Psychic Interview: Nadija Bajrami

Nadija Bajrami Psychic

Meet Nadija Bajrami, a renowned psychic-medium and grief educator. From early grief to overcoming brain tumors, Nadija’s journey to achieving awards across multiple holistic fields reflects her deep spiritual calling. Her readings offer intuitive insights with mediumship, providing healing and clarity to clients worldwide. Discover more about her journey in this exclusive interview with

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Journey of Loss and Spiritual Awakening as a Psychic

What experiences and challenges in your life led you to pursue your diverse career as a psychic-medium, hypnotherapist, and grief educator?


My name is Nadija, and I am a Multi Award Winning Empowerment, Grief & Trauma Specialist, Strategic Hypnotherapist, Hypnotherapy Supervisor, Mind Coach, Reiki Master, Grief Educator, Psychic-Medium, Intuitive Development Mentor & End Of Life Doula – working mostly online worldwide. French by birth, I lived in different countries, and I am now sharing my time between Ireland, France, and Switzerland.

So, the big question I often get asked is, ‘how did it all start?’ And I think it is important for people to read other people’s stories which can sometimes shed some light on what has been happening in their own lives.

I often say that my life has been affected by many losses that I experienced from a very young age and throughout my adult life. I lost my beloved father just before turning 10 and then I lost my soulmate in my mid-twenties, and several friends to cancer and suicide. After my father passed away, I totally blocked my grief and anger built up for decades. I could feel Spirit from a very young age but as I was growing up, I wanted to be ‘like everyone else,’ and not the ‘weirdo.’ So, I totally suppressed all that.

Until one time in 2014, when I rented a house in France, not far away from where my family lives, and when I started to live there, I could clearly feel that I was not alone. I had one gentleman in Spirit who would come and speak to me, telling me that the time was right to accept my calling. Still, I could not really take it all in. Shortly after, I got diagnosed with some brain tumors and had to undergo several surgeries. I fully recovered after my last brain surgery in 2015 and I remember talking to God and to whoever else was above, saying that if I was to pull through, I would honor my calling. I did recover and I then also got some help from a wonderful hypnotherapist in France. She helped me with my anger and grief and more. And in 2017, I went to Ireland, I just felt I had to go there and rapidly trained as a trauma-focused hypnotherapist, coach, energy healer, grief educator, and end of life doula, and expanded my intuitive and mediumistic abilities.

Psychic Services for Spiritual Clarity

What types of spiritual readings do you specialize in, and how do these sessions help clients gain clarity and guidance in their lives?

The types of spiritual readings I offer:

I always ask people who want a psychic-mediumship reading to come with an open mind and be open to receive any messages sent to them. When I ask you a question or tell you what I am seeing, always be clear with a yes or no or maybe answer. I do not need any other information from yourself as your loved ones in Spirit World do the work by sending me the messages. It can also happen that you might not understand everything in a reading. I always ask you to take any information you do not understand with you as it will make sense sooner than you think. The same goes for the psychic reading: do not give me any information as I will read your energy and give you all I feel and you can then use my insights the way you feel it the most appropriate, knowing you always have your free will.

It is normal to understand things a little later, as the whole experience can be a little bit overwhelming at first, with so much information coming through.

I also tell people to wait at least six months, ideally one year, before coming back for a psychic-mediumship or a psychic only reading.

I would like to remind everyone that a psychic-mediumship reading is me connecting to Spirit World and relaying messages from your loved ones who have passed, giving proof of continuity of life after physical death and relaying loving and healing messages to you, and also sometimes giving you some psychic insights I pick up from reading your energy. In a psychic-mediumship reading, I will give you as many details as I get from Spirit World so there is no doubt in your mind that a real connection is taking place.

A psychic only reading is a soul-to-soul connection. I will connect to your energy and give you some psychic insights I pick up from you and your energy at that moment in time that can give you guidance in different areas of your life. A psychic reading is also very powerful as it can help you get some clarifications on questions you might have on some areas of your life. A psychic reading is not fortune telling or predictions of any sort, but a powerful soul-to-soul connection between my energy and yours.

A psychic and intuitive guidance reading is a profound and insightful experience that helps you gain clarity and direction in your life. Unlike fortune telling, it is not about predicting the future as no one knows what the future holds! Instead, it’s about connecting with the energies around you to provide guidance and understanding.

During our sessions, I work with deep compassion and the assistance of my spirit team to bring you the insights you need. Together, we’ll explore the questions and concerns that are weighing on your heart. Whether you’re facing a major life decision, feeling stuck, or simply seeking peace of mind, a psychic and intuitive guidance reading can bring you some answers that will help you move forward with confidence.

Here is how it helps:

– Clarity: Understand your current situation better and see things from a new perspective.

– Guidance: Receive advice on how to navigate your challenges and make empowered choices.

– Healing: Find emotional relief and healing from past traumas and unresolved issues.

– Empowerment: Feel more confident and equipped to move forward in your life.

I am here to support my clients with empathy and professionalism, ensuring you feel safe and understood throughout our time together. My goal is to enable you and to help you move forward with confidence and peace.

The psychic insights I give you are guidance only and that at all moments, your free will should prevail.

None of what I offer is fortune telling, forecasting or predictions as I genuinely believe that no one can know with absolute certainty what will happen. We have to live our lives with the highs and the lows and to also stay open to life’s surprises. I firmly believe that we are not supposed to have it all figured out and we must use our free will and common sense.

In my spiritual work, I aim at guiding people, not replacing their own judgment or free will. This is something I explain each time someone wants to work with me.

How do you interpret symbols or messages received during your readings?

I often work with symbols in my readings, let it be psychic or psychic-mediumship readings. Interpreting symbols or messages during a psychic and mediumship reading involves tuning into the subtle energies and meanings behind the symbols.

The key is to trust our intuition and inner guidance, allowing the symbols to speak to our heart and soul. Then, we reflect on the feelings and thoughts they evoke, and consider how they relate to our client’s current life circumstances. Remember, these messages are meant to offer comfort, guidance, and clarity, reminding us of the loving support from the spiritual realm. It is important to embrace the process with an open heart, knowing that every message is a step towards greater understanding and healing.

Our deceased loved ones and guides are always present to help me; they want to help me and share information with me. They will use whatever they can to assist me in understanding what they are trying to tell me. They send images they think I can recognize. Common symbols like flowers or birthday cakes or even colors and scents mixed with more personalized symbols can get the messages to me. It is not like we have a clear line transmission where someone tells me word for word what they want me to know. Instead, the other side uses these symbols to get their information across.

We all work with different psychic abilities or clairs. Having one psychic sense prevail over another does not mean we cannot receive information in many ways. More often than not, I communicate with the other side using a combination of psychic abilities; it is the coming together of the different senses that helps bring depth to the symbolic impressions I get. It’s taken me many years, and lots of readings, to put together my own catalog and library of psychic symbols, and I am still adding to it as I go along.

How does your approach to psychic readings distinguish itself from others in the field?

I believe that each one of us is truly unique and that, as spiritual workers, we all have our unique way of working. In my case, the Spirit World and my Spirit Team have inspired me and guided me to train as a trauma hypnotherapist, grief educator, and end-of-life doula. So, when I do readings, my first and foremost goal is to enable my clients or sitters. My goal is that when they leave my reading, when the session is finished, they feel uplifted and empowered. Of course, some readings can be very emotional and that can be very cathartic, but when the reading is finished, my clients should feel empowered.

As I am also a therapist and a grief specialist, I know how to handle people’s emotions and most of all, how to deliver my readings. Compassion and empathy are keys in a reading. And I also want to add that when I deliver my readings, I am the reader, the professional, not Nadija and all her belief systems. I insist on this as we must leave our beliefs aside and be a blank canvas and create a safe and nurturing environment for our clients. Holding the right code of ethics is essential when delivering a reading.

I always remain true to my own values and if I feel a reading is not right for a client, I will straightway tell them. The same way, if I feel a client is not the right fit for me and I am not the right reader for them, I will let them know. This is crucial in my work.

I talked about belief systems and values as they are two different things. We should always remain true to our core values but should never bring our own belief systems into a reading as they might not be the same as the client’s and what matters in the reading is for the client to feel comfortable.

How do your diverse services empower and support clients on their personal journeys?

I offer hypnotherapy, mind coaching sessions, Reiki sessions, and grief education and support services as well as end-of-life doula services. Of course, I also offer psychic-only readings or psychic-mediumship readings as well as spiritual development mentorship programmes.

Everything I do is to enable people and to be of service to the world. Using my different modalities, I help people get empowered, supercharge their confidence and self-esteem, overcome their limiting beliefs as well as manage anxiety and their traumatic experiences and heal their attachment wounds and their inner child, navigate the rocky terrain of grief and approach the end of this physical life.

My mission has always been to help people realize that all the resources they need are already within themselves and that we just need to do some work to unleash the potential within. I consider myself a tool for my clients. I help them build their own toolbox and have the toolbox ready whenever they need to use it.

Mentorship and Mediumship Perspectives

What is your belief about the journey of the soul after physical death, and how does this belief influence your approach to mediumship readings?

As a psychic medium, I know that the soul carries on after the physical death. This is my first task in a mediumship reading, to prove the continuity of the soul after the physical body reaches the end of its journey. I also believe that the soul goes to a beautiful place, that beautiful Spirit World, full of love and light. I also believe that the soul keeps growing and evolving. We also learn to become the most optimized version of ourselves and to me knowing this is just both beautiful and amazing.

We are living in the Spirit World. We live a different life than the earthly life indeed, but a life in which we help ourselves and our loved one still on the earthly plane.

How do you engage with and contribute to both local and online spiritual communities through your work as a spiritual practitioner and mentor?

As a spiritual practitioner working internationally, I do quite a few online psychic and mediumship demonstrations online for several spiritualist churches and spiritual communities. As a spiritual development teacher and mentor, I also offer workshops and mentorship programmes. I work mainly online, and I am also always happy to discuss going to physical spiritualist churches and organizations.

I feel so blessed to be part of an amazing community of like-minded souls and we empower and uplift each other while supporting our clients.

Who are some of the influential teachers or mentors who have significantly shaped your approach to psychic and mediumship readings, and how have their teachings impacted your spiritual journey?

I also want to take this opportunity to talk about some people who have influenced me in the way I work. I have had the great privilege to be inspired, trained, and work with some amazing mentors in Ireland, The United Kingdom, and The United States. I will mention one of them, Tony Stockwell, a well-known British psychic medium. I want to mention him specifically as through his teachings and workshops, he has inspired me to get out of my comfort zone and to take my readings to another level.

He has taught me to go deeper in my readings, to read my client’s soul and help them on their journey and the same goes for the mediumship readings, he has taught me to fully blend with the Spirit World and give them a voice and talk about what they do, what they did in their past on the earth plane and to go beyond the proof of the continuity of the soul after the physical death.

Seeking Psychic and Spiritual Support

What advice do you have for individuals who are navigating their own spiritual awakening or journey, especially in terms of seeking help and support?

I also want to encourage anyone out there navigating their own spiritual awakening and journey to look for help and support. I am fully convinced that we all have some sort of intuitive and mediumistic abilities, but I also believe that, like anything else, strengthening and expanding those abilities takes effort, commitment, and dedication. If you feel that you are going through a spiritual awakening or feel that something is shifting, the first advice is to really work in and on yourself. Invest in yourself and your personal development. As before doing anything at all, the key is to get to know our spirit within.

How do rituals like grounding, sitting in your own power, and meditation enhance spiritual growth and connection in daily life?

I would also strongly recommend including some rituals and regular practices like grounding and sitting in your own power. These two practices will help you to quiet your mind and find more inner peace. They will help you in your daily life as well as in any spiritual work you might be offering. Once again, I will say that it is all about looking after the spirit within.

Grounding, also known as earthing, is an attempt to get the bodies we inhabit as spiritual beings to connect with the heart. It can be seen as a form of meditation, but it’s more than that. It balances out a human being’s field of energy, known as the aura, and keeps negative energies from entering this field and corrupting thoughts, and eventually affecting the kinds of actions we take.

Some people find a quiet and natural outdoor environment to perform their grounding exercises. Standing barefoot in natural soil while performing meditative breathing exercises is a common form of grounding.

When grounding exercises are performed regularly and properly, the benefits become very apparent. Along with providing an outlet for releasing negative feelings and thought patterns, grounding can help you achieve:

– A sense of physical and emotional balance and stability.

– A more profound sense of connection to your immediate and extended environments.

– The ability to focus on problems to solve them and not to worry about them.

The purpose of sitting in the power is to understand your own power and energy, finding out methods and techniques that work for you as an individual. Sitting in the power can help to restore and recharge energy to carry on with the tasks in hand.

And of course, meditation is a must. Meditation has many purposes. It can be a starting point for self-development and self-discovery.

Last but not least, I would also highly recommend starting to establish a relationship with your spirit team and guides. Here again, regular meditative practices will be very helpful.

How do you establish a deep spiritual connection with clients during your readings or sessions without using physical tools?

I have often been asked how I work and what tools I use to deliver my readings. Personally, I do not work with any physical tool. I have a regular and daily habit of meditating and sitting in my own power. When I have clients who booked readings, I will always set an intention before the reading that all goes for my client’s higher good and, of course, I always talk to my spirit team, including my own loved ones who passed and my spirit guides, and then connect to my client’s energy and auric field, to their soul and to the Spirit World if they booked a mediumship reading. Spiritual work is all about setting the right intention and being heart-centered in our approach.

How do you deal with challenging energies or situations during your readings, especially in mediumship sessions involving clients and their loved ones in Spirit?

I have always worked for the light, and I have never had any negative experiences during a mediumship reading. The Spirit World is a world of love and light. I have always believed that everything is divinely orchestrated and that our loved ones in Spirit bring the right clients to the right readers and their aim is always to empower and uplift even if the relationships were conflictual during their earthly life.

I always tell my clients to come with an open mind and not to stress over what could happen in the reading. As regards mediumship readings, it is important for me to remind people that it is a three-way relationship between the client, their loved ones in Spirit and the medium and coming with the right intention and being open-minded are two key factors.

How do you maintain your spiritual well-being outside of your professional roles as a psychic and therapist?

To nurture my spiritual well-being outside of my professional roles as a spiritual worker or therapist, it is essential to carve out time for self-reflection and self-care. I have established a daily routine that includes meditation, prayer, as well as mindfulness practices to center myself and connect with my inner peace. I engage in activities that bring me joy and foster a sense of purpose, whether it is spending time in nature, reading inspirational texts, or of course spending time with my beloved fur baby, my eight-year-old female cat whom I love to the moon and back. I also surround myself with a supportive community and seek out meaningful connections that uplift my spirit. I often have to remind myself to be gentle with myself, honoring my needs and boundaries, and always listening to my inner guidance.

And for me taking a nice warm bath is also something that helps me very much to just unwind, leave the everyday world behind me and just go within. As a trauma and grief specialist and spiritual worker, I have had to learn how to prioritize my spiritual health in order to maintain a balanced and fulfilled life, radiating positive energy to those around me.

Vision for Psychic Services

How do you foresee the future of spirituality and the field of psychic work evolving, and what do you anticipate your contribution will be to this evolving landscape?

I am currently working on writing a book on my spiritual work and on grief. I aim at reaching as many people as possible with that book and my spiritual work to help them understand and see the beauty in this line of work.

If we remain true (and so we should!) to our core values and if we truly are client-centered and want to be of service, as lightworkers we will make an even bigger difference in the world. We live in such a fast-paced world in which people get bored easily and try their utmost to distract themselves from their own lives and their own selves. I believe that our work in the years to come will be to help people find their beautiful selves again and live a life true to their own values, values that sometimes they forgot.

We have a duty of care with the people who come and ask us for help and we stay true to ourselves, I know that we will continue to make a difference in the world. I also aim at traveling more and delivering inspirational talks on the spiritual topics close to my heart.

As spiritual workers and lightworkers, I know that we are in a profession which will help the world move in a better direction! This is co-creation at its best and we should all come together for a bigger impact!

Final words…

I feel truly blessed to do what I do, and I could not be grateful enough to my Spirit team for their ongoing love, support and guidance. I feel privileged and will never take these abilities for granted. Keeping the ego at bay as well as expanding my knowledge is key.

To finish on a funny note, I want to say that I speak five languages fluently and that the one I feel the most comfortable with is English! The mind and its beautiful mysteries…

Contact Nadija Bajrami