Daniela R. Florio is a psychic medium, Reiki Master, and crystal therapist whose spiritual journey began with early-life experiences, including a near-death event and spirit encounters. She has trained extensively in mediumship, offering healing services that include crystal and tarot readings. Daniela also shares her expertise through online spiritual communities and live shows, exploring self-discovery and conscious evolution. Read all about her in this Psychics4U.net interview.
Table of Contents
- My Path to Psychic Reading
- Being A Psychic Medium
- The School of Conscious Evolution and New Mediumship
- New Crystal Generation
- Interesting stories
- Open Discussion
- Contact Daniela
My Path to Psychic Reading
How did you first got into psychic reading, and how has it changed or grown since you started?
I think it was when my sister bought for me a tarot deck. I was mesmerized by it and I began to familiarize with it and I started following Tarot readers on YouTube!
Years later, I attended a Crystal Therapy course and we practiced clairs as part of the 3 years development Course. That’s when I have realized how profound it was my connection to Spirit. Since then, I wanted to find my Soul tribe and the right development group. Eventually, the Universe thought it was time for the final push and one day I received the invite from a friend to go and join her Spiritual circle. We had just entered Lock Down. That was it!! My life was never to be the same again. I have started working on public platform 3 years ago and my psychic and mediumship readings have been getting more and more refined and deeper with time. I’m in constant evolution and getting continuos guidance from Spirit from one step to the next as they present now the opportunities to me, I no longer need to look for them. I’m in the Flow and it is a wonderful journey!
How did your early experiences and encounters with spirits shape your understanding of the spiritual world, and what impact did your near-death experience have on your spiritual beliefs?
My early experiences with Spirit where one of a kind. Those were emotionally powerful to me, yet I did not understand the world beyond the Veil and I was frightened by it. I did not know of those other dimensions, I needed to make sense of it, likewise I felt an undeniable attraction – I needed to know more. So, I started reading books, as in those days that was all I had available as a very young lady in the 80s in Italy.
My understanding of the Spirit world at the beginning was pretty much like anyone else’s, I may say. However, my subconscious ( nothing happens by coincidence in this world) started guiding me to see mediums and psychics and that’s when I have started gaining a deeper insight of why my Spiritual encounters happened and even if my role in it … this provided understanding, clarity, strength and faith in the Beyond. This process, which is my personal journey of Awakening, has taken place across a few decades to take then a spin and a giant leap in the past 5 years. Spirit told me:” you trained enough, you know enough. All you need now is to step forward to be seen. We need you out there now to be of service” – I didn t do much after that. Within a couple of weeks I started getting invites from Spiritualist Churches, first online (post Covid) then in person. I’m now in vertical Ascension and expansion. I am in the Flow.
It’s been a very long journey which started with my near death experience (NDE) at the age of 5, which I still remember as if it was yesterday. I knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that there is more to us Human Beings than our Body, Emotions and Mind. It had to be.

Being A Psychic Medium
You’ve trained under various mediums and institutions. How have these diverse training experiences contributed to your development as a medium?
They helped me in many ways. The helped me to develop my Clairs, they gave me confidence in working and trust the messages I was getting from Spirit and they allowed me to learn so much more about “the other side” but above all I gained a profound insight of myself, my purpose and the reason why I experienced a challenging Life, on a personal and health bases above all. These various experiences also helped me to be me and be ok with that, so that I could serve Spirit in a new light, in an inclusive and compassionate way. There will never be 2 of the same Mediums.
As you now serve as a working medium for churches and online spiritual communities, what do you find most fulfilling about this work, and what challenges do you face?
Serving Spiritualist churches both in person and online in the UK and in the USA is giving me an immense joy and sense of purpose for the communities I am serving. The challenges I face as a working medium is dealing with the Public. Sometimes I bump into individuals that are there to receive a message but they have their energetic barriers up so they don’t think they can understand the message. However, on several occasions their friend or family member next to them say they understand all of it on behalf of their loved one. You see, when we deal with grief and anger we don’t want to see or listen to what Spirit is asking me to relay. All I can do is to trust and pass on the message and be open to get still a no from the sitter in return. I learnt to be ok with that and move on.
The School of Conscious Evolution and New Mediumship
Your Wednesday live show invites awakened and conscious mediums to share their experiences. How do you believe these shared experiences contribute to the understanding and advancement of Conscious Evolution?
I believe that the shared experience of other mediums can help the public to understand the process of “awakening”. Humankind has started asking questions, seeing the truth behind news and situations, they are in process of realizing there is more to life. On an individual level we are starting to love ourselves better and we are asking questions about life and beyond. I put emphasis on the healing aspect too when inviting my guests to the podcasts. I want to raise awareness that there are many different modalities or self healing as this is too part of our Soul journey as incarnate. We need healing on a regular basis as we are currently being tossed by challenging times such as disastrous weather events, ill health, difficult economy, grief and trauma and more.
Can you elaborate on the distinctions between “New Mediumship” and traditional or modern forms of mediumship, particularly in terms of their focus on philosophical healing aspects and coping mechanisms?
The traditional mediumship has very strict rules in terms of the way of connecting and speaking to the sitters or public. For instance, I was taught that one should not hug the sitter after providing them the messages otherwise the Medium`s energy gets affected or its connection to Spirit. in the New Mediumship Spirit has been asking me to hug and bring physical comfort too as well as emotional one.Not always but when required! Recently, I asked a lady if I could give her a hug on behalf of her dad. She said yes straight away. After the hug she said she never allows anyone to hug her but this occasion was very special to her. I felt powerful emotions and gratitude for this experience, having made the difference for someone in grief and pain. Philosophical healing is very different too. In the Classic Mediumship often the address is read from Spiritualist books. Through the New Mediumship I have read passages from one of Marianne Williamson’s ” A Return to Love” where very current Life dynamics are being addressed and people can directly identify themselves with their personal Soul development and journey.
New Crystal Generation
What do you attribute the increasing attraction of young people to crystals to, and what specific benefits or effects do you observe this trend having on them?
Nowadays the young generations are born with energetic connections. They have an acute sensitivity to their own needs and they do not align with Institutions wanting to find for themselves what is right for them. Crystals are beautiful living tools that can help reassure and open new pathways to consciousness. Young people are more open minded about energy work and they are extremely sensitive to density fluctuations.
What makes connecting to a crystal skull such a unique and profound experience, and how do they serve as tools for awakening something within ourselves?
Crystal Skulls contain the Quantum energy and Soul history of humankind. It is a form of higher intelligence and has the power to raise both our vibrations and stream of consciousness. By doing so the portals of higher knowing become open triggering awakenings and new awareness.
In what ways does the crystal skull workshop equip participants with practical skills or knowledge that they can apply in their daily lives?
Crystal Skulls bring to the fore of our conscious mind new dimensions and expansion of clairs and heightened intuition. They can work with our chakra alignment and help us to experience more balance in our lives yet provide us with the tools to manage life in a more efficient way. It`s kind of magical how it works.
Interesting stories
Can you please share with us any interesting stories from your career as a psychic reader?
I have many things to tell. I have realized that both people and Spirit always find their way to me when I am needed in service. A former next door neighbour once asked me to investigate what was going on with her home as lights were going on and off even in the middle of the night, the door bell would ring when no one was at the door and things were moving indoors. I don’t do haunted homes but on that occasion when I connected to the energies of her home, it turned out to be her daughter’s former boyfriend. 5 years earlier they had split up and he left the next day flying to Cuba. Unfortunately, though young he died of a heart attack. He had never passed to the Light. He wanted to tell the daughter (there at the time in the house with me and the mother) that he was very sorry. I had provided evidence of who he was and they at once recognized him. I helped him to cross to the Light, he was then ready to move on.
Open Discussion
If you have any other topics you’d like to discuss, please feel free to bring them up.
I have been quite adamant lately to teach awareness in the public about learning to trust their gut feelings, as our intuition, which often is dismissed for a rational choice, is our direct guidance from Source to avoid problems and make the right choices. This is also part of Conscious awakening and it’s the portal to our Spiritual Evolution, our Path to reconnecting to Source and who we really are.
Contact Daniela