Psychic Interview: Meeka – Spiritual Mentor & Guide

Meeka Spiritual Mentor

Meeka, known as The Travelin’ Tarot, shares her inspiring journey from facing homelessness to finding hope through tarot and spiritual guidance. Her experiences led her to help others reclaim their power and create positive changes in their lives. Through her intuitive readings, workshops, and creative expression in music, Meeka connects deeply with her clients, providing them with the support they need during their challenges. Read all about her in this interview.

Table of Contents

Finding Hope: My Path to Becoming a Psychic

How did you first start your journey into psychic reading, and how has it grown or changed since then?

Several years ago, I went through the darkest, most stressful time of my life. Not only was I suffering from intense heartache from separating from someone who still means the world to me, but I was also living in a homeless shelter with my son and my dog. My life up to that point had been pretty rough, but this period was truly my dark night of the soul.

I wanted answers so I started to watch YouTube videos of other Tarot readers. I was truly amazed at the accuracy of what I was hearing! So I bought my first deck and studied books intensely. Even though I was still homeless, I was finding hope and to some degree healing by feeling like I was communicating directly with my Guides.

At the time I was working a temporary job delivering Teslas, all the while studying and trying to understand how I could use this information to change my life. As I continued to learn and connect to Spirit, I was able to ground myself in this new understanding even with having to go home to the homeless shelter every night. I was able to find some peace, balance, and a small bit of hope.

I was guided to start my own YouTube channel a few months later. Even though I was homeless, I was determined! So I named my channel ‘The Travelin’ Tarot, because I didn’t have a home to film the videos, so I started filming in various places outside. I purchased a beach tent and used my phone to record the videos. Even though my life truly sucked at the time, it was healing me to help others! I realized that using my experiences to help others is my true Divine purpose. The more I embraced it, the better I was feeling!

Even though I was healing, it was towards the end of this time, that I learned my biggest lesson about the power of surrender. This shelter was supposed to be helping us find permanent housing, and it still felt like I was hitting every wall possible. People weren’t responding to us, my “worker” was not helping us in any way, and my son was growing increasingly depressed by our situation. I really felt powerless.

So every morning, I would go out to the parking lot and play my guitar & sing at the top of my lungs. It must’ve also helped the other people living in the shelter too because, by the time we moved, I was developing quite a little crowd on those mornings!

Within a month or so, my son got a job offer from a studio in Carlsbad. We both had been acting for this studio for years when they were in Los Angeles, and they were moving back to Carlsbad and needed an Assistant Director. They moved us to a beautiful place in Vista, and gave him an amazing job, and covered the costs!

In hindsight, I can see how all of the “walls” I was hitting were me being redirected to my purpose. It was the act of surrendering that had allowed us to be moved to where we were supposed to be! Even when I was a child, coming to Sea World with my grandparents, I would always say “I’m gonna move here when I’m rich!” LOL! I brought that up because it further proves my point that I am exactly where I need to be.

Spiritual Services to Help You Grow and Heal

What services do you offer to empower and support clients on their journey?

Workshops, courses, tarot & energy readings, custom meditations/videos.

How do you help people reclaim their power and transform their lives through your various services?

For folks who may not know me yet, I am Meeka, The Travelin’ Tarot…and I wear a lot of hats, but they all connect back to one thing: empowerment. Whether it’s through my “I Came to Win” course and workshop, my The Travelin’ Tarot readings/YouTube Channel, or my intuitive coaching sessions, my mission is to help people tap into their inner power and transform their lives.

I got into this world of spirituality and empowerment because, like many people, I had my share of struggles – times when I didn’t feel like the star of my own story. From working through personal challenges to building my confidence as a singer/songwriter, I learned that the key to thriving is in reclaiming your power and rewriting the narrative. That’s what my new song & course”I Came to Win” is all about – helping women, especially those who feel stuck or unsure, to step into their spotlight, own their power, and create the life they truly want.

Through my Travelin’ Tarot readings, I provide intuitive guidance to people wherever they are – whether they need clarity, healing, or just a nudge in the right direction. In my intuitive coaching sessions, I work one-on-one to help clients break through limiting beliefs and create actionable steps toward their goals.

How does your mix of spiritual work and music make your approach unique?

As for what sets me apart, I think it’s my mix of intuitive spiritual work and creative expression. I’m a singer/songwriter, and music is a huge part of how I connect with people. Through my songs, I share stories of transformation, healing, and empowerment – because that’s what I live and breathe.

Self-Discovery and Healing Techniques

How does writing letters to your guides help you release blockages and invite solutions into your life?

One of my favorite ways to surrender is to write “it” a letter. Whatever “it” is, you can talk directly to it and express how you are truly feeling…it’s an amazing way to get the energy moving, by releasing the blockages overthinking can cause.

The most common letter I write is to my angels, spirits & guides. I speak directly to them…I express exactly how I am feeling, ask for the answer, and then release it.

One particular time comes to mind, I just started a new job, and I didn’t have a car. I liked the job, but it was difficult to get there with the random bus schedules and times…

So after about 2 weeks of working there…I wrote my guides a letter expressing gratitude for the job, and the people I got to work with, and rather than going into how difficult it was getting around without a car…I started to write about how much I love to drive, how free it feels to drive, & how much I love this job and trusted that they would help me find an easy way to get there… THE NEXT MORNING, my new boss of 2 weeks, called me up and said that she received inspiration to buy me a car that randomly fell into her lap that morning… and by the end of the day I was driving home…

Writing a letter can be an incredibly powerful way to surrender and ask. Remember not to focus on the problem, they know what you need, and the more you trust that, the more you will see that…

What is your advice for someone learning to truly surrender and be gentle with themselves during the process?

Truly surrendering takes practice, patience, and most importantly gentleness with yourself, there will be many layers being shed and sometimes it will hurt when it comes up, but it needs to come up to come out…

How do you help people change their stories to find hope and healing?

Telling a new story has been pivotal in my and my client’s transformation. If you can just find a place of hope in your narrative, it will help the energy flow much easier…

What techniques do you use to connect with clients while staying true to yourself and your values?

I love tarot and oracle cards, but just listening to them talk about their story tells me exactly what the cards will show. I always use my own tactics and practices. This way I can offer this guidance to others from a place of experience…I find it the best way to let others know that you are with them on this journey.

How do you care for your spiritual well-being outside of your work as a psychic?

I create…music mostly, it is my favorite way to get out of myself and let the energy flow freely…

Intuitive Reading and Guidance

How do you use intuition to interpret symbols and messages during a reading?

Intuitively – My guides tell me why this card is showing up in response to this question…different symbols are highlighted and “stand out”.

Have you ever faced negative or challenging energies during a reading, and how did you manage them?

Not really, I come from a place of clarity and love. I see any negativity or challenging info that shows up as valuable information because awareness is the catalyst for change…

How do you predict future events during a reading?

With honesty and clarity…I always offer the information given – but my guides always give me the purpose and an alternative to the outcome should the querent decide to make a different choice…

What is your belief about what happens to the soul after physical death?

I believe we live as many cycles as needed until we get all that need from this physical plane…I believe the Soul continues on even after those cycles so that the Spirit can continue to expand and understand itself in a different way…

Have you ever had a psychic experience that was hard to explain?

I’m clairsentient, so I feel things…I always get intuitive nudges, there have been times when there was conflict around me, and I declared that I would be the dominant energy and the conflict subsided moments later…these types of things happen to me all the time.

How do you handle questions about fate and free will during your readings?

I ALWAYS give the reading as information and free will…It is very important for me to reiterate what I am seeing, but also how they have the ability to choose what happens because they have free will…

What do you see as the main benefits of psychic readings or spiritual guidance for people?

For me, it was to feel heard and answered and to help clear split energy. Many times I’ll ask the cards a question and it helps me make a decision and keeps me from experiencing confusion or split energy…

How do you help clients who are going through tough spiritual times or big life questions?

I give them the information and then give them alternative reasons for the cards that show up…I use my experience as an Intuitive coach to help them understand their options in that crisis…usually, it is surrender…

Growth and Spiritual Awareness

What does the year 2024 mean for personal growth and how can facing fears in November prepare you for your purpose in 2025?

2024 is the year of course correction (8-Infinite Self) – so the many things that may have fallen away, have done so to get everyone back on course. November will be an ask to face your fears, when you do this you will be fully ready to step into your power come December. It is setting you up for your purpose in 2025! Trust the process and most importantly trust the information…

How do you see your growth and understanding affecting your contributions to others’ spiritual awakenings?

I believe it will continue to expand and just as everyone is at a different level of awakening…I believe my contribution will be even more valuable as I continue to grow, understand, and expand beyond my own preconceived ideas of myself…

Contact Meeka