearing your emotional pains or trauma or whatever is holding you back from reaching your own goals and dreams. Find someone who has your back and supports you 100% on your growth and journey whatever that looks like for you. You will have several coaches or healers that you work with at once and over time as you grow you will resonate with healers that take you to the next level.
Most importantly, learn to follow your own intuition, do the inner work to better understand what may be holding you back from reaching your dreams. In daily living, follow your intuition and ask yourself and the Universe for clear messages, actions you can take, and for guidance. Then ensure you do take the actions and watch your life unfold. Remember…What you focus on you attract!
I’ll also remind you to operate from a higher frequency and vibration. To obtain this state, do meditation daily, do activities that make you happy, be mindful of who you hang out with, and leave the gossip, scorecard mentality, news, and drama for others at the lower frequencies. Rise above it. Follow your heart, it’s your first brain! I send love energy to myself every day, including sending love to those tasks I’m not that keen to do, and it’s made a positive difference.
Forecasting Spiritual Changes
Can you provide any insights or predictions about upcoming spiritual or energetic shifts that you believe are important for us to know about?
Channelled insights and messages as follows on 23.06.2024:
The world is changing around us, more rapidly than we realize, and to keep up with the changes it is important to look after yourself energetically through self-care, what you feed yourself by way of thoughts, ideas, foods, supplements, and information you react to or what filters into your field. I stress, please go for the best quality that you can afford or find ways to get what you need at the amount you can afford. Leave the fads to others, do your research to find ways to get what you require to keep energy at a high vibration. Listen to uplifting music or subliminal uplifting messages.
We are all shifting at different rates and bringing communities together will enhance the positive shift for the collective. Support each other, collaborate, come from your heart space. There is plenty for everyone of everything; competition and greed is a lower vibration and one to move away from. Embrace change and new ways of doing things in daily life. Remember we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Reach out and find your tribe of like-minded individuals vibrating at a similar frequency to yourself. Keep doing your inner work each day. Baby steps keep the momentum going as consistency is the key to success!
Tarot Cards that flew out:
Six of Cups
Five of Wands
II The High Priestess

My interpretation of the cards:
Cups is about the emotions, water element. This card portrays teamwork, collaboration; it has heaps of love hearts. Follow your heart, and keep emotions close to your heart and operate in daily life from your heart. Engage with others to collaborate to put ideas out there. Number six is to be of service to others and family. This is a more stable phase, after the changes that occur in five energy. Get back on track with your newfound ways of operating. In six, take action based on your intuitive insights. Be creative in all your endeavors.
Wands are about growth, fire element to take action. Fives are about change and opportunity. Be open to seeing what needs to change and what opportunities are the result of the change. It could mean for some, chaos, and getting clarity on what you want to keep and continue and what habits, patterns, activities you want to discard. Take into account self-care and internal growth; you may outgrow current ways of operating. To me, this card represents having an inner fight with yourself. What do I want, what will I change, reject, or sacrifice to be able to move forward in my desired direction? Follow your heart and intuition. Move through the inner turmoil/chaos and see a brighter future in the Spring! Remember, don’t let the inner turmoil get the better of you. Take baby steps to see through the new changes and new ways.
The High Priestess from the Major Arcana is all about stepping into your feminine energy and power. In this card, she is lifting up a veil, guided by intuition and connection to source via the lotus flower on her crown. Collaboration, protection, and support prevail in this card, with two cats sitting in front of the High Priestess on the crescent of the moon. Connect to your psychic powers, develop them yourself, or find psychics you resonate with to seek deeper guidance and insight of what’s going on in another realm outside the intellect.
A very strong and powerful card energetically. I say, you could be moving into a phase to embrace your feminine power, control and trust your inner wisdom, intuition, and guidance you are open to receive; it may be obvious or subtle. A time to follow your hunches to bring about the desired changes. You have let go of outmoded ways of operating with the 5 of Wands. Now step forward in your High Priestess energy. You are in command of your own life and the next show/phase must go on.
Daily Routines for Spiritual Growth and Connection
How do you integrate rituals or practices into your daily routine to enhance spiritual growth and connection, such as your method of sending love and gratitude throughout your day?
To maintain a high vibration, I have been setting the timer for 5-minute intervals and feeling from my heart love, joy, happiness, and gratitude, and expanding that feeling to my whole body. Then, I expand the love feeling to the room I’m in, then further to all the rooms in my house, in my garden, to my car, to my suburb, to my city, to my state, to my country, to the world, and feel love going to everyone in the world! I repeat the love feeling for another 5 minutes and send love to my bank account, to the money I have and to the money that’s coming to me. I send love to all the people I know and to all the people who are coming into my reality. I send love to all my clients past, present, and future. I send love to the tasks I’m going to do that day. I send the love forward and feel really happy for the whole day and even do those tasks I’ve been procrastinating.
I do this practice in the morning and evening before I go to sleep. Sometimes, I’m doing 20 or 30 minutes each time and have noticed I feel lighter, I’m resonating with higher vibe people, I’ve received gifts, I’ve got more energy, and unexpected surprises come to me.
How do you utilize your array of tools and techniques to establish deep spiritual connections with clients during your sessions?
Firstly, prior to a session, I prepare myself and the energy around us using Reiki symbols. I also cleanse my tarot cards from the last client.
I will use the following tools to go deep: I connect to my team to channel messages, guidance, and actions for the client to take if they so desire, as we all have free will. I have acquired new energy-shifting tools for intuitive alignment and an energy broadcasting to check food nutrition, supplements, vitamins, minerals, body cleanse, essential oils, and what’s needed for you at the time. It covers an array of diagnostics for me to check with the client. To unblock past and current behaviors or patterns, I drill down using ThetaHealing to get to the core belief(s), release them and replace them with new ones from the Creator’s perspective. I heal any ancestral patterns that have been transferred down the generations. I pull tarot cards for additional insights and confirmation of the information received during the session.
In each session, I will go as deep as the client is ready to handle, which is why several sessions can bring about robust, lasting changes on a deeper level. That’s the way I work for my own inner work, going deeper over several sessions with a coach and/or healer.
Finally, at the end of the session, I integrate everything with unconditional love, ask the client to release old stuff, transmute it to white light, and be replaced with whatever serves the client. I send unconditional love to each cell in the body while I witness the transformation taking place. I ask the Creator to change it and show me, and I check if this session is complete, and bring the client back to the room/call.
The Future of Spiritual and Psychic Services
How do you envision spirituality and psychic services becoming more accessible and integrated into mainstream health in the future?
I’d love spirituality and psychic work to go fully mainstream, and have some of the modalities I work in to be on the health benefits list, enabling more people to access these services as they awaken on an energetic, spiritual level. I feel in time the spiritual and psychics will become more accessible as a result of the collective becoming aware of traditional institutions and structures breaking down and not serving them as they once did. I feel everyday people are feeling unfulfilled with all the info they have been fed via the media and collective beliefs. They may become unfulfilled in jobs they have done because they had to, in relationships they have outgrown, and putting up with it to please others. Over time, people will start to listen to their own heart song and do what makes them happy.
I feel the current mental health systems are not working for people via band-aiding symptoms with medications or ineffective counseling sessions. I prefer a holistic approach for mind, body, and spirit as I believe we are all unique energy beings and don’t always respond to cookie-cutter methods on healing. However, I get it that medicine on some level does have to support the masses. At this stage, I’m not entirely sure it is actually working for the masses.
On a personal level, it takes dedication, discipline, and trust to keep on unpacking all the layers like peeling an onion. I also believe the unpeeling process doesn’t stop; the more inner work you do, the deeper you are able to go, unraveling each layer. I was told that a coach/healer only has to be one step ahead of their client; this idea supports the ongoing inner work to be done on a personal level.
I’m evolving each and every day… I trust you are as well? I hope we are all unpeeling the layers of our own unique, individual onion that we are, each and every day!
And so it is…. Love and Blessings to All.
Contact Di Challenor