Stephanie L. Brown, Ph.D., has had a remarkable journey from her early experiences of speaking with animals to becoming a Life Coach, Animal Communicator, and Medical Pet Doula. With over 25 years working in veterinary hospitals, she transitioned into helping both animals and their owners through Soul to Soul Communication. Her unique abilities allow her to offer insight into pets’ feelings, health, and end-of-life care. Read more about her incredible path in this Psychics4U.net interview.
Table of Contents
- Personal Journey and Background
- Animal Communication and Soul to Soul Connection
- Medical Pet Doula and End-of-Life Care
- Addressing Animal Behavioral Issues
- Life Awareness Coaching and Spiritual Growth
- Contact Stephanie L. Brown
Personal Journey and Background
How did your journey into animal communication and veterinary medicine begin, and how do your clairvoyant and clairsentient abilities influence your work with people and animals?
My life journey has been filled with twists and turns. If you had asked me as a 7-year-old child where I would be at this stage of my life, it would have been a very different story than the truth of my life path. Because I always remember speaking with animals, it shocked me that my siblings did not have this ability. I discovered that fact at age 7, and a story for a different day. Nonetheless, as a 7-year-old child, my logic ladder was: if I can speak with animals, then veterinarians must be able to speak with animals. A life compass was set with that decision. I have fabulous parents; they supported my siblings and me through school, sports, and almost every endeavor we explored.
At the age of 10, I had what is known as an NDE (near-death experience). I had been very sick, and my mom was having nightmares that I had died. She got up to check on me, and I was not breathing. She shook me until I took a breath, then watched over me the rest of the night. In the morning, I told her where I had gone, who had taken me there, and who I had met on the other side. My information was so shocking to my mom, and the people I spoke of were people who had died long before I was born.
Because of that experience, my parents felt it necessary to find someone willing to work with me and help me understand this unexpected development in my life. They successfully found an extraordinary woman who worked with me for years. The first time I met and spoke with her, I remember her asking me what I thought I wanted to do as an adult. I quickly told her I would be a veterinarian because they talk with animals like Dr. Doolittle. She smiled and told me I would be a doctor, just not a veterinarian, and I would be happy in my work. I was determined to prove her wrong, so I pursued nursing for animals and saw that as a steppingstone to putting myself through veterinary school. Well, life stepped in the middle of my plans, and I never got to veterinary school, but I did get my doctoral degree in Metaphysics. She was correct; I am happy with my work.
That same incredible woman helped me to develop my clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience. She held class weekly, and my mom and I attended for years if my schedule allowed us to participate. I spent over 25 years working in veterinary hospitals as a registered veterinary technician and up to a practice manager. At that point, I found myself farther away from working with the animals, and I had started my clairvoyance practice five years earlier. I gave notice and walked into the position of being in service assisting people and animals as a Life Coach and Animal Communicator. Hence: Soul to Soul Communication.
Animal Communication and Soul to Soul Connection
Can you explain what it means to offer “Soul to Soul” communication with animals and how it benefits pet owners?
Soul to Soul Communication is my soul listening and speaking with another soul. It does not matter to me if I am talking with an animal’s soul or if I am speaking with a person and the deceased or ethereal souls that benefit the person I am speaking with. When I work with people, I am a messenger to my client. I provide spiritual messages from the person’s deceased family, friends, guardians, or master teacher. When I speak with an animal, I give messages to the pet parent from the animal’s soul.
What is the process of telepathic communication with animals like, and how do you interpret the messages they convey?
Telepathic Communication is a fascinating form of nonverbal communication. It may sound a bit out there, but let me provide you with a comparison of our physical world that will help you grasp the concept.
Those of you old enough to remember radios remember they were in our cars, on the counter, and we carried them in our hands. We would tune in to a particular frequency to listen to our favorite music. Behind the scenes was a radio broadcast station that was assigned its frequency; it would broadcast at that frequency, and our radio would translate the information being broadcast through our radio to our ears.
When working telepathically with animals, the animal is the broadcast station, and I am the radio by tuning into their frequency and then interpreting the information for the pet parent. Some animals “speak” in pictures, which I will perceive in my mind’s eye as images. Some animals will “speak in emotions,” which I will perceive in my heart. Some animals “speak” in sensations I will feel in my body. Lastly, some animals (especially those with substantial training, like service dogs or search and rescue dogs) will speak with our words, which I hear in my head.
If an animal is hurting, I will ask them (through telepathy) to share with me how they are feeling. That animal will then share the sensations of their back hurting, stomach upset, or shoulder pain with me. I will then share what they share with me with their pet parent.
This is how animal communication works for me. A professional animal communicator is integral to the pet and pet parent’s support team because they provide the animal’s perspective and preferences.
Medical Pet Doula and End-of-Life Care
You mention your work as a Medical Pet Doula. How do you support pet owners facing end-of-life decisions for their pets?
Due to my education and physical practice as a registered veterinary technician, coupled with my abilities as an animal communicator, I can provide information to the pet parent from the pet, explain the pet’s diagnosis, help the owner understand the pet’s treatment preferences, and discuss the pet’s end-of-life choices.
A Doula is a coach; most people have heard of pregnancy doulas or a growing practice of death doulas. Being a Medical Pet Doula is not a massive leap of faith when you understand my foundation is made of education and many years of experience coupled with a passion for assisting every pet soul I come into contact with to the best of my abilities then held together with a matrix of love and compassion.
Pet parents often need a sounding board when their pet is ill or aging, or they need to understand what their veterinarian just shared with them. These people know that their pet is more than an animal; it is a family member who has emotions and preferences. So, working with me gives the pet parents a perspective they would not get any other way. I have compassion for what they and their fur baby are facing. Working as an animal communicator, I can share the pet’s feelings, emotions, sensations, and preferences with the pet’s parent. My work can often bring peace and understanding to the circumstances all are facing.
Can you explain your Soul Reconnections program and how you help pet owners through the process of welcoming an animal soul into a new body?
When an animal makes its transition (dies), it may want to move onto a new body. Animals do not believe, like some people, that there is only one life. I will not go into the different religions and belief systems except to say that a person who has shared their life with that incredible soul who occupied a kitty body, horse body, dog body, or bird body may be open to having that special soul return to them. My reconnections program allows both the pet parent and pet to explore and pursue the possibilities if both parties agree.
Addressing Animal Behavioral Issues
For clients facing separation anxiety in their pets, what steps do you take to help both the pet and the owner overcome this challenge?
Separation anxiety can be heartbreaking, costly, and devastating. Every case is unique, and when I am working with a pet parent and their fur baby with separation anxiety, I utilize all of my education medically and in training along with animal communication to assist the two in negotiating a new place to base their relationship. Hopefully, that place will be filled with new understandings and happiness. It is not an easy process, nor is it a short process. It takes dedication and willingness from both parties.
Life Awareness Coaching and Spiritual Growth
In your Life Awareness Coaching sessions, what common blockages do you help people address, and how do you guide them toward personal growth?
My Life Awareness Sessions and Programs are for people who want to change their lives. Maybe they are prone to attracting the same job challenges or relationship challenges. In the programs I offer, we look at what changes they want to make together, and I help them, from a coaching perspective, achieve their goals. These include attracting better positions and better employees, shifting their current relationships to be more fulfilling and happier, or even moving into soul and life fulfillment.
What advice do you have for individuals seeking to deepen their spiritual connection or understand their own metaphysical gifts?
Know thyself.
Everyone’s path is individual. It is beautiful to explore and learn. A good coach will not tell you how it should be, but they will listen to you and provide options. They will give you support and bring leadership without an ego. They will encourage growth. They will want what you want but believe you are capable of extraordinary. That coach will embrace your discovery with passion and excitement and share your WINS as you walk your path, so you don’t feel alone. They will point out your WINS because we often get locked into the mindset that what we do is not good enough.
As a person pursues spiritual wisdom, it will become a journey. It is a journey at the person’s own pace and not the coach’s. With each step of the journey, they can clear darkness, pain, and insecurity and find beauty, love, compassion, gratitude, and joy.
Contact Stephanie L. Brown