I first got into psychic readings and spiritual work at the very earliest when I was very young, and I started without even realizing attempting to talk to animals with my mind…
I wanted to know how to communicate with them, but I didn’t have any kind of training and I certainly didn’t really accomplish very much at that time, other than learning how to sit still and silence my mind so that I could possibly hear animals…
Those were probably the earliest stages of it but honestly, it didn’t really develop until many, many, many years later when my brother died of an unexpected drug overdose. That’s when I started getting messages from him in the non-physical realms.
It took me at least a year just to realize that it was actually him I was connecting with and not something I was making up in my mind…
I had to learn how to listen and look for clues and information that was coming through and I had to make sure it wasn’t something That I was generating from my own mind. That alone was about a year of practice all by myself without any teacher – because honestly, I wasn’t sure if I was crazy back then.
In the silence, I had to learn how to ask specific questions so that I could get answers that would be true and accurate… and I had to make sure that those questions I was asking weren’t necessarily something that I already knew the answers to or that I could come up with on my own.
As I practiced over and over, I realized that it was indeed, my “dead” brother communicating with me. It was him who referred to himself that way, ie, as “dead”.
You see he was very funny in life, very animated, and when he would referred to himself this way, it was as if he was joking and laughing about it and making a joke because he knew himself that he was not dead and it was his way of being funny… Even though that wouldn’t necessarily be funny to A physically embodied human 🙂
During that time in a sense, my brother was my big wake up call…like a divine wake up call to me, so that I could step into more of who I am meant to be and serve and contribute in this world according to my soul’s true divine agenda and my role in God ~ Source ~ Creator ~ The Divine plan.
His communication with me helped me to realize that I had to change my ways and change my life trajectory.
Up until that time, for almost 20 years after college I was living a life in corporate America on a complete hamster wheel. I was so miserable. I felt like I was a slave. I felt hopeless.
I was absolutely miserable in my career and not doing the work that I was truly meant to do. I was desperately searching for some kind of solution but I felt that I had no way out.
I was very unfulfilled in my career. I kept jumping from job to job, but I hated every job. I was in the wrong career and wrong line of work.
Because of that as a way to cope and survive, I was struggling just to find any happiness in life, so I was doing all kinds of unhealthy behaviors as a way to cope:
• I was smoking two packs of cigarettes a day
• I was drinking six or eight beers per day
• I had a six-figure credit card debt from being a spend-a-holic
• My thyroid was entirely messed up… I had extreme hypo thyroid.
• My hair was falling out.
• I was extremely overweight
• I couldn’t get to sleep at night and I couldn’t wake up in the morning
• I couldn’t get through the day without sleeping
• I was going to well meaning doctors… They were pumping me up with massive amounts of pharmaceutical drugs, ridiculous crazy cocktails, pharmaceutical drugs that were not helping.
And I got to the point that I also just wanted to die…
So you see it was my brother’s messages that helped me… That gave me a wake up call…
During that initial year, I also started getting messages from other so- called “dead relatives”, ie, relatives who had passed over and transitioned,
Also during that period of time, even famous people who had died would come to me and ask me to share information with other humans about the fact that real death doesn’t exist – that we live after the physical body drops – and to tell us not to be afraid of dying because we are eternal beings, but that we are meant to live well and enjoy having bodies and learn and grow and evolve as much as we could while living in the earthly ~ physical realm.
After that initial year, I quit my six-figure job and became a dog trainer.
Right away, I started getting messages from the dogs.
And the dogs would say “you listen to us and we’ll teach you.We are here to help humans but you have a lot to learn if you are going to help us.”
So I got very good at listening to dogs and very quickly, I got very good at listening to all animals. Animals actually speak a universal language of energy.
My skills as an animal communicator developed very quickly because I understood that the animals wanted to help humans and they had insights and wisdom and guidance that they could share with the humans that they lived with.
They started teaching me ~ They helped me to realize that the issues that the animals had were always rooted with the humans they lived with and that if I wanted to help them, I would have to also help the humans.
That’s where my gifts, talents and abilities started, but that was only the beginning.
Needless to say within two years of my brothers transition, I let go of all:
• The alcohol
• The cigarettes
• The six figure credit card debt was gone within two years
• The excess bodyweight
• I started eating healthy, all natural and organic foods
• I started exercising regularly
• I gave up the extreme amounts of spending and shopaholic
• I quit coffee
• I healed my own thyroid
• My hair grew back
• My sleep patterns return to normal
• I got healthy
• I never needed another pharmaceutical drug and it has now been over 20 years since then and I still never need any pharmaceutical drugs. I have not been sick in 20+ years and I don’t even need over- the-counter drugs nor do I ever take them.
So essentially once I got more aligned with my own path and journey, ie, my true trajectory of my soul’s calling… and what I called God’s plan for me and my role in God’s creation, everything started to get aligned, and all those problems went away, almost effortlessly.
It was after those initial two years that I started to make the shift into doing more and more spiritually based work, and eventually I built my own entrepreneurial spiritual, service based business where I get to be of service and contribution to humans and animals on a global scale.
I started learning about energy and I studied many spiritual healing modalities too and I began to see miracles and my clients (both humans and animals) were experiencing truly miraculous results.
Now I teach people intuitive development and how to access their intuitive gifts, talents and abilities.
I teach people animal communication to telepathy.
I also help people heal and resolve core wounds and traumas… which are just wounding patterns that they are mostly unconscious of.
Most of those wounding patterns are linked to pain and suffering that they’ve been experiencing in their lives. Once those energy patterns are healed and resolved, humans and their animals improve their lives dramatically.
Everything gets better. Everything.
I teach people how to utilize energy and consciousness… So that they can be master creators and collaborators with the universe in a highly intelligent and conscious way…
…so that they can be the best version of themselves and their highest fulfillment.
…so that they can be part of the solution on earth and make the impact they want to make, and are meant to make in the world.
A huge part of what’s really really different in terms of the way that I work is that I’m not just working on the psychic plane ~ because the psychic plane is the astral plane ~ and most psychics and pet communicators are mostly working by accessing information from the psychic or plane or the astral realm which is a lower realm of the multi-dimensional reality we exist in…
I actually work from a plane of consciousness which could be referred to as God ~ Source ~ Creator Consciousness, and the energy of the eternal, immortal soul.
When I connect with those higher realms of existence, I am truly serving The Divine ~ The Will Of God ~ which is ALWAYS for the most benevolent best of all beings involved, with harm to none.
I also work with tons of benevolent beings in the non-physical realm who usually are not recognized as real …angels, helpers, healers, guides, masters, teachers and loved ones in the non physical who are truly here to help us grow, heal, evolve and transform into our most benevolent best selves and live our most benevolent best lives.
Not only can I go to the highest highs for people and animals – the realm of Divine Truth, Divine Love, Divine Light, Divine Consciousness, aka, the lightest of the light, I can also access the deepest depths as well, which helps people and animals to clear their blocks, their traumas, their wounding patterns, etc.
This is part of why I’m able to really help people to get past their own blocks and limitations and their self sabotaging patterns that they’re unconscious of, so that ultimately, they can access the love and the light that they are from within.
So they can reveal to their own magnificence…their own brilliance the extraordinary truth of themselves…
Because that IS the truth! We are all magnificent! We are all brilliant! We are all extra-ordinary!
And of course, all of these psychic and intuitive abilities, animal communication skills, telepathic talents, as well as the energy healing practices, ie, all of the gifts and talents and abilities ~ they’re available to everyone.
There is no one who can’t develop them or learn how.
We all have extra sensory abilities, and we all have incredible supernatural powers… However, it does require significant inner work.
It’s not something we can just master without practice and discipleship as well as certain energy practices, which help open up, awaken, and activate much of our dormant potential…
So it doesn’t work like a pill or an aspirin 🙂
That said, our spiritual gifts, talent and abilities and our extra sensory abilities are simply waiting dormant for us to claim, and begin to develop cultivate and utilize. They are never withheld from us. They are available to us as we begin to learn how to harness and utilize them.
And they grow and develop even greater as we use them in service and contribution to the betterment of others.
One of the things I can suggest to anyone interested in learning how to do this for themselves is the first get themselves a really outstanding coach, healer, mentor, and guide who can truly support and assist them in learning how to develop and cultivate these skills and gifts within themselves and also to help teach them a process of how they can start to introduce it in the world so that they can be of service and make a great contribution to others in need.
I would also recommend for anyone wanting to learn how to do more of this did they learn how to sit peacefully and quietly and learn how to listen to their own thoughts so that they can become more conscious of the subtle and not so subtle energies that exist beyond the physical realm.
It’s important to learn how to “become the qualities” and “develop the virtues” that are required for someone in this kind of a role.
Some of these virtues and qualities include developing unshakable peace and harmony as well as becoming the energy of loving kindness and compassionate understanding for others in their struggles…
As that process unfolds, you will reveal a deep inner self love that can only come with the deep work, the deep inner work of practicing and revealing more of the truth of who you are.
The truth of who you are is DIVINE SOURCE consciousness. Love and Light and Consciousness embodied.
These virtues and many others like them are required to be able to do this kind of deep, fulfilling and rewarding, spiritual work.
Ultimately one must decide that they truly want to be of service and contribution in the world.
That’s always a free choice that everyone gets to make. I can promise you this:
The choice to be of service and contribution in the world combined with the steadfast commitment and dedication to developing these gifts, along with a deep inner commitment to clear heal, and resolve one’s own traumas and dramas and wounded bits, will reveal the true magnificence that you are and will exponentially improve the quality of your life as well as the lives of those you touch and the people and animals who you serve…
What might be even better is that this will also expand out and ripple out to ultimately affect the whole of earth and humanity in truly profound and positive ways.
If this feels like a calling for you, I encourage you to get stared now.
Lori’s Bio:
Lori Ann Spagna is a Best Selling Author, Speaker, Spiritual Catalyst, Intuitive Multi-Dimensional Channel, Mentor, Animal Communicator, Energy Healer, Starseed, Contactee and Visionary who has transformed the lives of thousands of humans and animals via her Channeled Ascension Guidance, Intuition, Sacred Energy Healing, Dormant DNA Activations, Divine Transmissions and Animal Communication.
Lori also channels a group of non physical beings called The Collective, which includes a collective group of Ascended Masters, Divine Goddesses, Angels, Teachers, Loved Ones, The Animal Kingdom Collectives, Star Family Races.
Interstellar Beings and others in the non physical realms…
Lori is the founder of The Sacred Visionary Mentorship For Heart Centered, Mission Driven, Visionaries and Leaders who want to make a global impact. contribute to the expansion and UP~liftment of humanity, live the life of their dreams and achieve their soul’s highest fulfillment.
For more information about how Lori can help you, please visit:
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Unlock Your Dormant DNA and Get a GIFTED DNA Activation:
How to Help Animals On A Global Scale: