Sarah, a psychic with a unique journey, found her intuition opening up in her late 20s, leading her to provide practical and holistic readings. She specializes in various topics, including love and business, while focusing on uncovering the root causes of clients’ emotional and physical issues. Sarah aims to help clients overcome obstacles and achieve personal growth through actionable steps like affirmations and routines. Read all about her in this Psychics4U.net interview.
Table of Contents
- Discovering Intuition and Personal Journey
- Holistic and Practical Psychic Services
- Insights on Spirituality and Personal Growth
- The Future of Psychic Work and Predictions
- Exploring Life, Death, and the Journey of the Soul
- Contact Sarah Infranco
Discovering Intuition and Personal Journey
How did your intuition change your life?
There’s not many things more unusual than having your intuition open in your late 20’s. As I moved to California, I found myself experiencing unusual physical symptoms like anxiety and panic attacks, feeling energy throughout my body similar to an electrical stimulation machine, paired with an imagination which wouldn’t go away and seemingly knowing things about people, sporadically, and randomly. Through my journey with practicing, questioning and exploring my own intuition with others, I found these “symptoms” to be more than coincidence, but helpful and resonating. Just as anyone going through their own journey, there have been trials and tribulations, but the experiences I’ve had have only made me more confident, empathetic and understanding. For that, I have lots of gratitude.
Speaking of which, my approach parallels my experiences with my intuition opening up. As a former skeptic, or simply someone who never thought much about psychic ability at all, I find myself to be more holistic, understanding, and in particular, practical and pragmatic. I suppose working in corporate culture for most of my adult life has helped me communicate to those struggling to understand their own selves, as well. I still feel quite “normal” and quite the same, but with an intuitive twist. Rather than definitive predictions, high-level jargon, etc., I prioritize small, proactive steps which are achievable every single day. I focus on results.
Holistic and Practical Psychic Services
How do your readings help people?
My services span the gamut of everyday topics like love, business, and what you need to know right now. I do pet readings, ancestry readings, and more. But my passion and general approach is investigating the “root cause” of physical, mental and emotional issues. In other words, the metaphysical component which isn’t seen to the naked eye. Through these conversations, we can uncover prior trauma, negative experiences, etc., which are unintentionally inhibiting you or causing you trouble. Typically, I attract clients who are looking to overcome obstacles, improve themselves and/or maximize their success. I often times leave clients with homework such as affirmations and intentions, modified routines and tips/tricks to bring in what they want and refine or release what they don’t.
Insights on Spirituality and Personal Growth
What is your perspective on spiritual growth?
For a while I’ve been in and out of spiritual communities, but they often times come and go. For several reasons, I haven’t found something which “sticks”. At the moment, I’m juggling my non-spiritual full-time job, volunteer work and other creative or physical pursuits. Once I find the time, perhaps I’ll become a participant or a leader in a more spiritually-oriented space. In the meantime, I enjoy my “community” on TikTok :).
I often times get asked about my spiritual “gurus”, but I have to say they are few and far between. With experiencing an influx of spiritual downloads, I shut myself off from the world (including those sharing psychic information) in order to refine my point of view and understand how to process the messages I encounter. The people who helped me on my journey were more personal to me. Friends, family members, or even therapists. I say this because it’s a good reminder to look up to those who help and inspire you, but there’s validity in going through your journey unencumbered by the thoughts, feelings and emotions of others. At least for a little while.
There have been so many interesting stories during my time as a channeler, it’s hard to narrow into one. I’ll share an example as to why it’s important to trust your intuition. I was doing a passed pet reading for a cat, and I was confused because I discovered them to be a “ginger” or orange cat. Upon discussing with them, they actually had a black or non-ginger cat which was named “ginger”. They always felt it incredibly funny and ironic. I often times say things in readings which don’t immediately resonate. I’ve had clients email me regarding certain predictions and their validity after the fact. But some things have yet to pass, and other things may never. The point of psychic or intuitive ability is not to be 100% correct, but to be the experience you desired, whether conscious or subconsciously.
Without hesitation, if you are experiencing your own spiritual journey, do not listen to cookie-cutter advice. There have been many instances I googled questions, sought our teachers who had “textbook” approaches, and none of them applied of worked for me. It further deepened my isolation, confusion and loneliness. If your quest is to do good, to find yourself and be the best you can be, you don’t need a teacher, nor a guru, like mentioned. Be your own, because the world needs readers and all people who are incredibly unique, audacious and autonomous.
My one piece of advice? I always say at the end of the day, no matter what you do, affirm and intention set. Say it out loud and to yourself. “I am” statements of who you want to be, what you want to be, or how you want to feel. Anything and everything in between. Try to be not overly specific, but direct. You want to leave room for flexibility and to be surprised. You can also mood board, if that’s preferred. It’s easy, harmless and you can’t lose. And it makes a huge difference.
A lot of people may not realize the ethical dilemmas involved in spiritual work. To ensure that you’re creating boundaries for yourself, pushing yourself to be the best and ensuring the information you deliver is not haphazard or disingenuous. These are just to name a few. I do have a few ethical stances which are primarily boundary-oriented, but they all stem from working to make the world a better place, and to ensure that I can self-sustain. In other words, not bleeding out. Whether this be limiting the amount of clients I have (so I can have the energy to forge a deeper connection), or ensuring that the clients that I work with are not using spiritual work as a bypass or exemption from other forms of treatment. It’s hard. And you don’t entirely know everything a client is thinking. And you’re cognizant of how many people need guidance or help. But of course, performing from a place of love tends to help.
In terms of working and focusing on myself in the meantime, I dive into meditation and shadow work, workout regularly and listen to music. Being alone most of the time, music is one of the purest ways for me to connect to the collective. I love social media, but at times, it’s a dark or disingenuous place. When you follow a song, you follow the heart of someone’s journey. And that shared experience is everything to me.
The Future of Psychic Work and Predictions
How do you see the future of psychic work helping people in practical ways?
If there’s one thing for me to hit home in this interview, it’s the future of psychic work. In my opinion, it should start shifting to practical and pragmatic steps toward building a better future for the collective. One on one psychic work is incredibly valuable and its butterfly effect is wide-reaching. But if we can harness channeling ability to build a better future for the masses through philosophical and practical means, we can truly shape a better world. This can be anything from dissecting major problems or issues, inspiring masses to take action, or uncovering needs. I like to focus in on the “health” of masses in general, as this is an incredibly easy way to raise the collective’s vibration to prime ourselves for team action. The question is how can we get massive and impactful results. Thankfully, social media is helping us get there.
Some channelers seem to have the “negative energy spectrum” turned off, but I somehow live there relatively consistently (lol). I have encountered negative people, energies and entities several times. Even with clients, you have to get in the weeds to release these energies. It’s not just about negative “ghosts”, it’s all around us. I think that acknowledgment and acceptance goes a long way. No fear! Once you step over that threshold, negative energies have little use for you. When you’re no longer afraid, they no longer have power. It’s like switching a light switch on and off. By making yourself so uncomfortable for so long, you can desensitize yourself to fear. I recommend it.
When it comes to predictions, I have a strong point of view that energy is moveable and can be changed. I predict similar to the way a car is driving down the road. If a car is about to hit a brick wall from a mile away and it’s going 1 mile per hour, that car has ample time to break or make a turn. But one that’s going 200 miles per hour, will probably be hitting that wall. There’s certainly still time to pivot or brace, but it’s going to be a bit more challenging. I lead with this message of manifestation. All clients have the right to choose, but some options are more feasible or likely than others.
Exploring Life, Death, and the Journey of the Soul
What do you think happens to our energy after we die?
In terms of life after death, I believe in fractals, meaning that we’re essentially Voldemort with lots of horcruxes (lol). Our energy can be moved, shaped, split and be in multiple places at once. There’s no rules. Meaning that we can go to any particular dimension, place in time, etc. that we want. I think if you believe options are limitless, they will be. You’re only inhibited by your belief of self. After all, it mirrors truth in this world. I personally would like to be a golden retriever on Martha’s Vineyard upon my reincarnation return.
How did your panic attack help you believe more in your psychic abilities?
While I mentioned my anxiety or panic attacks earlier in this reading, I did have one instance which ensured that I was a psychic believer for life. These anxiety attacks I was experiencing were difficult, but still breathable and manageable. This time was different. After stepping outside my apartment one random morning, locking my door and ready to go to work, I suffered a panic attack. But this time, I couldn’t move. It was almost as if something was telling me not to leave. Reluctantly (and quite frankly with no other choice), I decided to do a quick sweep of my apartment. After searching high and low, I reluctantly went to my oven. I hadn’t started it in several days, so there would be no reason to check it. Turns out I had accidentally turned on a burner (electric, so it wasn’t overtly visible) when I grabbed a bag next to it. I couldn’t believe it. I shut it off, walked again outside, and shut my door. No panic attack. Voila. You can’t make this stuff up.
How does our subconscious help us with fate and free will?
The easiest explanation to fate and free will is that our subconscious is doing much of the work for us. What does this mean? It means that our conscious awareness is only privy to certain details. We do have a “higher self” or a subconscious self which is driving the car. It’s almost as if our conscious self is just along for the ride, observing out the window. We do create our contracts, our life plans, “destinies”, etc. But as only somewhat conscious people on earth, we’re not always clued in. And we’re not always supposed to be. We are truly the drivers of our own destiny, which is malleable, it’s just that the relationship that we have to this information is sometimes hidden.
What are the benefits of receiving psychic or intuitive readings?
There are lots of ways in which psychic or intuitive readings can help others. There’s certainly the gift of resonation, surprise and delight. And I think that magic is important for people. But per my point of view, there is also a practical means of integrating higher-level information to better ourselves. With that said, there’s so many ways in which clients can benefit from channeled information, and it depends on who you are and what you’re looking for.
In my experience, when clients have spiritual or an existential crisis, they’re much needed, and quietly, much wanted. I have yet to come across someone who’s had a negative outcome to a spiritual awakening, but I’m sure it’s possible. Typically, spiritual awakenings are lucid, manageable and generally under the guise of their wants and desires, despite the trials and tribulations or bumps in the road. It’s just about weathering the storm. I do feel it’s the entire point of an awakening to not entirely know where or how you’ll end up, meaning that your only job is to have faith. While difficult for most, it’s a relatively simple prerequisite. Only a client and their own relationship with themselves can improve or heal their connection to their own spirituality. So as long as they want it, they’ll get it. But in terms of questioning, nothing bad can ever come from challenging yourself, your beliefs, and how you see the world. Often times, at least once, it’s a right of passage. It means you’re a proper human.
Contact Sarah Infranco