Meet Psychic Medium Joyce Keller, whose journey is influenced by extraordinary experiences and a deep connection to the metaphysical world. From her mother’s guidance and spiritual encounters to a career spanning television, radio, and bestselling books, she has touched countless lives with her insights and healing abilities. Her near-death experiences and spiritual encounters provide messages from departed loved ones and insights into future possibilities. Learn about her unique approach to psychic readings and her vision of a future where heightened psychic awareness and dreams guide paths to spiritual growth. Read more about her in this exclusive interview on Psychics4U.net.
Table of Contents
- Early Life and Introduction to Psychic Mediumship
- Psychic Mediumship Career on Television and Radio
- Near-Death Experiences and Psychic Healing Work
- Psychic Services and Publications
- Spiritual Insights and Psychic Predictions
- The Future of Metaphysics, Psychic Abilities, and Gratitude
- Contact Joyce Keller
Early Life and Introduction to Psychic Mediumship
How has your understanding of the metaphysical world influenced your journey into psychic mediumship?
I was very fortunate to have been born to a mother who was a psychic medium. She made mediumship, dream analysis, and all forms of divination seem natural and normal to me. From the time I was born, we analyzed dreams together, and she taught me astrology when I was only 2 years old! She warned me that the world was not quite ready for this since it was quite a while ago, and as I was starting kindergarten, she asked me not to share any metaphysical information with the teachers or fellow students, and I reluctantly agreed.
However, on my first day of kindergarten, I realized there was a problem. Amidst all the mayhem of the first day of school, I called my teacher over to me and told her that I had something to tell her. She looked at me and said it better be good, or you’re going to have to spend the rest of the year in the principal’s office. I reluctantly said to her that she had to go home at that moment because her mommy was sick and was calling her name! Miss Harris looked at me with venom in her eyes and said to me, my mother is fine and if I hear another peep out of you all year you’ll be very sorry!
On the second day of kindergarten, I was very quiet and was genuinely terrified that she would speak to me. But she came over to me and gently took my hand as she knelt down beside me. She looked me in the eyes and said, Joyce, how did you know about my mother yesterday? At the moment you told me to go home because my mommy was calling me, she was being loaded into an ambulance with a heart attack, and she was calling my name! How did you know that? And then she was silent for a few moments and said, Joyce, please tell me, am I ever getting married? Oh no, she wanted a reading! I went home and told my mother, who said, that’s why I told you to be quiet and not to share your gift. She was right!
Psychic Mediumship Career on Television and Radio
Could you share more about your extensive media presence and your work with spirit teachers?
I silently went on with my life but pursued all types of metaphysical teachings and reluctantly started to share my gift as I got into my teen years. Television and radio shows heard about me and my ability to psychically and accurately connect with their audiences and give readings.
So I did many television and radio shows like Oprah Winfrey, Regis Philbin, and just about any TV or radio show that you can mention. I have met the greatest of celebrities like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Phyllis Diller on the Merv Griffin show, and many others.
I went on to write 11 best-selling books, including many published by Simon & Schuster and other top publishers. I was honored in both editions of Simon and Schuster’s books, top psychic in America. I’ve had many ongoing appearances on the world’s most popular metaphysical show, with George Noory, Coast to Coast AM.
I have also hosted my own award-winning television and radio shows and was honored to have the longest-running metaphysical show on radio, on New York’s WGBB 12:40 a.m. I wrote for Lifetime Television’s Love and Romance column for over 15 years. My primary purpose in life is to bring hope and joy when people have just about given up all hope.I was on NBC radio for many years with a great comedian, Soupy Sales, who thought it was hilarious to throw cream pies at me while I was doing on-air readings on NBC.
I have worked with Spirit teachers who have allowed me to transfer and heal people both in person and through instant healing, which can be done by phone, radio, TV, internet, or wherever there is the intention and purpose of bringing healing. But remember please, all healing is self-healing, and healing begins with the person who needs healing. All healers do is set out the intention and request.
Near-Death Experiences and Psychic Healing Work
Please share with us your profound experiences with near-death and out-of-body experiences.
I had my first near-death experience when I was 18 months old when I had a raging fever from strep throat. Even though my dad was a pharmacist and had access to drugs and my mother was giving me alcohol rubdowns, an angel appeared and said, joy it’s time to go. So after being inert for many days, I suddenly stood up and attempted to go with her. My mother grabbed my ankle with such ferocity that I was yanked back into my body and the fever was gone.
When I was 8 years old, the same Angel appeared to me when I had a drowning experience in Southampton Lake, Southampton, New York. It was an Indian lake that had very deep holes, and as I stepped into one, I stepped into a deep dark plummeting darkness. The same angel said to me, would you like to go with me this time? She was so beautiful, and I wanted to go, but as I reached out for her, my cousin George grabbed me by the hair and yanked me back onto the beach!
Years later, I had dental work that led to a heart infection called endocarditis, which is usually fatal. So I had my third NDE, but this time I believe I may have had what is known as soul transference or a walk-in experience, where the old Joyce left and a variation of my soul came into my body. At that point, as I recovered, my workload seriously escalated, along with my metaphysical responsibilities. I found myself dealing with many people who were afraid of dying or who had lost loved ones. I was able to bring in messages from departed loved ones, which people always find healing and restorative. Everyone wants to know that the loved one who has crossed over is doing well and is in a Divine place.
I’ve had more than my share of out-of-body experiences and UFO experiences. I wrote about some of them in my last book, The Joy of Miracles. I have been to the Godhead, and I have experienced many miracles. I believe that miracles are probably only things we don’t understand at this current time, but as we go forward, indeed they are miracles. One of the most miraculous experiences I’ve had came from what is known as an apport. An apport is a gift from Spirit, such as a coin that suddenly appears out of nowhere, such as pennies appearing in your driveway or a dime on your desk! Many of us can only find one earring! Sometimes our spirit teachers like to have a little fun with us.
Psychic Services and Publications
Could you tell us about the psychic services you offer and the divination methods you use?
With regard to my psychic services, all that information can be found on my website. My books are all available through Amazon or free of charge in your local library. No, I don’t read cards or really use any tools except possibly a birthday. I think it is the one thing about us that we cannot change! That birthday tells us so much about ourselves and about our past incarnations. I wrote a lot about that in my Edgar Casey ARE book, Why Am I Here?
Spiritual Insights and Psychic Predictions
How can future predictions help us understand life’s lessons and the Earth’s evolutionary journey?
With regard to making future predictions, that is indeed a slippery slope. The best of psychics can only be about 82-95% accurate, whether it’s a reading or a prediction for the world, since only God is 100% accurate. We also have the situation of the God-given gift of free will, where we have a combination of our basic destiny, in combination with our ability to use our free will, and to make our own decisions. The Earth is one big school, and it’s all lessons, lessons, and more lessons. When we pass into Spirit or die, it is summertime, or as many ancients have called it, Summerland. Then when we come back to earth again, we start all over again with more lessons.
With regard to future predictions, do not be afraid. The Earth has gone through many many cycles and they have been many challenges on the Earth. We’re hearing more about it now because there is more communication such as the web. There is very little that is not disclosed or unknown. It is a time of extreme awareness and disclosure! There will be very little in the way of mysteries as we leave the third dimension of experience on the Earth, move into the fourth, which is a transitional pathway, into the fifth dimension, which is glorious and unencumbered by the challenges that we are now experiencing, and the financial walls, etc. The angelic realms are working with our creator and improving conditions on the Earth. But it may be a little bit bumpy until we get there. Hold on tightly because it might be a very interesting ride.
The Future of Metaphysics, Psychic Abilities, and Gratitude
How do you see the future of metaphysics and ESP evolving, especially in relation to the increasing psychic awareness and the significance of dreams?
With regard to the future of metaphysics and ESP, we are all becoming more psychic! Our dreams will become more vivid and more of a connection to the unseen worlds. I believe that’s the way it will help many people to understand the spirit world. Dreams are a great, clear connection. Try to record or write down and understand your dreams, even if they seem like a joke! You are probably receiving messages and what is known as universal symbology, so try to tune into them. Enjoy being a person and enjoy the gift of life.
Don’t fret or feel stressed about people who have committed suicide because God is gracious, and angels will work with the person who has committed suicide and help them to clear their distress. Prayer is very helpful to both the departed folks and for those of us on the Earth! Express gratitude every day, even if you feel you have nothing to be grateful for, because there is always something! Gratitude will help to keep the blessings flowing!
When you feel distressed or sad, just remember, there is always the comedy channel! Comedy, laughter, and humor can heal just about anything, so keep laughing! My handicapped mother told me that, and she was right. We never stopped laughing!
Thank you, and know that you are loved!
Contact Joyce Keller