Psychic Interview: Stevie Walshe – Astrologer, Soul Whisperer & Oracle Card Reader

Stevie Walshe astrology

Stevie Walshe, an Astrologer, Soul Whisperer, and Oracle Card Reader, turned to astrology after a near-death experience. Her journey led her to create practical astrology tools, like children’s astrology books and an oracle card deck, to help others connect with their inner wisdom. Stevie’s work combines practical astrology with meditation, offering personalized spiritual guidance. Learn more about her journey and insights in this interview.

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How Near-Death Experience Led to My Astrological Path

What inspired you to start studying astrology and how did it change your life?

29 years ago, I had a near-death experience shortly after giving birth to my youngest son. During the time that I was “flat lining” my spirit left my body and whilst everyone around me was trying to save my life, including my beloved late partner, I was calmly observing everything from high above on the hospital ceiling. The light around me was intense, and the feeling of peace was immense, and I could see everything that was going on – an observer of my own fate, but the sound was muffled as if I was in a different frequency. I was drifting away, the circumstances of my situation were desperate, it was late at night with skeleton hospital staff going into the start of the weekend, just an inexperienced junior doctor in charge, poor girl. Then it was as though my spirit was sucked back into my physical body as my partner used a defibrillator on my chest and brought me back to life. He had literally saved my life in what can only be described as a desperate “Mr Bean” type moment! I knew it wasn’t my time to leave this Earth. I spent the next several weeks in intensive care away from my baby which would bring its own problems later on.

Fast forward 4 years and my baby son was now a very truculent toddler, being extremely angry with me especially, and seemingly very disruptive in nursery school and then pre-school reception class. I wondered “What was wrong with him?!” I enlisted the help of psychologists, counsellors, and speech therapists, but although they were all very good in their own ways, there was nothing that would explain his behaviour towards us, his parents. At the time, my late partner and I were running two businesses and our eldest son, by 3 years, loved all the extra-curricular activities we were arranging for him, the childminding and the times with grandparents, but this wasn’t working at all for my youngest boy.

At this time, I was feeling like the worst Mum in the world and I visited a friend of mine who was a Pragmatic Astrologer and explained the situation to her. She said, “Do you know your son’s time of birth?” I said, “Yes”, she then said, “Let’s take a look at his astrological energies” BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!!!! OMG! It showed me very clearly that there was nothing wrong with him, he just had completely different needs to his older brother governed by his Moon, his Sun and his Ascendant signs at his time of birth. Discovering this information was a total game changer!

I was so enamoured with what I had uncovered I then spent the next 4 years studying astrology and developing Children’s Astrology as a parental aid in simple English – that was 25 years ago and since then I have produced hundreds of bespoke books for Children all around the globe, under the title of ‘Child Star Planners’ and ‘Teenage Star Planners’. My love of astrology started because I discovered its incredible accuracy and because I was a desperate Mum seeking answers to change my relationship with my son.

How did you transition from studying astrology to creating your own Oracle Card deck and teaching meditation?

Astrology is a life-long study and one in which you have to know where you gravitate in order to specialise as the subject is so vast. I am a Pragmatic Astrologer which means I help people in a practical way to embrace their astrology into their lives so that they can work at their highest good, without the use of astro-speak.

Just before he died, my late partner bought me a course in Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Reading with Denise Linn which literally saved me at that time by giving me a new dream to focus on. I finished the course in a matter of months instead of years and became an Accredited Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Reader in 2021. Encouraged by Denise, I also created my own Oracle Card deck – The Rhythm of the Universe – a 56 Card deck using the major aspects of astrology at its heart because I wanted a way of taking astrology out to the masses and to show them how easy it is to understand and use for readings without being overwhelmed by the subject. I used the Phases of the Moon to achieve this, working alongside Moon energy to create my deck and Guidebook. I am also an accredited Teacher of Meditation and Soul Whisperer – helping people connect with their inner wisdom and inner knowing through inner voyage meditation.

Why My Psychic Readings Are Different

What makes your approach to psychic readings and spiritual counseling unique?

I know how important it is to take my skill as an Astrologer and Oracle Card Reader out to members of the public using easy explanations in a helpful, easy-to-understand format. I believe that we each have an Oracle within, we just don’t give ourselves the time or the quietude to tap into our inner knowledge and our wisdom. We’re just so caught up in our daily hamster wheels of external pressure. My readings are very different. I use my client’s astrology information with the readings to give a completely unique reading, tapping into their own intuition to help them find the answers to any burning questions and showing them how the Cosmos is there to support them. What I offer is truly unique, especially using my own Oracle Card deck.

What services and products do you offer related to Astrology and Oracle Card Reading?

I offer a whole host of services and products connected to Astrology for adults and children including reports about your main Trilogy of Astrological Energies – Your Sun Sign (Star sign), Your Moon Sign, and Your Ascendant Sign as well as a Report on Your Ruling Planets and Influencing Elements. I do bespoke books on Children’s and Teenager’s Astrology as parental aids and for Couples I offer Reports and Counselling on the Art of the Right Relationship, helping each partner understand the needs and most important aspects of their astrological DNA and that of their partner’s. I also hold workshops throughout the year covering every aspect of Astrology from Understanding Your Zodiac Signs to Zodiac Parenting, and Cosmic Connection Coaching – connecting with the Phases of the Moon to Live Your Best Life Guided by the Universe.

My Oracle Card Reading and Tarot Reading Service covers the following topics: Your Life readings, Chakra readings with full Chakra Meditation, Your Future, Your Relationships, Your Business, Bereavement Angel Wing Readings, and readings for Your Pets. I also do workshops and Masterclasses in Oracle Card Reading and a Beginners Course in Tarot Reading.

In addition I do Oracle Card Readings by invitation and read at many events and gatherings throughout the year around the UK.

My clients are empowered by their discoveries in just the same way as I was all those years ago. “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” (Aristotle) How true this saying is. I open up my clients’ hearts, eyes and souls to the possibilities of connecting with the Cosmos and themselves in ways they never dreamed of being able to do. Confidence levels skyrocket through understanding what makes you tick and what makes you unique. Second-guessing, self-doubt and lack of confidence become a thing of the past as you learn to stand in your own centre with authenticity and integrity, working with your true essence.

Community Engagement and Client Highlights

How do you engage with your community through your workshops and events?

Community is a big thing with me, both local and spiritual, both online and face-to-face. I hold a number of face-to-face workshops each year helping members of both communities understand that there is a whole astrological world out there just waiting for them to tap into. I attend local spiritual and wellbeing events as an Astrologer and a Reader; I hold national and international events introducing people to Astrology, and I have a Rhythm of the Universe Fireside Oracle Card Reading Group for all those in possession of one of my decks, held monthly on the Full or New Moon, to enjoy individual and collective readings.

Who have been your key influences and mentors in your spiritual and professional journey?

My father was a terrific mentor for me and is now one of my guiding spirits. He had such a love of nature and a special bond with animals and was incredibly good at “celebrating the small” – making the most of life no matter what curved balls you are thrown.

My late partner who was also my Soul mate, who supported me in all of my work, no matter where it took me, both geographically and spiritually. He continues to be a most splendid Spirit Guide sounding board for me on big decisions and one of my guiding lights in the spiritual world.

And in the “Living Realm”, Denise Linn, Author, Soul Coach, Cherokee, and as far as I am concerned, the Mother of all Oracle Card Readers, who was there for me when I needed her the most and who has encouraged me every step of the way.

I am also a student of Ayurvedic Practice which is inspirational and outstanding in its ancient understandings and authenticity.

What are some memorable experiences you’ve had with clients that highlight the impact of your work?

I have many inspirational stories about people turning their lives around once they’ve understood their unique astrological energies including a woman who, unbeknown to many, had succumbed to alcoholism and drug abuse, who had lost her children to social care and was in total despair. She came to me following a friend of hers having her astrology done by me. As I was going through her astrology, I could literally see the lightbulbs going on in her head! Within 2 years of her astrology report she had regained her true essence, acknowledged her natural talents and found work she relished, became alcohol and drug free, married and got her children back having proven a safe, secure future ahead for them. Astrology can make this kind of difference!

On a lighter note, and as I have a good sense of humour, I want to share this very comical situation. I’m known to have a very calming voice which is pretty good for meditation. I start each session with my clients with a restful meditation before discussing their astrology report or carrying out an Oracle Card Reading. I have international clients and was doing a video call with an American client at the time – it was 8pm my time, 12 noon California time. My client was receiving the call at her home in a ranch-style setting with very high ceilings and exposed rafters. I knew she had responded very well to my soothing meditation, and it came to the part where she needed to come out of meditation and re-enter the room. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t seem to rally her from her slumbers, and I was at a loss as to what to do! As I was sitting their looking at my screen thinking of my options, suddenly a large dark blob came down from the ceiling rafters right on top of her and she got up and ran screaming round the room! I was aghast! “Oh My God” my client kept repeating and I was really perplexed by this time. She said, “Oh My God Stevie, you not only put me under, you put my cat under too and she fell from the rafters” Once I had determined that the cat was perfectly OK and that my client was in one piece, I could hardly contain myself. It was one of the funniest experiences I had ever witnessed and luckily my client could see the funny side too and said she would be dining out on that one for weeks to come!

Daily Quietude and Aligning with Astrological Changes

What advice would you give someone just starting to explore spirituality and personal growth?

Check out spiritual, well-being areas that really interest you even if you don’t understand why you’re drawn to them, and please allow yourself at least 15 minutes of Quietude a day…and LISTEN. Listen to what your inner wisdom is guiding you on. There are so many amazing areas of non-religious spirituality to explore from working with crystals, oracle cards, astrology, mediumship, reiki, sound baths, tarot, yoga, ayurvedic practice, meditation, and many more. Open your mind, heart, and soul to the possibilities without judging anything. Use your intuition and engage with your psychic, telepathic channels – we all have them, we’ve just been conditioned over time to disconnect from them.

How can people best align themselves with the current astrological energies and make the most of the changes they bring?

At the moment we have some very powerful astrological configurations going on – the Cosmos is really guiding us to Wake Up, to not repeat history, and to not just settle for giving our power away. As I write this, we have a Full Super Blue Moon in Aquarius entering our skies, whilst the Sun is in the zodiac sign of Leo. Aquarius represents humanity and Leo operates from the heart, so the message is to rise above disruption and despair in the outer world, to stand in our own centres, remembering who we are with authenticity and integrity, to work with the energies from Source and to co-create a world in which kindness, love, peace and joy are the order of the day, and not jealousy, greed, hate and misuse of power. We are being asked to Wake Up to the possibilities of a new age – the Age of Aquarius which we are now entering, where the emphasis is on the collective, not just the individual; where we take care of our communities, our wildlife, our environment, and our planet, guided by the Cosmos. Where we can be at one with the rest of the Universe.

What are some daily practices to help people improve their spiritual growth and connection?

Quietude. Spend at least 15 minutes a day in Quietude. This can be a room with calming energy, a favourite spot in nature or a walk by the Ocean. Quietude means finding Quiet in Solitude. Everyone else needs to be banned from approaching you during this time. Meditate by listening to calming music. Switch your brain off and let yourself surrender to nothingness. If you’re a really busy person, add Quietude to your Action List so that you actually do it!

Connecting with Clients: Preparation, Symbolism, and Spiritual Integrity

How do you prepare to connect deeply with clients during your readings or sessions?

Meditation beforehand, without fail, even if it’s for 2 minutes – it allows clients to switch off from external pressures and open themselves up to the session ahead.

How do you keep your psychic or spiritual practice true to yourself and your values?

I always remind myself that the Soul loves the Truth. The truth presents itself – you don’t judge it or analyse it – you work from your energy centres and trust.

How do you handle symbols or messages during a reading?

I always embrace them. They have presented themselves for a reason – they want to be heard. I pick up messages all the time – both physical and via frequencies. I always shuffle decks with my eyes closed so that if a card wishes to flip out to be heard, I am not controlling it.

How do you manage negative or challenging energies during a reading?

I have occasionally come across people whose energy is “closed off” and this can be because their heart is broken, they’re cynical about the process, or they are carrying something so heavy that it is darkening their energy field. This is where I find meditation with them before a reading so helpful. I reassure them that they are in a Sacred Place and that they are being held in Sacred Space where they can be themselves with no judgement or assumptions. I always have a box of tissues handy and a compassionate, supportive disposition.

How do you address predicting future events or outcomes during a reading?

I don’t. I never predict future events or outcomes during a reading. My clients “own” their reading – this is what makes my readings so unique.

How do you deal with questions about fate versus free will during astrology readings?

I don’t have to ever address this. I don’t do readings in the same way that many others do. And those who come to me to understand their astrology are already fascinated by the subject and can resonate with so much of what is being said and discussed that these questions are never asked.

How do you assist clients going through spiritual crises or existential questions?

By helping them take baby steps into a new dimension. In astrology there are many planetary aspects – zodiac signs, zodiac houses, elements, planets and planetary transits all holding incredibly helpful support, influence and energy based on each individual’s unique astrological DNA. Once this is uncovered, all sorts of crises can be managed, overcome or avoided.

What happens to the soul after death?

I believe that we are as one with the Universe. We are made from stardust. Our spirit lives on in our loved ones and the Soul rejoins Source.

Have you ever had a psychic experience that you couldn’t fully understand?

Not specifically but I see energy, auras, and light refractions and feel and hear frequencies in a room that no-one else appears to see or hear but I’m not sure yet what any of this means. All I know at this point is that they provide me with much comfort.

From Daily Rituals to Future Spiritual Goals

How do you maintain your own spiritual well-being when you’re not working?

I am a sea swimmer – I have a deep connection with the ocean and water – the tides of the Moon. I meditate a great deal and place myself in Quietude as much as possible. I use cold showers everyday (this isn’t as bad as it sounds – start with a normal warm shower then turn the tap round to cold and chant or hum – it takes the initial pain away). Once you start you will want to do it every day. It wakes up the nerve centres and makes you tingle all over. It is also amazing for the immune system too and it sharpens your antennae.

I also relax, spend time with my friends, and laugh a lot.

What do you see as the role of psychic readings or spiritual guidance in people’s lives?

Everyone needs support and for their energy to be heard. People need help finding their own answers from within and my spiritual guidance and readings help them to connect with their Soul and their inner sanctuary.

What’s next for spirituality and your role in it?

I think the potential for spirituality and psychic work has never been bigger. People want to know what else is out there. Lockdown played its part in letting people stop and rethink their values and ask some very important questions. “Is this the way I want to live my life? Am I dancing to someone else’s tune? Have I given my power away to others?” People have an appetite to explore areas which have previously been conditioned out of our lives.

I have a personal vision which includes the words “Retreat”, “Therapists”, “Round House”- watch this space!

Stevie Walshe Contact details

