Meet Matthew Habchi of Truthseeker Psychic Readings, where empathy meets clarity in every session. Matthew’s approach combines honest insights with compassionate guidance, helping clients make informed choices and shape their futures. Through intuitive visions and a deep commitment to personal growth, he supports clients in navigating life’s challenges with wisdom and understanding. Discover more about Matthew’s readings and his journey in this interview on Psychics4U.net.
Table of Contents
- Psychic Reading Approach and Methodology
- Personal Growth and Psychic Influence
- Spiritual Insights and Psychic Practices
- Metaphysical Perspectives in Psychic Readings
- Contact Matthew Habchi
Psychic Reading Approach and Methodology
What motivates you to provide deep and empathic readings for your clients, and what makes your readings unique?
I genuinely care about every individual that comes in for a Reading. It is because I am a deeply feeling, loving & empathic soul. Since I believe that all of human life is a Spiritual journey, I read with a lot of depth. Nothing is surface level.
How do your insights help clients make better choices for their future?
I tell the client what they need to know, not what they ‘want’ to know. My Readings are very honest, however I’ll always take care to deliver the messages gently, with love & compassion. Any challenges I see for a client are all challenges my client can overcome. They are seeing me, because I’m able to guide them through it from a higher vantage point. My Readings prevent my clients from acting unconsciously. Once they are aware of what’s coming, they will make better choices to shape their future.
How do you prepare yourself to enhance your intuitive abilities and ensure a clear connection during your sessions?
The sooner I can drop into Theta brain waves, the clearer will be my clairvoyant & intuitive messages. I also make sure my mind is clear before I start the session. Sometimes I’ll meditate before hand, if need be. I have a ritual, where I call in my spirit guides & the protection of an ascended master for both my client & my own higher good.
How do you interpret and communicate the symbolic visions you receive during readings to ensure clarity and connection with your clients?
I am extremely visual. Aside from seeing clear mini movies playing out in my mind, I see numbers, words, sentences etc. Many of my visions are Not to be taken literally, they are quite often an over exaggeration to get the message across to my client. They are much like dreams. And they can look super weird, but I’ve learned over the years how to properly interpret them, so the client has clarity, feels comfortable & can relate to the vision.
How do you balance offering future predictions with empowering clients to make their own choices and shape their destiny?
I am a big believer in free will. Nothing anyone says to you is ever concrete. We are all sovereign beings & we have the power to change our future. So, I’ll never tell someone “This Is going to happen!” I’ll often say, “this could happen” or “You have a choice & you can change it or handle it better, if you choose to”.
Regardless of this approach, I’ve had countless people come back to tell me how accurate the future predictions I gave them were. I just feel it’s important the client knows that They are in control. I would never take that away from anyone. I’m just here to help & empower the individual. To arm them with knowledge & a higher understanding.
How do you perceive the function of psychic readings in helping individuals gain awareness and insight into their lives?
I believe the purpose of a Reading/Spiritual guidance is to help open a persons eyes to what is happening in their life. Its purpose is to create awareness in an individual. For some it’s for healing, for others it’s to awaken. For others still, it’s because they are curious about their future. Others just want insight where they feel they can be blind or ignorant. In all cases, it is helpful & enlightening.
Personal Growth and Psychic Influence
How have your mentors and influences guided your path and enhanced your psychic readings?
I have an extraordinarily open mind, therefore I take on teachings from every individual I come across, particularly those with a high vibration. I have learned a lot from Eckhart Tolle, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Krishna & various galactic Channellers, to name a few. Having said that, I owe a lot to my mentor Patricia Profit, who awoken me to my abilities in 2016. She was an incredibly accurate Reader & If not for my Reading with her back then, I wouldn’t be on this path today. She was a kindred spirit, soul family, placed on my path to point me in the right direction. The rest is history.
How does your personal life and spiritual growth outside of readings influence your practice as a psychic?
Everything you could possibly think of. In all seriousness, basically my whole life outside of doing Readings is aiding & supporting my spiritual growth. I don’t do it, Just so I can show up as a great Psychic. I do it because I wouldn’t want to live any other way. That’s how I know I’m meant to do what I do. Because the two go hand in hand.
What drives your deep sense of compassion and commitment to providing genuine and impactful readings for your clients?
I aim to treat every individual as if they were my brother or sister. I am naturally a very compassionate soul. I do this work because it is who I am & what I am meant to do. A client will always receive a genuine reading from me. And I will always take as much care as I can to leave the client in a better place, than how I found them.
How do you envision using your evolving psychic abilities to impact a larger audience and contribute to humanity’s collective spiritual evolution?
For a long time I’ve had a vision of being on a stage in front of an audience, doing my work. It scares the crap out of me, yet I feel it’s where I’m meant to go. My Astrological birth chart shows that from 2028-2042 my Cosmic Consciousness gate will be opening fully. In other words, my already powerful psychic ability will be on steroids! With this knowledge, I believe I’m meant to utilise these abilities to help the greatest amount of people possible, as well as contribute to helping humanity shift to a far higher vibration as a collective.
How do you support clients with various levels of emotional and spiritual challenges during your sessions?
I will always do my utmost to guide them with love, compassion & empowering them with the necessary tools to help them grow. But if they are nearing psychotic or dissociated, I will usually refer them to a trusted spiritual healer. I myself do possess a healing energy, as many comment they feel better after just sitting with me. But, there are some who require serious healing with someone specifically trained to do so.
Spiritual Insights and Psychic Practices
What advice do you have for staying grounded and supported during a spiritual awakening?
It’s easy to become overwhelmed, as an awakening can come hard & fast, so make sure you have lots of healthy habits that support you to feel grounded. At this time, many people are awakening. You’re not alone. Share your experiences with those you feel aligned to, it will help you tremendously to feel better about what you’re going through.
What are your thoughts on the current wave of spiritual awakening and its impact on humanity’s future?
The earth is going through the greatest wave of spiritual awakening energy that has ever hit this planet, in its history, spanning all the way through to 2028. After this period, we will need lots of time to integrate the energetic shifts. We’re in for a wild ride, but it’s all happening for the greater good. The earth’s frequency is raising & those who have decided to stay will also experience a shift in their own frequency. Such that it will evolve all of humanity to greater heights than ever seen by our ancestors.
How do holistic practices like nutrition, meditation, and energy circulation contribute to spiritual growth and overall well-being?
You are what you eat. Eat the freshest food possible, grown from the earth. This will keep your vibration high & your energetic field clean. Get plenty of sunlight (without burning), we are light & the light of the sun not only heals our bodies, but keeps us spiritually connected. Drink lots of fresh water. We live in a very toxic environment, so we need to flush out the toxins daily.
Get lots of sleep, the body & soul need rest to function optimally. If possible, daily meditation will continually increase your vibration & help clear the mind when practiced regularly over time. It will also improve your intuition & natural psychic ability, as well as help your body regulate & relax. Repeating mantras & affirmations are something I do often, which I find help me manifest the things I desire.
Practicing non ejaculation & learning the Taoist techniques to circulating the orgasmic energy through the body for healing, is not only going to help with spiritual growth, but will also support you living longer. This can be practiced in both males and females. Honestly, there are too many to list. But these are the ones I would focus on.
How do you handle challenging cases where clients are deeply troubled or encountering spiritual obstacles during readings?
Most people come to me because they are stuck & cannot see the issues within themselves. It’s not always easy to lift someone’s spirit when they have suffered so much & they are clearly extremely low. However I endeavour to give such people tools they can use in their daily life that help over time. I’ve had someone come in once with a very dark intrusive entity, That actually started blocking the Reading & wouldn’t let me focus. In Rare cases like these, I recommend the client see a spiritual healer who can exorcise evil spirits.
Metaphysical Perspectives in Psychic Readings
Can you share an experience where your reading had a significant impact on a client’s health or future?
I once paused in the middle of a Reading because I felt a strange/heavy feeling in my chest. The client asked me, “are you ok?”. I said, “I’m ok, it’s not me..”. I preceded to tell the client to go & get her chest looked at by a physician, just in case.. The client saw me a couple weeks later, informing me she had breast cancer. Although it was a shock for her at first, she was able to fully recover & is still in remission today.
These types of messages are not common for me to receive, but they do happen. Having said that, when clients ask about their health, Spirit usually shows me the area of their body that is most at risk of contracting an illness. I have also had countless clients come back to inform me that what I had told them was going to happen, happened at the exact time I mentioned in the Reading months earlier & sometimes even multiple things happened for a single client. Not just one thing I said.
What is your perspective on the journey of the soul after death and the choices it faces based on its spiritual development?
I believe you/the soul first go to a place that matches your thought pattern at the moment of death. Therefore we all have the ability to create our own heaven or hell. When we have found the light & choose to go there, I believe we will meet with our Spirit guides & they’ll inform us on how we went (during our life on earth). Then we meet with loved ones & others that have passed over.
After that, we have many choices depending on the soul’s stage of development. We either reincarnate back on Earth, if we decide we have more to learn or we incarnate onto another plane for a different experience altogether. There are those who have a rest period or those who choose to go to the Universal Schools where the soul learns new concepts. A soul who has reached full development may choose to re-connect back with Source Energy.
How do you navigate between the concept of fate and free will in your readings, and how do you convey this to your clients?
We all have free will. And we all have a general blueprint of how our life ‘Can go’. Ultimately, it is up to each individual whether they go With fate or away from it. I don’t believe everything is predetermined.
Contact Matthew Habchi