Pamela Cummins started her psychic journey in the early ’90s, training in hypnosis, energy work, and dream interpretation. Her path shifted when a minister received a message from Merlin, urging her to pursue psychic readings as a career. With her gifts of clairsentience, claircognizance, and clairaudience, Pamela now provides therapeutic readings with spiritual insights and personal growth. Learn more about her journey and approach in this Psychics4U.net interview.
Table of Contents
- From Dreams to a Professional Psychic Career
- The Impact of My Psychic Gifts on Client Readings
- Interpretation of Symbols and Messages in Readings
- Advice for Personal Growth and Spiritual Practices
- My Bio
- Contact Pamela Cummins
From Dreams to a Professional Psychic Career
What inspired you to turn your psychic abilities into a career?
In the early 90s, I became certified in hypnosis, energy work, and other types of healing modalities. I also was learning to interpret my dreams and received a ton of precognitive and psychic dreams. After a while, I began to get psychic messages in the daytime.
Later, I joined a mediumship group. After the group ended, I became a member of a Spiritualist church, where I became an ordained interfaith spiritualist minister four days after 9/11. One of the roles of a minister was to give messages during services.
One of the other ministers received a message from Merlin asking me why I wasn’t doing readings as a career. Honestly, this message stunned me, yet I took Merlin’s advice. It was terrifying the first time I read for a stranger over the phone, so I let go and let my spirit guides take over.
Things have certainly changed since I began. I’m a confident reader today. Plus, psychic readings are becoming more mainstreamed. This brings more competition. There are a lot more psychic lines. Sadly, many of these advisor lines still pay minimum wages for psychics. Fiverr and Etsy psychics offer readings for very low prices that people should be careful of because you get what you pay for.
The good news about readings becoming more popular is the world is growing spiritually.
The Impact of My Psychic Gifts on Client Readings
How do your unique psychic gifts and methods influence the way you provide readings and coaching for your clients?
Well, there’s only one me, so I’m going to do readings and coaching differently than others. My personal belief is it’s important for me to work and heal myself as long as I live. Therefore, I’m always growing personally and spiritually. This makes me a clear channel for information to come through from my angels, spirit guides, and other loving beings from the other side.
My readings are therapeutic, have directions for better living, and sometimes I’m given predictions. However, my client’s free will can change the prediction. The strongest psychic gifts I have are clairsentience (feeling), claircognizance (knowing), and clairaudience (hearing), which often come in song lyrics, and why some call me the Musical Psychic. It took longer for my clairvoyance (seeing) to emerge. What’s funny is I often receive the message that a client is more comfortable with. For example, if someone is more visual, then I’ll receive more visions. While I’ll get a ton of song lyrics for a musician.
Besides the clairs, I embrace whatever spirit gives me. Sometimes I get visions of my past to be used as a message, which can be really weird for me to view. While other times I feel guided to pull a tarot, oracle, or Lenormand card. The card will give information that’s needed, and/or validation for the messages I received before choosing the card. I’ll also receive messages from our deceased loved ones, although I prefer not to make the entire session about mediumship. I always welcome dream interpretation in a session.
Interpretation of Symbols and Messages in Readings
What’s your method for understanding symbols and messages during a reading?
I find symbols are easier to interpret in a reading than in a nighttime dream. Symbols and messages in a reading usually use daytime language, while a dream symbol uses the dreamer’s unique symbolism. Either is fun for me to do an interpretation.
Honestly, interpreting is a little hard for me to describe, as it comes naturally to me. Sometimes it’s a feeling, other times a knowing, and of course, decades of experience helps.
Important! There are times I have no idea what the symbol or message in a reading is about because it’s none of my business. Instead, it’s for the client to understand or figure out later.
Advice for Personal Growth and Spiritual Practices
What advice would you give for personal growth and trusting intuition?
Remember that as long as you’re alive, you will need to work on your issues. It’s important to clear away negative childhood/adult experiences and messages so they won’t interfere with your life today. In other words, let go of the old to let in the new!
Learn how to tap into your intuition and own psychic abilities. This takes time to either do and/or trust. Your life will become better once you are in actual touch with it and follow it down the yellow brick road of life…
There will always be naysayers who will tell you how to live. Don’t take their advice if it doesn’t feel right or hurts your gut. On the flip side, accept help from those who have your best interest.
Goals are important, although be flexible, and know that your Higher Source will guide you to what’s for your highest good.
What daily habits do you recommend for spiritual growth and positivity?
Only use the following practices if it feels right to you.
Prayer and meditation are so important. I do a formal prayer upon awakening and listen for any messages. Right before I go to sleep, I give thanks for the day to my Higher Source and see if spirit has any messages for me. Of course, I’ll do this during the day when I feel the need to. On really tough days, my prayer is, “Help me!”
Every day, I write what I am grateful for. This helps to start the day with a positive attitude. I also like to choose a card for the day from my library of oracle, tarot, and Lenormand cards. You can always use a free app or website to choose a card or two.
Read, watch, or listen to something spiritual that you’re interested in and can help you grow. Write or record your thoughts in a journal, which is especially helpful if you’re in pain and going through a tough time.
Don’t focus on negative media unless you want to have a rotten day. Watch a funny video instead.
The old standby of diet and exercise is important. Do your best to eat healthy, life-giving food to keep your Earthly vessel clear for spiritual guidance. If you are physically able, go for a walk, do yoga, tai chi, or another form of exercise. I receive my best ideas and messages during a walk and yoga practice.
My last suggestion is to know that life is a gift and to enjoy every moment!
My Bio
Pamela Cummins is an expert dream interpreter, psychic, and spiritual growth coach. She is the author of eight books and the creator of four oracle cards. Her column Attitude of Cattitude in Substack is about the adventures of her five cats.
Contact Pamela Cummins