Caroline Pope is an Animal Communicator and therapist with over 25 years of experience. Her journey began with a life-changing experience with her horse, leading her to explore animal communication, Craniosacral Therapy, and NES Health. She connects deeply with both animals and their guardians, ensuring that hidden issues are addressed. Recently, she expanded into Oracle readings for humans and has received encouraging responses. Learn more about Caroline in this Psychics4U.net interview.
Table of Contents
- How I Began Animal Communication
- The Power of Animal Communication
- Craniosacral Therapy and Its Benefits
- NES Health
- Oracle Readings
- Contact Caroline Pope
How I Began Animal Communication
What inspired you to start your journey into animal communication?
It’s not often a book changes your life completely. It’s even less common for it to turn your life upside down and wallop you over the head with the proverbial club. Welcome to my journey into Animal Communication!
Prior to starting my journey into Animal Communication, I had been a veterinary nurse, with a strong interest in behavior and training. I had also done film work with two of my dogs. This grounding has stood me in good stead in the years since. It is my belief that a background like this is necessary for any communicator to truly understand species behavior and interpret helpful information correctly. I also liaise with veterinarians and work out of a veterinary clinic on a regular basis.
Arthur Myers’ book “Communicating With Animals” opened up a whole new world for me. It was particularly relevant, as Arthur was a journalist, not a communicator, and he was practical and grounded. His approach resonated with me more than some of the actual communicators would have at the time. As this was the early 1990s and the internet was not used at that point, I wrote off to several of the communicators in the back of the book and sent the letters via Air Mail. One communicator, Kate Reilly, wrote back to me, encouraging my journey. I have her letter still. She (and others) suggested I do Reiki as a way of breaking into animal communication. I did Reiki Level 1 and hated it.
My horse Doc had just been diagnosed with Ross River virus. He was in a very bad way, and the vet literally gave me the knacker’s phone number and said there was nothing to be done. With nothing to lose, I figured I could try getting the Reiki Master who had taught me to do a healing on Doc. (I found out later she’d never worked on an animal, but she never let on at the time). This, incidentally, was also the person who had sold me Arthur Myers’ book. She called me the next day to let me know she’d done it and said she had some notes for me. When I picked them up and read them, I realized she had tapped into Animal Communication. I took Doc into the shed (no one was going to see me talking to my horse let alone reading to him!!) and went through the list, giving him my responses to what had been written down.
The very next day, Doc was 100%. No signs of the virus. Vets couldn’t understand it and asked what I had done to get such an incredible change in such a short period of time. The universe is NOT subtle when it wants you to do something!
After a couple of years of working daily to expand my skills, I started work as a professional Animal Communicator. In the 25 plus years since, I’ve met some amazing people and some truly inspirational animals.
The Power of Animal Communication
How can animal communication assist in understanding and treating complex health issues in animals?
One of my earliest cases showed me just how much animal communication can assist vets and carers. I was called as a last resort to come and see a well-loved mare that had blown up with fluid several times and had been hospitalized at the state veterinary teaching school twice. The last time she had blown up so much they had been considering a tracheotomy to help her breathe. There were copious notes and treatments tried, but no one had any real idea of the cause or how to prevent it from happening again. It was considered cruel to keep her going if this kept happening, and the owner admitted if they couldn’t help her anymore she would have to be put to sleep.
The moment I got there, the mare started talking about her foal and hormones. The owner said, “Oh my God, she hasn’t come into season since she had her foal two years ago.” The times that she would blow up with fluid correlated with the times she would normally come into season. No human had made the connection, but the mare knew what the cause was. A $25 bottle of flower essences and a Craniosacral Therapy treatment did the trick. The owners always kept a bottle of the flower essences on hand and treated her every time she was due to come into season. She never had another incident and lived another 20 years, finally being put to rest at the age of 32.
How does an animal communication session work?
Every Animal Communicator works differently. I choose to do all my communication work via the phone. As many of my clients are either interstate or overseas, the phone is easiest. I ask people to send me a recent full-body photo of the animal(s) that they wish to communicate with, then schedule an appointment. I also work regularly with deceased pets.
I find that having an interactive three-way conversation between myself, the client, and the animal(s) works best. Often the issue that the client wants to address stems from a deeper issue that the owner isn’t necessarily aware of. This way, both the animal and the client get the most out of the session. I also have a strong referral network—naturopaths, homeopaths, veterinarians, bodyworkers, behaviorists, etc., as no one person can fix every issue. This way, the animal in question is able to benefit from a number of different modalities if required.
Craniosacral Therapy and Its Benefits
How does Craniosacral Therapy help animals with pain or discomfort?
Discovering Craniosacral Therapy for animals was another huge breakthrough. I had been having Craniosacral Therapy (CST) for myself regularly and understood its benefits. A very high percentage of the animals I spoke to complained of pain or discomfort. This meant I was now able to assist in accelerating their healing process. I treat dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, and even the occasional lizard.
Craniosacral Therapy is very gentle and can assist with a wide range of issues. I combine the treatment with the NES Health miHealth, a compact, handheld, electronic, multi-functional instrument which can be used both on and off the body to promote better health and well-being. Jade’s story demonstrates this well. From Jade’s human:
Jade was diagnosed with Geriatric Vestibular Disease at the beginning of August 2017. She was hardly able to walk, was in a lot of distress, and had stopped eating, which was then followed by her stopping drinking. On that first visit, I had to carry her in as she was unable to walk, and she had no energy at all. Jade walked out of the clinic on her own four feet.
Jade was an elderly dog when I first saw her. She lived several more years with a wonderful life thanks to her dedicated guardians.
NES Health
How does NES Health help improve the health and energy of animals?
In 2016, I discovered NES Health for animals through an equine veterinarian. The results with my own animals were nothing short of miraculous. I then trained and became a NES Health practitioner for both animals and their human guardians. Seeing the energetic links in the human-animal bond and being able to help to correct the distortions in the energy has been incredibly rewarding.
“TC” was a 12-year-old cat with multiple health issues. I had known him when he was younger, as I was treating an elderly cat that he lived with several years earlier. TC’s human called me as it was thought he was at the end of his life, and she wanted to make sure she had done everything she could for him. I scanned TC using the NES Health software and worked on him with the miHealth. I also suggested some infoceuticals for him to go on with.
Not only did TC improve, but he also went on to live another 5 ½ years. I treated him, his owner, and his brother monthly, and it was fascinating to see the energetic correlations between them all. Thanks to his wonderfully caring human, TC had quality of life until his last day.
Oracle Readings
How did you start doing Oracle readings for humans?
In 2023, a friend and Medical Intuitive pushed me to do Oracle readings for humans. He had known me for years and knew how accurate I was. As he pointed out to me, helping the human also helps the animals. Once I had pushed myself out of my comfort zone, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed doing them, and the feedback I have had from clients has been both positive and supportive.
Contact Caroline Pope