Interview: Andrew Anderson Psychic Medium

Andrew Anderson Psychic Medium

Meet Andrew Anderson, a dedicated psychic medium whose journey began with early spiritual connections and led to a profound career in guiding others. Starting from humble beginnings and a significant coma, Andrew now combines psychic and mediumship abilities to offer deep insights and healing. Through personalized mentorship, he helps clients develop their own intuitive skills and overcome spiritual blocks. His work has transformed countless lives, providing clarity on work, relationships, and personal growth. Discover more about his journey and offerings in this exclusive interview.

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A Lifelong Connection: My Journey with a Spirit Guide

Can you tell us more about your relationship with your spirit guide and how it has influenced your life?

I have always been connected to the greater reality in some form or another, having had experiences from a very young age that showed me the truth that we are not alone. I came into this world somehow knowing we are surrounded by loved ones who have passed, as well as by our guides and angels.

During some very traumatic events I experienced as a child, I was assured that I was safe and had constant companionship in the form of a spirit guide. My guide has been with me my whole life and is an integral part of my ability to have knowledge as both a psychic and a medium. Having constant contact with my guide provides me with a deep spiritual connection in all aspects of my life.

From Ordinary Life to Psychic Medium

What inspired you to turn your psychic abilities into a full-time profession?

I was not always working professionally as a psychic medium. I worked “normal”
jobs and raised two girls on my own, but eventually I met a teacher who saw my
abilities and encouraged me to hone them. I began working a few hours a week in a
crystal shop, as a tarot reader, and the outpouring of requests for readings from me
indicated that I should consider doing something with my gift as a profession.

But it wasn’t until I had a near death experience after being placed in an induced
coma caused by a bout of severe pancreatitis and double pneumonia, that my gifts
became dramatically magnified. When I was in the coma I visited the other side, saw
and talked to my deceased mother, experienced the vivid colors and beauty of that
realm, and felt the loving presence of God. I even traveled to the location in the US
where my brother in law was mowing his lawn and saw that he was wearing a
colorful Hawaiian shirt, which was corroborated afterwards.

After I fully recovered, I had a deeper understanding of ourselves as spiritual entities, that we are souls that transcend our limited bodies, and that we have access to each other and our loved ones who have passed. I knew that it was time for me to dedicate my life to serving people who are grieving the loss of a loved one or who need psychic guidance. So I have been working full time as a psychic medium and mentor, and have served as host of a monthly development circle, for nearly 20 years.

How Psychic and Mediumship Abilities Transform Lives

How do you help people find healing and guidance through your work as a psychic and medium?

The fact that I am both a psychic and a medium has helped me to better guide and understand those who come to me for assurance. To me, mediumship is much more than providing unquestionable evidence that someone’s loved one is still around and able to communicate. In all my years of communicating with those who have passed, one thing is absolutely clear: our loved ones in spirit want to help, want to provide messages of healing, and want to ask for forgiveness or to forgive us. These are things that allow for deep healing on the part of my clients.

I have the capacity to psychically read not only the clients here but also their loved ones in spirit. Those in spirit have a bird’s eye view of our lives here. They are able to see ahead of us and nudge us to live our best lives. Of course, we always have a choice in the matter. Nothing is written in stone. But I have the ability to see the best path forward for people, both through my psychic ability and through mediumship. It is a collaborative process between us. When people follow that guidance, their lives are often transformed for the better.

Through mediumship and through my psychic ability I have helped people navigate all aspects of their lives. Questions surrounding work, relationships, life path, and all other issues can be answered so much more accurately and thoroughly when assisted by psychic understanding and by the higher level perspective that our loved ones in spirit are able to provide to us.

Sometimes it’s just a matter of overcoming blocks that we are not fully aware of that allows for a depth of healing and sets us back on the right track in life. I, with the help of my spirit guide and of client’s passed loved ones, am able to directly hone in on the particular problems and solutions to those problems that have the capacity to greatly enhance people’s lives. There is so much help out there to be tuned into. My sincere belief and hope is that more and more people come to understand how much help there actually is that is available to them.

Mentorship for Enhancing Intuitive Abilities

How does your mentorship help people develop their own psychic abilities?

One of my most satisfying current offerings is that of mentorship for purposes of enhancing my clients’ inherent gifts. I know that everyone is capable of expanding their abilities to have access to their own intuitive knowledge and to get messages from their loved ones, their guides, and their higher selves.

I offer several tiers of mentorship depending on how deeply people want to go in their own spiritual development. Much of what I teach involves practical guidance on how to remove the blocks to connect with the greater reality. I provide one-on-one sessions where I can use my psychic and mediumship abilities to create individual goals and plans.

Many of my clients have gone on to become professional psychics themselves, and all have gained valuable insights into their own lives and how to better navigate whatever situation they may be finding themselves in.

Contact Andrew Anderson