Psychic Interview: Christine Higgins – Intuitive Energy Healer & Transformational Soul Coach

Christine Higgins Energy Healer.

Christine Higgins is an Intuitive Energy Healer and Transformational Soul Coach who discovered her path through personal healing. Trained in modalities like Reiki and Shamanic practices, she helps clients connect with their true selves. Offering services that clear emotional blockages and promote spiritual growth, Christine creates a supportive community through events and workshops. Her dedication to transparency allows for a safe space for exploration and transformation. Read all about her in this interview.

A Journey of Soulful Healing and Spiritual Empowerment: Christine Higgins

As an Intuitive Energy Healer, Transformational Soul Coach, and Spiritual Alchemist, my journey into the world of spiritual work began from a deeply personal place. I was drawn to the mystical and healing arts through my own search for balance, peace, and a deeper understanding of life. Over the years, this personal quest has evolved into a profound calling—to guide others on their own paths toward healing, spiritual growth, and self-discovery.

The Beginning: Awakening to Spiritual Work

Like many spiritual practitioners, my path to becoming an intuitive healer wasn’t always clear. It began with small steps: an insatiable curiosity about energy healing, followed by a series of personal experiences that opened my eyes to the unseen forces that shape our lives. I trained extensively in Dr. Usui Reiki, Shamanic practices, and Kundalini activations, among other modalities. Over time, I began to realize that my hands could channel healing energy in powerful ways, and my intuition became a trusted guide in my healing work. What started as a personal healing journey blossomed into a career that has allowed me to help others on their spiritual paths.

What Sets My Approach Apart

I believe that every healer brings a unique energy and approach to their work, and for me, it’s about creating a deep, authentic connection with those I serve. My approach to healing and spiritual counseling is highly intuitive and compassionate. I don’t just read energies or deliver guidance; I actively collaborate with clients to help them unlock their own power and potential. I emphasize self-empowerment—helping individuals tap into their own healing abilities and intuitive wisdom. This isn’t just about providing answers; it’s about helping clients feel seen, heard, and supported as they rediscover their own light.

Services I Offer and How They Empower Clients

I offer a variety of services, including Intuitive Energy Healing, personalized online soul coaching, and spiritual activations. These services are designed to empower my clients by helping them clear emotional blockages, release limiting beliefs, and step into their full potential. Through these sessions, clients often experience profound shifts in their energy, which can lead to greater clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual growth. One of the most fulfilling aspects of my work is witnessing these transformations firsthand—seeing clients reconnect with their inner wisdom and embrace their true path.

Involvement in the Spiritual Community

Over the years, I’ve built a strong sense of community both locally and online. I regularly host my Award Winning Full Moon Healing Circle on my local beach in Co.Dublin where over 2000 people attend each month. I offer sacred workshops and donation-based webinars that allow individuals to deepen their spiritual practice in a supportive and nurturing environment. My goal is to create spaces where people feel safe to explore their spirituality, ask questions, and connect with others on similar journeys. I also love collaborating with other spiritual teachers, allowing our collective energy to uplift and inspire those who participate in our events.

Influential Teachers and Mentors

Throughout my spiritual journey, I’ve been fortunate to work with some incredible mentors and guides. Teachers such as Dr. Usui and the principles of Reiki have shaped much of my healing philosophy, while shamanic traditions have deepened my understanding of energy and spirit. However, much of my spiritual growth has also come from within, listening to my intuition and trusting the wisdom of my soul. I believe that we all have a direct connection to the divine and that our greatest teacher often lies within us.

Interesting Stories from My Spiritual Career

I’ve had the honor of witnessing and participating in countless healing experiences that have touched my heart. One memorable instance involved a client who had been struggling with deep emotional pain for years. Through a combination of energy healing and intuitive guidance, we were able to clear significant energetic blockages from their heart chakra. After the session, the client expressed feeling lighter, as if a burden had been lifted. The following weeks brought newfound peace and clarity into their life. Experiences like these reinforce my belief in the power of energy healing to transform lives.

Advice for Those on a Spiritual Journey

For anyone navigating their own spiritual awakening, my advice is simple: trust yourself. Awakening can be a confusing and sometimes overwhelming process, but it’s important to listen to your inner voice and follow the path that resonates with you. Surround yourself with people who support your journey, and don’t be afraid to explore different practices until you find what works best for you. Spiritual growth is a deeply personal process, and there is no “right” way to experience it—only what feels true for you.

Upcoming Spiritual Shifts

I sense that we are moving into a time of great energetic transformation. Many people are feeling called to release old patterns and embrace new ways of being. As we move into this new phase, it’s important to ground ourselves and remain connected to our inner truth. I believe that the coming years will bring opportunities for collective healing, and those who are willing to do the inner work will experience profound shifts in consciousness.

Daily Rituals for Spiritual Growth

Incorporating simple daily rituals can be incredibly beneficial for spiritual growth. I recommend beginning each day with grounding and meditation to set the tone for the day ahead. Taking time to clear your energy through breathwork, visualizations, or simply holding your hands over your heart can help you stay aligned with your spiritual goals. Additionally, journaling and spending time in nature are excellent ways to connect with your inner wisdom.

Tools and Techniques for Deeper Connections During Sessions

During readings and healing sessions, I often use a combination of techniques to connect with my clients on a deeper level. These include energy scanning, intuitive insights, and sometimes the use of crystals to amplify the healing energy. My goal is always to create a sacred space where the client feels safe, understood, and supported. I also use visualization and breathwork to help both myself and the client connect to the higher spiritual realms.

Staying True to Myself and My Spiritual Values

One of the most important aspects of my practice is ensuring that my work reflects my true values and beliefs. I strive to maintain integrity and authenticity in all that I do, and I encourage my clients to do the same. I believe that being transparent about my spiritual path and the lessons I’ve learned allows me to serve others from a place of truth and compassion.

Taking Care of My Own Spiritual Well-Being

When I’m not working with clients, I make sure to prioritize my own spiritual well-being. This includes daily meditation, energy clearing practices, and spending time in nature. I also enjoy connecting with other healers and spiritual teachers for support and inspiration. Taking care of myself allows me to show up fully for my clients and continue to grow in my own spiritual practice.

The Future of Spirituality and Psychic Work

Looking ahead, I believe the future of spirituality and psychic work will involve even more integration between the spiritual and physical realms. As more people awaken to their true nature, the demand for authentic spiritual guidance will continue to grow. I see myself contributing to this by expanding my offerings and helping others tap into their own healing abilities. Ultimately, I envision a world where spiritual healing is recognized as a fundamental part of overall well-being, and I am committed to being part of that shift.

Interpreting Symbols and Messages During Readings

During a reading, I often receive symbols, images, or intuitive impressions that convey messages for my clients. These symbols are a way for the spiritual realm to communicate important insights, and I work closely with the client to interpret them in a way that resonates with their personal journey. It’s always a collaborative process, and I encourage clients to share their own interpretations as well.

Encountering Negative Energies

On occasion, I have encountered challenging energies during readings. When this happens, I use techniques such as grounding, visualization, and calling on protective spiritual guides to clear the energy and restore balance. It’s important to remember that we have the power to transform negative energy, and with the right tools, it can be released without harm.

Fate vs. Free Will

One of the most common questions I encounter during readings is about fate versus free will. I believe that while certain events or lessons may be fated, we always have free will in how we respond to them. Psychic readings can provide insight into possible outcomes, but it’s ultimately up to the individual to choose their path.

Purpose of Psychic Readings

I view psychic readings as a tool for spiritual growth and empowerment. They provide clarity, guidance, and a deeper understanding of one’s path, helping individuals make informed decisions and navigate life’s challenges with greater confidence.

Helping Clients Through Spiritual Crises

When clients are experiencing a spiritual crisis or existential questions, I approach the situation with compassion and a focus on grounding. I guide them through the process of reconnecting with their inner self, offering tools and practices to help them regain clarity and balance.

In conclusion, my journey as a healer and spiritual guide is a deeply rewarding one, and I am honored to be able to share my gifts with others. Whether through energy healing, soul coaching, or intuitive readings, my goal is always to empower others to embrace their true selves and live lives filled with purpose and joy. I look forward to continuing this work and connecting with even more individuals as we navigate the evolving spiritual landscape together.

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