Psychic Interview: Loli Jane Animal Communication & Healing

Loli Jane Animal Communication & Healing

Loli Jane is an International, Professional, Certified Animal Communicator and Pranic Healer, Teacher and Podcaster, specializing in telepathic communication and healing animals, using an interspecies-therapy approach. She offers remote and in-person sessions that address issues like: behavioural and emotional issues, physical or health problems, animal mirroring, assistance with end of life decisions, help with pet loss grief, talking to animals in Spirit that have crossed-over, past life regressions, help locating lost animals, and channelling and spiritual guidance and healing for the humans. Loli also combines her animal communication expertise with Pranic Healing to provide remote comprehensive care for animals and their humans. Additionally, she conducts workshops for aspiring animal communicators, teaching them how to connect with animals, find root causes, and animals needs to resolve issues. Explore Loli’s transformative services and the profound impact of her work in this interview!

Table of Contents

Background and Inspiration

What made you want to become an animal communicator, and how did you get started?

I’ve always loved animals and tried to collect them as a young child. I grew up with profound hearing loss and learned a different way to communicate than most people. I began to develop a lot of the “clairs” – clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and other psychic abilities early on; probably because one of my senses was cut off. I also learned and studied Pranic Healing. When I was in Hawaii, I met Animal Communicator Amelia Kinkade, who walked into the activity booth I was working in. This was divine timing because I was seeking to find passion and purpose in my career. I went home that night and had a dream about my dog, who had passed away some years earlier. The next day, Amelia returned to my activity booth and delivered the exact same message I received from my dog. That was the spark for me that ignited my desire to become an animal communicator.

I embarked on a two-year very intensive training from the Gurney Institute of Animal Communication and have never looked back! The giant leap I took propelled my life forward in a way that I could never have imagined. Today, I am a professional, international animal communicator, energy healer, teacher, and podcaster. I now offer animal communication training and certification.

What is animal communication, and how is it different from regular training for pets?

Animal communication is simply telepathy using thoughts, words, images, and anything to do with the five senses. All animals naturally communicate this way, and we are also part of the animal kingdom, so this is an innate skill all humans possess. When I have a conversation with the animal, I am speaking silently with my thoughts, which means it can be done remotely from anywhere in the world. Animal communication is an actual one-on-one communication and is more like a negotiation with the animals. They can share the cause of the issue or what they are trying to get your attention about. And what they need from you to fix the issue or what alternatives they can use to alert you instead of the current behaviors.

Regular training is behavioral training and focuses more on control and dominance, using a cookie-cutter approach. Behavior training is great for certain things like puppy or potty training, clicker training, but typically does not address the root causes or things like animal mirroring or past life causes, or even showing you the behavior of an animal that has passed.

My approach to animal communication is interspecies therapy, like a counseling session. Sometimes an animal’s issue is not even their issue; rather, they are mirroring you to show you what you need to work on. Sometimes, animal issues can be related to past lives where they incarnated with you before. In this case, I can do a past life regression with both you and your animal to resolve the issues. Animals may even be empathic, picking up feelings from other pets in the house. Or behaviors have physical causes, and I can address this and get lots of details for a veterinarian or do a Pranic Healing session on the animal.

Traditional behavior training does not address any of these other possibilities and, most importantly, it gives animals a voice and a great feeling of being heard and acknowledged for their intelligence and input, something we all need.

Approach and Techniques

How do you help animals with their feelings and behavior through communication?

Just like humans, animals experience the full range of emotions. You can be sure that when an animal is showing you a behavior, they are trying to show or tell you something. Animals are always very intentional in their actions. But as humans, we tend to make judgment calls and assumptions on the problem itself. Instead of making assumptions or judgments, I leave it up to the animal to tell me specifically how they are feeling, when they are doing the said behaviors, behind an issue. I ask the animal about the behaviors, not the assumed issue.

And as I mentioned earlier, sometimes their feelings may be related to something else, like mirroring their primary person or caretaker, or family member, past life issues, or empathy. In these cases, I will address the person since they are the ones that have to work on an issue.

How do you use telepathy in your sessions, and what works best for connecting with animals?

Telepathy is like learning another language. Although it is innate in humans, we were trained to speak with our voices instead of our thoughts. Telepathy is just speaking through our thoughts. The information you get from the animals depends on the sender and receiver. Some people and animals are more visual and send and receive images. Others are more auditory and get words or audio. I am clairaudient, so I get audio, just like I am talking to a person. I get all the nuances and tones of voices, so I can tell their personality and what they are feeling. But I also get images, sounds, smells, feelings, and even pain.

How do you get ready for a session, especially when talking about tough topics like illness or end-of-life decisions?

I get ready for a session by raising my frequency. When your frequency or vibration is high, telepathy is easy. I do things like exercise, grounding, walking out in nature, meditating, or listening to music, stabilizing my blood sugar, and staying hydrated.

I don’t consider any topics tough, and physical and health issues and end of life are my specialties since I am a Pranic Healer. Talking about end of life with an animal is such a beautiful honor since animals don’t have the same negative emotions around death or passing. They just go back to Spirit and can reincarnate at will to be of service with their person, again and again.

But I usually start the conversation with the animals by establishing a rapport with them and try to get to know them, like their personality, favorite activities, toys, foods, likes, dislikes, etc. Then I ask the animal if we can talk about the difficult subject at hand.

Impact and Experiences

Can you share a story from your work that shows how animal communication helped a pet parent or caretaker and their animal?

There are so many stories to share. I had an amazing animal mirroring case where a cat, who was treated unsuccessfully for two years with an impacted bowel, told me it was not his issue but had to do with the female family lineage of the household, being angry at their mothers. My mind was blown because I would have never connected these dots together. But when I discussed this with the person, she shared that three generations of women had impacted bowels also and were in fact angry and disconnected from their mothers. So I worked with the human client instead, and did a Pranic Healing forgiveness technique with her. She called me three weeks later and told me, the cats impacted bowel is gone with no further treatments and she was talking to her mother, and her mother forgave her mother, and all of their bowel issues simply vanished!

Another example was a client with an aggressive foster dog she adopted. The dog was very aggressive on walks and would bark and lunge at other animals and humans. He was very strong and would pull her with him on walks. After talking to her dog, I found out the aggression had to do with overprotectiveness from past lives they had together. She also had thoughts of fear and anxiety around the walks since she knew she was going to have to deal with his aggression. Animals can hear your thoughts telepathically. So, you must think of what you want to happen, NOT what you don’t want. Instead of training the animal, I have to train the human to think different thoughts of what she wanted to happen on daily walks. This is hard to do for a human and requires a bit of repetition and practice since we project the future based on our fear-based thoughts. I told the client before leaving the house to go on a walk to close her eyes and visualize the entire walk going smoothly and effortlessly and imagine a friendly, calm dog who approaches strangers peacefully, without any aggression. I had her do this before every single walk, and after about two weeks, it was as if she had a different dog. Friends who knew the dog as a foster could not believe it was the same dog.There are so many more stories with all kinds of issues, including behavioral, physical and health, end of life, and even talking to animals in spirit, past lives, and help locating lost animals.

How does Pranic Healing fit into your practice, and how do you combine it with animal communication?

I love this question because Animal Communication and Pranic Healing complement each other very well. If you can afford to do so, book a double session with me, with both Animal Communication and Pranic Healing, where I can get all the details for myself and the veterinarian by asking the animal directly and also doing a body scan. This way, the veterinarian can make a better diagnosis with details about how long they’ve had it, what the sensation is, whether it’s acute or chronic, when it started, the pain level, and because I’m empathic, I can actually feel the pain or blockage and can describe it in detail. I can also get specific information for a healing session. Pranic Healing or Medical Qi Gong is a much more specific and directed energy healing modality than Reiki, and we can work on specific illness, injuries, or disease states.

How do animals usually respond during communication sessions?

Most of the time, animals are thrilled to be talking to a human who actually believes in their intelligence, allows them to be heard and acknowledged, and even asks for advice from them. Sometimes, guilty animals might think they are in trouble when we address certain behavior issues. I assure them that they are not “bad” but just showing their person “bad” behaviors and I am interested in what is behind the behaviors. I also tell them I’m here to help and share with their person what they need to feel more comfortable or ask for alternatives to the behaviors where they can still alert the persons in a different manner.

Workshops and Training

What can people expect to learn in your Animal Communication Training Workshops, and who would benefit the most?

I offer comprehensive animal communication training with an “interspecies-therapy” approach where we deep dive to find root causes and individual solutions, and most importantly, what the animals need from you to resolve the issue. It has expanded my life in unimaginable ways and opened up all these fun psychic things I never knew I could do. If you have animals or would love to work with others’ animals, it is extraordinary to be able to talk and share with all animals and their humans.

I offer basic and advanced training for both novice animal communicators who want to learn to talk to their own animals or those who want to become professional animal communicators, including a professional certification program. The workshops include: introduction to animal communication; dealing with behavioral/emotional/obedience issues; physical/health issues; end-of-life decisions; pet loss; talking to animals in spirit that have crossed over; past lives; help locating lost animals; animal mirroring; energy healing/chakra balancing; animal aromatherapy; digital & print marketing; social media; podcasts; public speaking; and more.

The workshops are half the price of other training programs, pay as you go, and you will be able to practice and perfect your craft in each workshop with three practice animals, client feedback, and mentoring help from me. I also offer additional mentoring if you really want to brush up on your skills.

What advice would you give someone who wants to learn how to communicate with animals?

Just do it!!! Get out of your own way and stop telling yourself you CAN’T, because I can assure you, YOU CAN.

Understanding Animal Communication

What are some common misunderstandings about animal communication?

The biggest misunderstanding is that it is a psychic reading. It’s not psychic; I am not making a guess or using my intuition. I am holding a one-on-one conversation, telepathically. It’s just like talking to a human and coming up with ideas or solutions together.

Other misunderstandings I’ve heard are that people don’t understand that telepathy is silent and does not have to come out of your mouth. Someone once asked me if I “bark”; needless to say, I had a great laugh.

Another misconception is that we can lie to an animal. For example, a client asked if I could tell her dog we are going to a dog park when I’m actually taking him to the vet. NO, you can’t lie to an animal because THEY CAN HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS. If you try to pull this stunt, your animals will feel betrayed and act out with distrust issues because you are lying to them.

Lastly, some believe we can control or demand what an animal does. I can openly discuss an issue with an animal, but that doesn’t mean they are going to do it. We cannot control another being. I negotiate with the animals; I don’t control or dominate them.

How can animal communication help pet owners understand their animals better?

It will enrich your relationship with your animal in amazing ways, giving your animal a voice to be heard and acknowledged and even asked to make suggestions for their own care. Your animals will feel overjoyed and respected as equal beings, part of your family. After all, they incarnate with us to be of service and help us with our lessons.

What kinds of problems can animal communication help with?

Animal communication can help with all animal issues, including behavioral, emotional, obedience, training, physical and health, animal mirroring, dying and end-of-life decisions, talking to animals in spirit already crossed over, help with pet loss grief, help to locate lost animals, soul animals, and reincarnation/past lives, and much, much more.

Many times, when an animal shows you a certain behavior, they are trying to alert you about themselves or show or tell you something about you, a person in the household, or even another pet. I’ve had many cases where the animal’s “issue” led right back to the person, and they were able to get help with their issue because their animals shared with me. Mysteriously, the animals’ behaviors or issues simply disappeared without any other treatments or behavior training. I’ve seen this happen in multiple cases, including physical and health issues where the animals take on a chronic illness.

Are there signs that show an animal might need help or communication?

Yes, any new or existing behavior or physical issue that is out of the norm for them. Animals are very intentional about what they do, and if they are showing you a behavior or physical problem, it is for a reason. Animal communication will help decipher what they are trying to show or tell you and whether it is about them, you, or someone in the household.

How do you tell the difference between a real feeling from an animal and something influenced by human emotions?

Animals feel the full range of emotions, just like humans. Emotional issues may be coming from them, caused by something that happened; some dynamic in the household; a health issue; grief and loss; or they may be mirroring or even empathetically picking up emotions from other humans or animals.

This is where the interspecies-therapy approach comes in. I can discuss with the animal how they are feeling emotionally and get details such as when it started, how long it lasted, if something happened, and why they feel this way, and if the issue belongs to them. In the case of mirroring or empathy, I can alert the person that needs to work on their issue, since they may not be consciously aware, and even ask the animal for suggestions for their person to help themselves emotionally.

What do you think is the most important thing for pet parents to know about their relationship with their pets?

That it’s deeper and more profound than you ever thought possible. Your beloved animals incarnate with you over and over again in many lifetimes to be of service to you and help you with your chosen lessons. I’ve had many cases where the animal shared with me the lessons that their human was working on and needed to overcome in this lifetime. People are usually astounded by this since they did not share any personal details with me before the session.

How can people develop their own ability to connect with their pets?

By learning how to go inward, close our eyes, and try to connect with your animal silently. Ask them a question, like if there is anything they want to share or anything they need from you. You may get images, words, sentences, sounds, or smells. Don’t censor yourself; just write it down.

Another fun exercise to try is to take your animal on a walk and talk to them silently the entire time. Tell them to turn right or left and send them an image of turning right or left. You will be amazed that your animal follows your silent instruction.

Future of Animal Communication

What do you find most rewarding about your work in animal communication?

There are so many rewarding things about this work, but my life dramatically changed on so many levels since I have been doing this work. I have healed many old wounds, come out of my shell, and blossomed in unimaginable ways. It feels like animal communication was the final missing puzzle piece that was always missing. Once I found that piece, everything began to make sense, and all the abilities I had came together magically.

I never understood why I was so different, had to endure profound hearing loss, had psychic abilities, became a healer, always went deep with people, and had an angelic experience that taught me to channel. It all makes sense now, and I have a complete toolbox to profoundly help animals and their humans. I love watching the healing of the whole family, especially the human, behind the animals since they are helping us with our lessons.

One of the other most rewarding things is talking to horses and rescued animals in zoos and sanctuaries. Although some may frown upon our treatment of captive animals, every single animal in ‘human care’ has shared with me that they are teachers for humanity, and they chose this incarnation to be front and center so they could help awaken us and share their absolute intelligence and love. What an absolute gift from the animal kingdom!

How do you see the field of animal communication changing in the future?

Human-to-animal telepathy has been taking place since the ancient Aborigines. The field of animal communication was very active and heavily researched in the 1920s and 1930s but was suppressed when the U.S. and Soviets classified their research in the 1960s and 1970s. Scientists, psychologists, anthropologists, and even psi researchers have been deceived into thinking that human-to-animal telepathy is woo-woo and not real or valid science. Now, with the transparency of declassified research and documents, you can see what has been withheld from us all these years. Today, the military is even using synthetic telepathy.

I believe the future of animal communication is very bright, where a multi-discipline approach will finally show the art and science of accessing the functions of the higher mind, including animal telepathy. Only then will we realize and witness the intelligence and equality of our earth’s animals.

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