Interview with Psychic Medium Karla Gutierrez

Karla Gutierrez psychic medium

Karla Gutierrez is a gifted psychic medium who transitioned from a 20-year graphic design career to full-time spiritual work. Surrounded by a family of spiritualists, Karla offers mediumship, psychic readings, past life exploration, and energy healing. Her sessions, including private readings and group events, have made a profound impact on her clients. Learn more about her remarkable journey and spiritual services in her interview.

Table of Contents

Born This Way!

What was it like growing up with your psychic abilities and the spiritual experiences around you?

I was born with these unique abilities and have used them as far back as I can remember. I have been involved in spiritual practices my entire life. It has always been there, no beginning, no end. I have learned directly from spirit, and I grew up in a metaphysical/spiritual family. I was surrounded by real deal mediums, psychics, High Priestesses and Priests and Spiritualists in my close family circle my entire life that helped me deal with these abilities and mentor me from the time a I was a child.

This “gift” runs in my family. I was initiated into the Rosicrucian’s at 12/13 yrs old. My father, now in the spirit world, was a 33rd degree Master Mason. From as far back as I can remember, I would hear many voices like a loud party every night with music, the clinging of glasses and silverware, bells etc. It sounded very busy and festive. They would call my name asking me to join them night after night. It was so loud I would go to bed with headphones playing loud music at an attempt to sleep. I have had issues with sleep my entire life. I have been able to set boundaries with spirit, but often times they are not even talking directly to me and I just hear their conversations.

Handling the Physical and Emotional Sides of Being Psychic

How do you manage the physical and emotional challenges of your psychic abilities, and how did your mentor Rose help you with this?

Everyday was and still can be a struggle for me having spiritual experiences that were and still are very physical. My mediumship and psychic abilities are very physical in nature, meaning I literally feel it or become it, it’s the only way I can begin to describe the feeling.

This is a main component of how my mediumship and psychic gift works and it can be very draining and at times, overwhelming. I use all the “clairs” when working, no matter what type of reading I am doing. I live with one foot in the physical world and one foot in the spiritual. It is very hard for me to stay completely connected to this dimension. I do all the things that other people like me have suggested and it just doesn’t work the same for me.

My main spiritual mentor was a woman named Rose. I was 5 years old when I met her, she worked with me trying to keep me grounded in the physical for a long time making special amulets and talismans and she said this is how you are, you want to be out and about and you will have to learn to live with it. She was a phenomenal channeling medium and High Priestess. Rose has had the most impact and been the most significant in my spiritual journey. She understood the things that would happen to me and was always there to help and teach me. Our two families are very close, and I consider her another mother. She recently shed her physical form.

From Corporate to Spiritual Career

What led you to leave your graphic design career and focus full-time on your spiritual business?

I left the corporate world many years ago to focus full time on a spiritual business. I worked in Corporate America most of my professional career. I worked as a Graphic Designer for well over 20 years. I did readings on the side to help people. I have been laid off 3 times during my 20 plus years of working as a Graphic Designer and the last time I got laid off is when this turned into more of a fulltime business. My wife encouraged me to do this full-time. I looked for another design gig for 2 years! The universe and my guides said we want you to focus on your spiritual work and you are not going to find another graphic design job.

Memorable Spirit Guide Stories

Can you share a memorable experience with spirit guides?

I have many memorable experiences during my time working with clients and just on my own. This experience I want to share shows you how nothing is coincidence. Spirit will take any opportunity to get a message to a loved one who needs it.

One of my regular clients booked an appointment and she said, I’m not sure why I booked, something kept pushing me so I went with it. She booked for a psychic reading, but it ended up being a mediumship reading. I told her I know you want a psychic reading, but I have a young male who passed recently, tragic and unexpected. I started bringing forward details of the young man and then she made the connection. Her friend recently lost her son in a tragic car crash.

She was able to share messages with her friend and she booked a session immediately. I know this young man pushed her to book knowing he would get a message to his mother and that she would then make an appointment. This happens frequently where someone is getting a reading and someone comes through for another family member or friend. In this case he pushed her to book with me when she didn’t want or need a reading at the time to be able to get a message to his mother! The Spirit people never cease to amaze me on how they can manipulate situations.

Another one I want to share is when a client told me I showed up in a dream with his parents to give him the location of specific legal paperwork he had been looking for that saved him. I do a lot of work while I am sleeping and astral traveling, I may not remember all of it, but I know I do it. I have many stories! I have had many experiences with Yeshua (Jesus) in the astral dimension and other Ascended Masters and Archangels.

Jesus came to me in the astral dimension for the first time when I was 17/18 and I was really struggling with my “gifts” I would often say I don’t know how I am going to live the rest of my life like this, it was difficult and other psychics and mediums did not have the same types of experiences and did not understand, except of course for Rose. It felt like I walked and talked with him for a long time. He answered questions and gave me lots of information. So when someone knocks on my door and asks me if I know Jesus, I laugh and say YES I do, personally!

Mediumship, Psychic Insights, and Healing Services

How do you get ready for a psychic session with a client?

The session for the client starts before I see them on video or call. Before every session I take about 45 min to 1hr to do an opening. This is where I prepare and connect to the invisible world. I make my connection and start writing down information for the client, whether it is a psychic reading, mediumship or past life reading. I raise my vibration and tap into the frequency needed before the session to better serve my client. I like to teach my clients as well when I am doing a session, I will explain spiritual things in a way they will understand if they are starting at the beginning of their spiritual journey. Not everyone knows what a chakra is or a soul contract!

What types of readings and services do you offer?

I offer mediumship, psychic and past life readings. I offer combo readings of mediumship and psychic readings, Spiritual counseling for individuals with abilities or questions about anything spiritual in nature. I offer group mediumship/gallery readings for 2 hrs, and psychic parties with 15 minute mini readings for each guest for private parties and events. I offer energy work/healing. I am a Reiki Master in several modalities of Reiki and Quantum Touch Practitioner for people and animals. I once gave Reiki to a lion with a neurological condition. My love for animals is limitless.

During an evidential mediumship reading my clients get the connection they need, they often get answers to questions that have been unanswered or bothering them and the knowing that their loved one is still connected to them is important. I have had clients tell me I have helped them more in 1 hour than 10 years of therapy and that is why I continue to do this work.

I frequently take on the personality or mannerisms and way of speaking of those on the other side, another form of evidential mediumship. I will say things that the sitter only knows about or can understand. I never really comprehend the effect a reading has until someone tells me, that is when I know I am doing what I was meant to do.

My psychic readings play out like scripts according to my clients. During readings the client will tell me no, that just can’t be, and I say, well, that is what I see or hear/feel. I tell people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear, I refuse to sugar coat because that helps no one. I will deliver in a kind, compassionate manner the information I am receiving regardless of the type of reading.

Clients always contact me letting me know what I told them has indeed happened or outcome has occurred exactly the way I described, down to the timeline if I gave one. It still leaves me astonished and most likely always will.

Contact Karla Gutierrez



Psychic Medium Karla (@psychic_medium_karla)

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