Interview: Sid Patrick – International Psychic Medium

Sid Patrick began his journey as a psychic medium in Bucktown, near New Orleans, where early experiences and key mentors like Louise Decker guided him. He has developed a clear, practical approach to tarot and mediumship, ensuring his clients leave satisfied and at peace. Sid is also dedicated to community service, offering free sessions and organizing events that foster connections with the spirit world. Looking ahead, he sees technology playing a big role in connecting with the spirit realm. Learn more about Sid and his work in this interview on

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My Journey Through Spirit and Time

How did your journey into spirituality begin?

Growing up in the quiet, unassuming fishing village of Bucktown, on the outskirts of New Orleans, I embarked on a journey that would forever change my life. I was just thirteen when a pivotal moment set me on this path. My great aunt, a woman of considerable wisdom, refused to teach me how to read playing cards. That refusal might have deterred some, but not me. Instead, I turned to the Tarot, feeling that these mysterious cards held the answers I was searching for. What began as curiosity quickly became a profound connection to the spiritual realm, one that would shape my entire life.

Bucktown was a unique place where the veil between the physical world and the spiritual realm seemed almost transparent. I was fortunate to grow up among people who, without fully realizing it, were open to the spiritual dimensions embedded in their culture. From a young age, I had vivid memories of spirits visiting me – an experience many children have, but often dismiss as imagination. For me, though, these encounters were real and continued sporadically as I grew older, each visit a subtle reminder of the worlds beyond.

My connection to the spiritual world deepened significantly after a personal tragedy. The sudden death of my mother at the age of 48 left a void that nothing in the physical world could fill. Struggling to cope with the loss, I found myself asking a question that would set me on a new path: Was there life after death? The search for an answer led me deeper into the realms of the Spirit, marking 1988 as a turning point in my life. This was the year my journey into the mysteries of the afterlife truly began.

The Power of Psychic Readings: Clarity and Support

What is your approach to psychic readings, and how do you make sure your clients feel understood and satisfied after a session?

As I developed my skills in tarot reading and mediumship, I cultivated a practical approach to my sessions. I understood that while some aspects of a reading could be general, it was essential to provide my clients with clear, specific outcomes. I made it my mission to address the questions that weighed most heavily on their minds, reserving time at the end of each session for any lingering doubts or queries. This commitment to clarity and accuracy ensured that my clients left each session with a sense of closure and peace.

In my work, I value transparency above all else. I always explain to my clients how I’m receiving the information, and if they don’t understand a particular message, I describe exactly how I’m seeing it. This approach often leads to those “aha” moments when a seemingly obscure message suddenly makes perfect sense to the client. My goal is always the same: to ensure that every client leaves feeling satisfied, or else no charge is made. I believe that clients should be active participants in their sessions, engaged but without revealing too much information that could influence the reading.

How do you contribute to the community with your psychic work?

Giving back to the community is another pillar of my practice. I offer free sessions each month, which can be booked through my website, and I participate in fundraising events, using my gifts to support various causes. Locally, I host Spirit galleries and group mediumship sessions, providing spaces where people can come together to connect with the other side. These events, both public and private, create a sense of community and shared experience.

In August 2024, I introduced two new events that reflect my dedication to helping others. The first was a free live event, available both online and in person, titled “Energetics: How Energy Affects Our Lives.” The second was “Coffee with a Medium,” a grief support group designed to help people navigate the difficult process of loss by connecting them with the comforting presence of the Spirit world.

Beyond my local efforts, I’ve made a significant impact through larger, more widely attended events. Two annual gatherings – Touching Eternity and the New Orleans Psychic Fair – are highly anticipated by spiritual seekers from all over. Touching Eternity, scheduled for 2025 in Orlando, offers participants a unique opportunity to explore trance, altered states, mediumship, and the psychic arts. It’s a groundbreaking event, recognized as one of the most remarkable of its kind. The New Orleans Psychic Fair, also set for 2025, is a vibrant celebration of the mystical, bringing together local vendors, readers, and participants in a festival of the unknown.

Mentors and Life Experiences in Psychic Training

How did your mentors influence your journey in psychic development?

My journey has been guided by some of the most respected teachers and mentors in the spiritual world. I began my studies under the tutelage of Louise Decker and Tom Clark, both influential figures in their own right. My thirst for knowledge then took me to England, where I trained with renowned experts such as Glyn Edwards, Scott Milligan, and Christine Morgan. In the United States, I furthered my studies with mentors like Mavis Patilla, John Holland, Janet Nohavec, John Edwards, and Victor Vogenitz, attending courses at Camp Chesterfield, Camp Cassadaga, and the prestigious Arthur Findlay College.

How have your past experiences confirmed your belief in the spirit world?

One of the most profound experiences of my life occurred during my childhood, when my younger sister and I would occasionally stay overnight at a babysitter’s house. In the stillness of the night, a dark cloaked figure would emerge from the closet in the guest room where I slept. Though the figure never spoke or approached me, its presence was undeniable. Years later, after Hurricane Katrina, I relocated to Dallas to be closer to my sister. One Fourth of July, as we relaxed by the pool, I casually asked her if she remembered those nights. To my astonishment, she interrupted me, saying, “A dark cloaked figure would come out of the closet.” The shared experience, separated by nine years, only deepened my belief in the unseen connections that bind us all.

Among the many stories I could share, one stands out as a powerful testament to the reality of the spirit world. While conducting a mediumship reading for a woman who had lost her husband of 20 years, I received a clear message from the other side: “Ask her why she is so angry.” When I posed the question, the woman tearfully admitted that she was angry with God for taking her husband away. As we spoke, coins began to fall from the pocket of the shirt she was holding – a shirt she had pressed just that morning. It was a sign from her husband, a reminder that love does not end with death, and that he would always be there for her. The moment was emotional, filled with the undeniable presence of the Spirit, and both of us knew we had witnessed something truly miraculous.

How do you teach people to stay positive and grow spiritually?

Through my teachings, I emphasize the importance of balance, practicality, and maintaining a high vibration. I believe that love is the source of all power, and that by staying away from negativity and hate, one can keep their spirit strong and their mind sharp. I encourage my students to set daily goals, practice acts of kindness, and seek understanding rather than forgiveness.

As I continue to explore the ever-evolving world of the Spirit, I remain committed to my own growth and education. I regularly attend classes and seminars, understanding that the spiritual realm is always changing, and so must I. Ethics are a cornerstone of my teachings, and I stress the importance of spiritual health, protection, and understanding the impact of energy on our lives.

The Future of Technology and Spirit Communication

How do you see technology changing the way we connect with the spirit world in the future?

Looking to the future, I envision a time when mediums might no longer be necessary, as technology advances to the point where we can connect with the other side through our devices. Scientists are already making significant strides in this field, producing images and voice recordings from the spirit realm. I believe that by 2050, these connections will be as commonplace as a phone call.

Throughout my life, I’ve lived by the advice given to me by my mentor, Louise Decker: “Always keep your Bible in one hand and your loaf of bread in the other.” This wisdom, along with my personal mantra, “As long as you have love in your heart, the world is at your fingertips,” guides me in all that I do.

My life is a testament to the power of love, compassion, and the belief that miracles do happen. I encourage everyone I meet to make their journey count, for in the end, the only thing we take with us are the memories of what we have accomplished.

Contact Sid Patrick