Psychic Interview with Clairvoyant Giselle

Psychic Clairvoyant Giselle

Meet Giselle, a clairvoyant with Celtic roots who sensed things acutely from a young age. After undertaking a spiritual journey while living in Nepal, then East Java – and a professional journey working in Advertising and IT, she followed her intuition to a psychic career. She now offers tarot readings, mediumship, pet psychic services, past life regression, and sound healing, both online and in person in Coolangatta. Read more about Clairvoyant Giselle in this interview.

Table of Contents

My Psychic Background

Can you share your journey of how you became a psychic reader?

The “Sight” or “inner Knowing” has always been in my family, especially on my mother’s side; her ancestry hails from the Celtic isles. From an early age, I was able to sense things acutely and I fortunately grew up in a household that was supportive of spirituality and esotericism. I have little memories of joining my parents in their meditation practise and yoga classes, in my little leotard and 80’s legwarmers!

However, I didn’t consider a Psychic career for many years, choosing to gain life experience first by living in Nepal, Thailand and later East Java – and in between adventures abroad, I worked in account management roles in Advertising and I.T. I also undertook tertiary studies in Psychology/Law, a Masters in Counselling and a spiritual workshop or two (more like fifteen!).

One day, I found myself driving down the freeway to a corporate job, daydreaming about sharing my intuitive gifts with others in a meaningful way. It really hit home that I needed to make a change! I was strongly guided by my intuition on how and when to make those changes and I am grateful to say it worked out beautifully for me…now I use that same Psychic ability to assist others in finding a path that will lead to their personal happiness too.

My Professional Psychic Journey

How did you become a full-time clairvoyant?

My journey to become an experienced, full-time Clairvoyant Reader has been a long, but worthy one. In 2007, I was lucky to find a Tarot reading shift one day a week, in a little room at the back of a boho/homewares store in Melbourne’s outer East…then later, I spent quite a few years Reading in a well-known spiritual shop in Melbourne’s CBD.

By 2013, I was Reading at high profile events such as the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Brisbane and Melbourne, the Seven Sisters Festival and other local festivals between Cooktown and Melbourne – there was a lot of travelling in those days!

By 2018, I had clear inner guidance to work independently at a pace that fitted in perfectly with parenting – and by honouring those needs, the universe answered. Since then, I have really spread my wings. I have been interviewed twice on Australian Radio, been a Guest Psychic at Events Cinema Gala evenings had several spiritual articles published in print media (though I haven’t spent much time on social media, as most of my clients find me by word of mouth).

My Current Sessions

What services do you offer to your clients?

I currently offer the full range of my skills in online sessions, or in person at a welcoming little space in Coolangatta overlooking the ocean. In session, I work with Clairvoyance/-audience/-sentience/-tangience to get clear information for my clients – and even Clairgustance (where I literally get a psychic taste in my mouth of foods that related to things like what foods a client’s future partners might love!!).

I also offer my skills as a Medium between loved ones who wish to come through of their own free will, and as a Pet Psychic, a Past Life Regression Practitioner and a Sound Healer. Finally, I teach people how to develop with their own “Clairs” in online classes. I love seeing all the abilities people discover and especially their faces when they realise how intuitive they are!

I also offer private coaching lessons helping people deepen that connection with their Higher Self and to find their higher calling. And lastly, it’s really important to me that I begin every session asking my own Higher Self to help me channel high quality, ethical and empowering guidance that will inspire clients to live a fulfilling life, in a way that aligns with their values. And I am always thrilled when I witness clients leaving my sessions looking clearer, brighter and knowing they’ve got this!

Contact Clairvoyant Giselle